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- new_from_directory( TITLE, DIRECTORY )
Create a playlist from all of the MP3 files in the named directory.
- title
Returns the title of the playlist.
- items
In list context, returns a list of the items in the playlist.
In scalar context, returns the number of items in the playlist.
- next_item
Not implemented
- previous_item
Not implemented
- add_item( OBJECT )
Adds the Mac::iTunes::Item object to the playlist.
Returns false or the empty list if the argument is not a Mac::iTunes::Item object.
- delete_item( INDEX )
Deletes the item at index INDEX (counting from zero).
Returns false is the INDEX is greater than the index of the last item. Returns true otherwise.
- merge( PLAYLIST )
Adds the items in PLAYLIST to the current playlist and returns the number of items added.
Returns undefined (or the empty list) if the argument is not the right sort of object. Returns 0 if no items were added (which might not be an error).
This method does a deep copy of the Items object. Identical items show up as different objects in each playlist so that the playlists do not refer to each other.
- random_item
In scalar context, returns a random item from the playlist.
In list context, returns the item, the index of the item, and the total count of items.
Returns false or the empty list if the playlist has no items.
- copy
Return a deep copy of the playlist. The returned object will not refer (as in, point to the same data) as the original object.
Mac::iTunes, Mac::iTunes::Item
* everything - the list of things already done is much shorter.
Copyright 2002, brian d foy <bdfoy@cpan.org>
You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl.