Net::Pachube - Perl extension for accessing
use Net::Pachube;
my $pachube = Net::Pachube->new();
my $feed = $pachube->feed($feed_id);
print $feed->title, " ", $feed->status, "\n";
foreach my $i (0..$feed->number_of_streams-1) {
print "Stream ", $i, " value: ", $feed->data_value($i), "\n";
foreach my $tag ($feed->data_tags($i)) {
print " Tag: ", $tag, "\n";
# update several streams at once
$feed->update(data => [0,1,2,3,4]);
# update one stream
$feed->update(data => 99);
This module provides a simple API to fetch and/or update feeds.
new( %parameters )
The constructor creates a new Net:Pachube object. The constructor takes a parameter hash as arguments. Valid parameters in the hash are:
- key
The Pachube API key to use. This parameter is optional. If it is not provided then the value of the environment variable C<PACHUBE_API_KEY> is used.
- url
The base URL to use for all HTTP requests. The default is C<>.
- user_agent
The L<LWP> user agent object to use for all HTTP requests. The default is to create a new one for each new L<Net::Pachube> object.
key( [$new_key] )
This method is an accessor/setter for the key
attribute which is the Pachube API key to use.
url( [$new_url] )
This method is an accessor/setter for the url
attribute which is the base URL to to use for all HTTP requests.
user_agent( [$new_user_agent] )
This method is an accessor/setter for the user_agent
attribute which is the LWP user agent object to use for all HTTP requests.
feed( $feed_id )
This method constructs a new Net::Pachube::Feed object and retrieves the feed data from the server.
create( %parameters )
This method makes a POST
request to create a new feed. If successful, it returns a Net::Pachube::Feed object for the new feed otherwise it returns undef. The following keys are significant in the hash passed to this method:
- title
The title of the new feed. This is the only mandatory attribute.
- description
A description of the new feed.
- icon
The URL of an icon to associate with the new feed.
- website
The URL of a website to associate with the new feed.
An email to associate with the new feed. B<This email address will be publicly available on the L<> site, so please don't use any email address you wish to keep private.>
- exposure
The 'exposure' of the new feed - either 'outdoor' or 'indoor'.
- disposition
The 'disposition' of the new feed - either 'fixed' or 'mobile'.
- domain
The 'domain' of the new feed - either 'physical' or 'virtual'.
- location_name
The name of the location of the new feed.
- lat
The latitude of the new feed.
- lon
The longitude of the new feed.
- ele
The elevation of the new feed.
None by default.
Pachube web site:
Mark Hindess, <>
Copyright (C) 2009 by Mark Hindess
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.