Name: strings Description: extract strings Author: Nathan Scott Thompson, quimby at city-net dot com License:


strings - extract strings


strings [-afo] [-n length] [-t {d|o|x}] [file ...]


strings prints strings gleaned from the given files (or from standard input.) By default strings of less than 4 characters are ignored. A string is considered to be any sequence of graphical ASCII characters (plus space and tab).


-f            Print the file name with each string.

-n length     Set the minimum length of strings to print; 4 by default.

-o            Print each string with the octal offset in the file.
              (Same as -to).

-t {d|o|x}    Print each string with the offset in the file;
              specify decimal, octal or hexadecimal respectively.

The -a option is included for compatibility with older versions but does nothing.


Things are seldom what they seem,
Skim milk masquerades as cream;
Highlows pass as patent leathers;
Jackdaws strut in peacock's feathers.