Visitor - a sample Visitor object for Netscape bookmarks


use Netscape::Bookmarks;
use Visitor;

my $netscape = Netscape::Bookmarks->new( 'Bookmarks.html' );
my $visitor = Visitor->new();

my $netscape->introduce( $visitor );


This class is an example Visitor class for Netscape::Bookmarks. It dispatches the visit to a method depending on what sort of object it visits. For all objects, a short message is output to standard output. For a link object, it calls in HTTP::SimpleLinkChecker if you have it and then checks the link.

You can use this as a starting point for your own Visitor.


No big whoop. It simply creates an uninteresting object that knows it's class so we can dispatch with it.


The Netscape::AcceptVisitors module requires this method. Use visit() to dispatch a visit to the right method. How you do that is up to you.

Beyond that, look at the code.


brian d foy <>


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

If you send me modifications or new features, I will do my best to incorporate them into future versions. You can interact with the Sourceforge porject for this module at


Netscape::Bookmarks, Netscape::Bookmarks::AcceptVisitor

2 POD Errors

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