package WWW::Simpy;
use 5.006001;
use strict;
use URI;
use constant API_NETLOC => "";
use constant API_REALM => "/simpy/api/rest";
use constant API_BASE => "http://" . API_NETLOC . API_REALM . "/";
use constant PUBLIC => 1;
use constant PRIVATE => 0;
use constant SUCCESS => 0;
use constant PARAMETER_MISSING => 100;
use constant NONEXISTENT_ENTITY => 200;
use constant TRANSIENT_ERROR => 300;
use constant STORAGE_ERROR => 301;
use constant QUOTA_REACHED => 500;
# must be all on one line, or MakeMaker will get confused
our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.14 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%03d" x $#r, @r };
require Exporter;
use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# This allows declaration use Simpy ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
# Preloaded methods go here.
# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!
=head1 NAME
WWW::Simpy - Perl interface to Simpy social bookmarking service
use Simpy;
my $sim = new Simpy;
my $cred = { user => "demo", pass => "demo" };
my $opts = { limit => 10 };
my $tags = $sim->GetTags($cred, $opts) || die $sim->status;
foreach my $k (keys %{$tags}) {
print "tag $k has a count of " . $tags->{$k} . "\n";
my $opts = { limit => 10, q = "search" };
my $links = $sim->GetTags($cred, $opts) || die $sim->status;
foreach my $k (keys %{$links}) {
print "url $k was added " . $links->{$k}->{addDate} . "\n";
my $opts = { fromTag => 'rose', toTag => 'another name' };
$sim->RenameTag($cred, $opts) || die $sim->status;
print $sim->message . "\n";
This module provides a Perl interface to the Simpy social bookmarking
THIS IS AN ALPHA RELEASE. This module should not be relied on for any
purpose, beyond serving as an indication that a reliable version will be
forthcoming at some point the future.
This module is being developed as part of the "mesh pooling" component
ofthe Transpartisan Meshworks project ( ).
The mesh pool will integrate social bookmarking and collaborative
content development in a single application.
=head2 EXPORT
=head3 accessorType
The accessorType property of a link may be PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
=head3 code
The Simpy status code may be any of the following constants.
# SUCCESS - Success
# PARAMETER_MISSING - Required parameter missing
# NONEXISTENT_ENTITY - Non-existent entity
# TRANSIENT_ERROR - Transient data retrieval error
# STORAGE_ERROR - Entity storage error
# QUOTA_REACHED - Storage quota exceeded
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Constructor Method
Simpy object constructor method.
my $s = new Simpy;
sub new {
my ($class, $user) = @_;
# set up
my $self = {
_ua => LWP::UserAgent->new,
_status => undef,
_pa => new XML::Parser(Style => 'Objects'),
_message => undef,
_code => undef
# configure our web user agent
my $ua = $self->{_ua};
$ua->agent("WWW::Simpy $VERSION ($agent)");
push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST';
$self->{_ua} = $ua;
# okay, we can go now
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# internal utility functions - not public methods
sub do_rest {
my ($self, $do, $cred, $qry) = @_;
# set up our REST query
my $uri = URI->new_abs($do, API_BASE);
# talk to the REST server
my $ua = $self->{"_ua"};
$ua->credentials(API_NETLOC, API_REALM, $cred->{'user'}, $cred->{'pass'});
my $resp = $ua->post($uri, $qry);
$ua->credentials(API_NETLOC, API_REALM, undef, undef);
$self->{_status} = $resp->status_line;
if ($resp->status_line !~ /^200/) {
$self->{_status} .= "\n" . $resp->content;
# return document, or undef if not successful
return $resp->content if ($resp->is_success);
# Do the rest call.
sub do_rest_old {
my ($self, $do, $cred, $qry) = @_;
# set up our REST query
my $uri = URI->new_abs($do, API_BASE);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $uri);
$req->authorization_basic($cred->{'user'}, $cred->{'pass'});
# talk to the REST server
my $ua = $self->{"_ua"};
my $resp = $ua->request($req);
$self->{_status} = $resp->status_line;
# return document, or undef if not successful
return $resp->content if ($resp->is_success);
# Read the XML returned, and return an object
sub read_response {
my ($self, $xml) = @_;
# parse the xml to get
my $p = $self->{_pa};
my $anon;
eval { $anon = $p->parse($xml); }; # trap errors
$self->{_status} = $@;
# get Kids of the first xml object therein (there should only be one)
my $obj = @{$anon}[0];
my @kids = @{$obj->{Kids}};
# set message if one was returned
my $code = undef;
my $msg = undef;
foreach my $k (@kids) {
next if ((ref $k) =~ /::Characters$/);
my $ref = ref $k;
$ref =~ s/.*::([^\:]*)$/$1/;
$code = $k->{'Kids'}->[0]->{'Text'} if $ref eq 'code';
$msg = $k->{'Kids'}->[0]->{'Text'} if $ref eq 'message';
$self->{_message} = $msg;
$self->{_code} = $code;
# return those kids as an array
return @kids;
=head2 Accessor Methods
Return status information from API method calls.
=head3 status
Return the HTTP status of the last call to the Simpy REST server, or
syntax errors from the XML::Parser module, if any.
sub status {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_status};
=head3 message
Return the message string, if any, returned by the last Simpy REST method.
sub message {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_message};
=head3 code
Return the Simpy error code, if any, returned by the last Simpy REST
sub code {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->{_code};
=head2 REST API Methods
about required and optional parameters for these methods.
=head3 GetTags
Returns a hash reference of tag/count pairs.
my $tags = $s->GetTags($cred, $opts);
print "The tag 'dolphin' has a count of " . $tags->{dolphin};
sub GetTags {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
my @kids = read_response($self, $xml);
my %tags;
foreach my $k (@kids) {
my $name = $k->{name};
next unless (defined $name);
my $count = $k->{count};
$tags{$name} = $count;
return \%tags;
=head3 RemoveTag
Removes a tag via the Simpy API. Returns a true result if successful.
sub RemoveTag {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
return read_response($self, $xml);
=head3 RenameTag
Renames a tag via the Simpy API. Returns a true result if successful.
sub RenameTag {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
return read_response($self, $xml);
=head3 RenameTag
Merges two tags via the Simpy API. Returns a true result if successful.
sub MergeTags {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
return read_response($self, $xml);
=head3 SplitTag
Splits a tag via the Simpy API. Returns a true result if successful.
sub SplitTag {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
return read_response($self, $xml);
=head3 GetLinks
Returns an hash reference of links, keyed by url. Each link is in turn
a hash reference of link properties, keyed by property name. The
value of the 'tags' property keys is an array reference of tags. All
other properties tag a scalar value.
The exported constants PUBLIC and PRIVATE can be used to check the value
of the accessType property.
sub GetLinks {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
my @kids = read_response($self, $xml);
my %links;
foreach my $k (@kids) {
next if ((ref $k) =~ /::Characters$/);
my %hash;
$hash{'accessType'} = { $k->{accessType} eq "public" } ? PUBLIC : PRIVATE;
my @prop = @{$k->{Kids}};
foreach my $p (@prop) {
next if ((ref $p) =~ /::Characters$/);
my $ref = ref $p;
$ref =~ s/.*::([^\:]*)$/$1/;
my $obj = $p->{Kids};
if ($ref eq 'tags') {
my @tags;
foreach $t (@{$obj}) {
next if ((ref $t) =~ /::Characters$/);
push @tags, $t->{Kids}->[0]->{'Text'};
$hash{$ref} = \@tags;
} elsif (defined $obj->[0]) {
$hash{$ref} = $obj->[0]->{'Text'};
my $url = $hash{'url'};
$links{$url} = \%hash;
return \%links;
=head3 SaveLink
Splits a tag via the Simpy API. Returns a true result if successful.
sub SaveLink {
my ($self, $cred, $opts) = @_;
my $xml = do_rest($self, "", $cred, $opts);
return unless $xml;
return read_response($self, $xml);
=head1 CAVEATS
This is an early alpha release. Not all methods of the API are
implemented, nor have the sub-modules defining data types for those API
methods been developed.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Beads Land,
Copyright (C) 2006 by Beads Land
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.6.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl you may have available.