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=begin metadata
Name: xargs
Description: construct argument list(s) and execute utility
Author: Gurusamy Sarathy,
=end metadata
# An xargs clone.
# Gurusamy Sarathy <>
my %o;
getopts('tn:l:s:I:', \%o) or die <<USAGE;
$0 [-t] [-n num] [-l num] [-s size] [-I repl] prog [args]
-t trace execution (prints commands to STDERR)
-n num pass at most 'num' arguments in each invocation of 'prog'
-l num pass at most 'num' lines of STDIN as 'args' in each invocation
-s size pass 'args' amounting at most to 'size' bytes in each invocation
-I repl for each line in STDIN, replace all 'repl' strings in 'args'
before execution
my @args = ();
$o{I} ||= '{}' if exists $o{I};
$o{l} = 1 if $o{I};
while (1) {
my $line = "";
my $totlines = 0;
while (<STDIN>) {
$line .= $_ if $o{I};
push @args, grep defined, quotewords('\s+', 1, $_);
last if $o{n} and @args >= $o{n};
last if $o{s} and length("@args") >= $o{s};
last if $o{l} and $totlines >= $o{l};
my @run = @ARGV;
if ($o{I}) {
exit(0) unless length $line;
for (@run) { s/\Q$o{I}\E/$line/g; }
elsif ($o{n}) {
exit(0) unless @args;
push @run, splice(@args, 0, $o{n});
else {
exit(0) unless @args;
push @run, @args;
@args = ();
if ($o{t}) { local $" = "', '"; warn "exec '@run'\n"; }
system(@run) == 0 or exit($? >> 8);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
xargs - construct argument list(s) and execute utility