Revision history for Perl module PerlPowerTools
1.009 2016-08-30T08:16:23Z
Fix some Makefile.PL issues (pauloscustodio)
1.007_01 2016-03-07T19:05:46Z
Exit gracefully in robots if Curses isn't installed
since a die in a BEGIN is a compilation error when
Skip -x tests on Windows.
1.007 2016-03-06T18:24:26Z
Make it easier to install on Windows (Kevin Phair)
GitHub issue #32/33
1.006 2015-04-20T23:49:58Z
Add docs about the default install location to the
README and module docs.
Fix the diff docs (GitHub #20)
1.005 2015-04-17T01:20:12Z
Don't install at the same location as perl. Make the
user think about where to install them so these tools
don't interfere with the real tools of the same name.
1.004 - 2014-12-20
Try to get first come permissions on ppt so I can close those
tickets (and release something to replace ppt)
1.003 - 2014-12-18
All programs have embedded metadata (Tim Gim Yee)
Fixes to wc, paste (Dmitri Tikhonov)
The repo is now PerlPowerTools, not the old ppt
factor now works correctly (Dana Jacobsen)
A typo fix in diff (Sergey Romanov)
1.002_03 - 2014-09-15
Add tests for true and false (that's easy!)
Start the TODO file with what needs to happen
Fix some programs for v5.21 and disappearing syntax
1.002_02 - 2014-09-15
Fix syntax deprecations enforced in v5.22
1.02_01 - 2014-09-14
Let's try a different way of running the command to compile
the programs
1.02 - 2014-09-12
Trim the distribution, drastically. Let MetaCPAN be the website.
1.01 - 2014-09-12
Let's update Perl Power Tools and make it easier to find
I'm not sure all of the programs even ran, but at least they
compile now
I've probably broken some things, but now I want to see what's
0.14 - 2004-08-04
'make manifest' skips legit tarballs, fixed with new utillity, Casey West
New col and words, Ronald J Kimball
Website now includes version number, Casey West
0.13 - 2004-07-23
Casey West takes over management.
grep/tcgrep - New revision by Paul Johnson
sort/sort.pudge - New revision by Chris Nandor
html/poem.html - Added, found in LWN archives, Casey West
Tom's ambition was found in his mkidx script, exposed by Casey West
Most recent known original ppt dist included, Casey West