hexdump - print input as hexadecimal
hexdump [-cu] [-n NUMBER] [-s NUMBER] file ..
hexdump [-ru] file ...
Data is read from stdin if no input files are provided. The default output mode is canonical hex+ASCII. Each line begins with an offset number followed by a space-separated list of 16 hex bytes. Finally, printable input characters are listed between two '|' characters.
The following options are available:
- -c
Output a space-separated list of ASCII characters. Non-print characters are listed in octal, or a C-escape code.
Terminate the process after reading a set NUMBER of input bytes. The number argument must be given in decimal. Input skipped by the -s option is not counted.
- -r
Revert a hex dump back to binary. Input is expected to be formatted as canonical hex+ASCII. The initial offset address and the ASCII suffix of each line are ignored. Input lines may have zero or more hex bytes; running over 16 bytes is supported. Spaces between hex digits are ignored. An odd number of hex digits on a line results in an error.
Setting -r causes all other options to be ignored except -u. It is possible to specify multiple input files.
Skip a set NUMBER of bytes at the beginning of input. The number argument must be given in decimal. The offset number printed on output is advanced to reflect the skipped bytes.
- -u
Output runs in unbuffered mode.
No option exists for setting an output filename, so the -r option will write binary data to a terminal if stdout is not redirected.
No support for multi-byte hex display, or plain hex output.
Written by Michael Mikonos.
Copyright (c) 2023 Michael Mikonos.
This code is licensed under the Artistic License 2.