Changes for version 1.26 - 2009-08-17

  • More heuristics to guess the primary package in a distro
  • Some files have private packages that start with _, so those should stay hidden
  • Refactored the bits to guess the primary package


base class for MyCPAN components
Provide a way for the various components to communicate
Pass out work to sub-processes
Pass out work in the same process
Index a Perl distribution
Present the run info as colored text
Present the run info in a terminal
Present the run info as plain text
Index a Perl distribution
Tiny class for MyCPAN component note passing
Do nothing components
Find distributions to index
Save the result as a YAML file
Common bits for MyCPAN reporter classes
Count the Test modules used in test suites
How the pieces fit together
Do the indexing


in lib/App/