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=begin metadata
Name: words
Description: find words which can be made from a string of letters
Author: Ronald J Kimball, rjk-perl@tamias.net
License: perl
=end metadata
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '1.2';
use vars qw($opt_w $opt_m);
getopts('w:m:') || die "Bad options.\n";
my $dir = dirname($0);
my $wordlist = $opt_w || "$dir/wordlist";
unless (@ARGV) {
warn "usage: $0 [-w <word-file>] [-m <min-length>] <letters>\n";
my $minlen = $opt_m || 0; # minimum word length
if ($minlen =~ /\D/) {
die "$0: <min-length> must be a whole number\n";
open(DICT, $wordlist) or # open word list
die "Unable to open $wordlist: $!\n";
$| = 1;
my $letters = shift;
my $words = 0;
my %letters;
$letters = lc $letters; # convert to lowercase
$letters =~ tr/a-z//cd; # strip non-letter characters
foreach (split(//, $letters)) { # store letter counts
while (defined($word = <DICT>)) {
# for each word in list
next WORD if (length($word) < $minlen);
# verify length
next WORD if ($word =~ /[^$letters]/o);
# verify letters used
# comments also skipped here
my %word;
foreach (split(//, $word)) { # verify letter counts
next WORD if ($word{$_} > $letters{$_});
print "$word\n"; # success - print word
} # WORD: while (defined($word = <DICT>))
=head1 NAME
words - find words which can be made from a string of letters
B<words> [B<-w> I<word-file>] [B<-m> I<min-length>] I<letters>
B<words> prints all the uncapitalized words in the word list that can
be made from the string of letters. Each letter can appear in a word
once for each time it appears in the string.
=head2 OPTIONS
B<words> accepts the following options:
=over 4
=item B<-w> I<word-file>
By default, B<words> looks for a word-file named 'wordlist' in the
same directory as the executable. Use the B<-w> option to specify the
path to an alternate word list.
=item B<-m> I<min-length>
By default, B<words> prints words of any length that can be made from
the string of letters. Use the B<-m> option to specify the minimum
length of each word. B<words> will skip any words that are less than
the specified length.
=head1 FILES
=over 4
=item F<wordlist>
The list of words, found with the executable.
For a comprehensive word list, the author recommends the ENABLE word
list, with more than 172,000 words, which can be found at
=head1 BUGS
This implementation of B<words> has no known bugs.
=head1 AUTHOR
This implementation of B<words> in Perl was written by Ronald J Kimball,
This program is copyright 1999 by Ronald J Kimball.
This program is free and open software. You may use, modify, or
distribute this program (and any modified variants) in any way you
wish, provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.