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use strict;
use base qw(Exporter);
use vars qw($VERSION);
our @EXPORT = qw(
pause_ftp_site should_upload_to_pause pause_claim set_pause_ftp_site
pause_claim_base_url pause_claim_content pause_claim_content_type
$VERSION = '2.05_07';
=head1 NAME
Module::Release::PAUSE - Interact with the Perl Authors Upload Server (PAUSE)
The release script automatically loads this module if it thinks that you
want to upload to PAUSE by noticing the C<cpan_user> configuration
=over 4
=item set_pause_ftp_site( HOSTNAME )
Set the name of the PAUSE FTP site. If you pass it something that
doesn't look like a host name, it warns and doesn't set anything.
sub set_pause_ftp_site
no warnings 'uninitialized';
unless( $_[1] =~ /^[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)+\z/ )
$_[0]->_warn( "The argument [$_[0]] does not look like a hostname" );
$_[0]->{pause_ftp_site} = $_[1];
=item pause_ftp_site
Return the hostname for PAUSE uploads.
sub pause_ftp_site
$_[0]->{pause_ftp_site} || 'pause.perl.org';
=item should_upload_to_pause
Returns true is the object thinks it should upload a distro to PAUSE.
sub should_upload_to_pause
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$_[0]->_debug( "CPAN user: " . $_[0]->config->cpan_user .
" | CPAN pass: " . $_[0]->config->cpan_pass . "\n" );
$_[0]->config->cpan_user && $_[0]->config->cpan_pass
=item pause_claim
Claim the file in PAUSE
sub pause_claim
require HTTP::Request;
require CACertOrg::CA;
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->should_upload_to_pause;
my $ua = $self->get_web_user_agent;
$ua->ssl_opts( verify_hostnames => 1 );
$ua->ssl_opts( SSL_ca_file => CACertOrg::CA::SSL_ca_file() );
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $self->pause_claim_base_url );
$request->content_type( $self->pause_claim_content_type );
$request->content( $self->pause_claim_content );
$self->config->cpan_user, $self->config->cpan_pass );
my $response = $ua->request( $request );
$self->_print( "PAUSE upload ",
$response->as_string =~ /Query succeeded/ ? "successful" : 'failed',
"\n" );
=item pause_claim_base_url
The base URL to claim something in PAUSE. This is
XXX: This should read from pause_ftp_site probably
sub pause_claim_base_url { 'https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery' }
=item pause_claim_content
Construct the data for the POST request to claim a file in PAUSE.
sub pause_claim_content
require CGI; CGI->import( qw(-oldstyle_urls) );
my $cgi = CGI->new();
$cgi->param( 'HIDDENNAME', $_[0]->config->cpan_user );
$cgi->param( 'CAN_MULTIPART', 1 );
$cgi->param( 'pause99_add_uri_upload', $_[0]->remote_file );
$cgi->param( 'SUBMIT_pause99_add_uri_upload', 'Upload the checked file' );
$cgi->param( 'pause99_add_uri_sub', 'pause99_add_uri_subdirtext' );
=item pause_claim_content_type
The content type for the POST request to claim a file in PAUSE. This is
sub pause_claim_content_type { 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
=head1 SEE ALSO
This source is in Github:
=head1 AUTHOR
brian d foy, C<< <bdfoy@cpan.org> >>
Copyright (c) 2007-2011, brian d foy, All Rights Reserved.
You may redistribute this under the same terms as Perl itself.