Module::Extract::Namespaces - extract the package declarations from a module


use Module::Extract::Namespaces;

# in scalar context, extract first package namespace
my $namespace  = Module::Extract::Namespaces->from_file( $filename );
if( Module::Extract::Namespaces->error ) { ... }

# in list context, extract all namespaces
my @namespaces = Module::Extract::Namespaces->from_file( $filename );
if( Module::Extract::Namespaces->error ) { ... }

# can do the Perl 5.12 package syntax with possible versions
# in list context, extract all namespaces and versions as duples
my @namespaces = Module::Extract::Namespaces->from_file( $filename, 1 );
if( Module::Extract::Namespaces->error ) { ... }


This module extracts package declarations from Perl code without running the code.

It does not extract:

  • packages declared dynamically (e.g. in eval)

  • packages created as part of a fully qualified variable name

Class methods

from_module( MODULE, [ @DIRS ] )

Extract the namespaces declared in MODULE. In list context, it returns all of the namespaces, including possible duplicates. In scalar context it returns the first declared namespace.

You can specify a list of directories to search for the module. If you don't, it uses @INC by default.

If it cannot find MODULE, it returns undef in scalar context and the empty list in list context.

On failure it returns nothing, but you have to check with error to see if that is really an error or a file with no namespaces in it.


Extract the namespaces declared in FILENAME. In list context, it returns all of the namespaces, including possible duplicates. In scalar context it returns the first declared namespace.

If FILENAME does not exist, it returns undef in scalar context and the empty list in list context.

On failure it returns nothing, but you have to check with error to see if that is really an error or a file with no namespaces in it.

Subclassable hooks


Return the base class for the PDOM. This is PPI by default. If you want to use something else, you'll have to change all the other PDOM methods to adapt to the different interface.

This is the class name to use with require to load the module that while handle the parsing.


Return the class name to use to create the PDOM object. This is PPI::Document.

get_pdom( FILENAME )

Creates the PDOM from FILENAME. This depends on calls to pdom_base_class and pdom_document_class.

$class->pdom_preprocess( PDOM )

Override this method to play with the PDOM before extracting the package declarations.

By default, it strips Pod and comments from the PDOM.

$class->pdom_strip_pod( PDOM )

Strips Pod documentation from the PDOM.

$class->pdom_strip_comments( PDOM )

Strips comments from the PDOM.

$class->get_namespaces_from_pdom( PDOM )

Extract the namespaces from the PDOM. It returns a list of package names in the order that it finds them in the PDOM. It does not remove duplicates (do that later if you like).

$class->get_namespaces_and_versions_from_pdom( PDOM )

This extracts version information if the package statement uses the Perl 5.12 syntax:


Extract the namespaces from the PDOM. It returns a list anonymous arrays of package names and versions in the order that it finds them in the PDOM. It does not remove duplicates (do that later if you like).


Return the error from the last call to get_modules.


* Add caching based on file digest?


This code is in Github:



brian d foy, <>

This module was partially funded by The Perl Foundation ( and LogicLAB (, both of whom provided travel assistance to the 2008 Oslo QA Hackathon where I created this module.


Copyright (c) 2008-2014, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.

You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.