Mac::iTunes -





Creates a new Mac::iTunes object. If you specify a filename argument the object uses that file as the iTunes Music Library to initialize the object, otherwise the object is empty (so you can build a new library).

Returns false on failure.


Creates a new Mac::iTunes controller object. See Mac::iTunes::Applescript for methods.


In list context, returns a list of the titles of the playlists. In scalar context, returns the number of playlists.

get_playlist( PLAYLIST )

Takes a playlist title argument.

Extracts a Mac::Playlist object from the music library. Returns false if the playlist does not exist.

add_playlist( OBJECT )

Takes a Mac::iTunes::Playlist objext as its only argument.

Adds the playlist to the music library.

delete_playlist( PLAYLIST | OBJECT )

Takes a playlist title or Mac::iTunes::Playlist object as an argument.

Removes the playlist from the music library.

playlist_exists( PLAYLIST | OBJECT )

Takes a playlist title or Mac::iTunes::Playlist object as an argument.

Returns true if the playlist exists in the music library, and false otherwise.

The playlist exists if the music library has a playlist with the same title, or if the object matches another object in the music library. See Mac::iTunes::Playlist to see how one playlist object may match another.

NOTE: at the moment, if you use an object argument, the function extracts the title of the playlist and sees if that title is in the library. this is just a placeholder until i come up with something better.

read( FILENAME )

Reads the named iTunes Music Library file and uses it to form the music library object, replacing any other data already in the object.


Merges the current music library with the one in the named file or Mac::iTunes object. Does not affect the object argument.


Returns the music library as a string suitable for an iTunes Music Object file.


* everything - the list of things already done is much shorter.



Copyright 2002, brian d foy <>

You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl.