LINE::Bot::API - SDK of the LINE Messaging API for Perl


# in the synopsis.psgi
use strict;
use warnings;
use LINE::Bot::API;
use LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage;
use Plack::Request;

my $bot = LINE::Bot::API->new(
    channel_secret       => $channel_secret,
    channel_access_token => $channel_access_token,

sub {
    my $req = Plack::Request->new(shift);

    unless ($req->method eq 'POST' && $req->path eq '/callback') {
        return [200, [], ['Not Found']];

    unless ($bot->validate_signature($req->content, $req->header('X-Line-Signature'))) {
        return [200, [], ['failed to validate signature']];

    my $events = $bot->parse_events_from_json($req->content);
    for my $event (@{ $events }) {
        next unless $event->is_message_event && $event->is_text_message;

        my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
        $messages->add_text( text => $event->text );
        $bot->reply_message($event->reply_token, $messages->build);

    return [200, [], ["OK"]];


LINE::Bot::API is a client library which lets you easily start using the LINE Messaging API. You can create a bot which runs on the LINE app by registering for a LINE Messaging API account. You can create a Messaging API account from the LINE Business Center.

You can find the Channel secret and Channel access token on the Basic information page on the Channel Console which you can access from the LINE Business Center.

Use this documentation and the LINE Developers documentation to get you started developing your own bot!



Create a new LINE::Bot::API instance.

 my $bot = LINE::Bot::API->new(
    channel_secret       => $channel_secret,
    channel_access_token => $channel_access_token,

reply_message($reply_token, [ $message, ... ] )

Send reply messages to a user, room or group.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
$messages->add_text( text => 'Example reply text' );

my $ret = $bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);
unless ($ret->is_success) {
    # error
    warn $ret->message;
    for my $detail (@{ $ret->details // []}) {
        warn "    detail: " . $detail->{message};

You can get a reply_token from a webhook event object. See the documentation for the parse_events_from_json($json) method.

See also the API reference of this method:

push_message($user_id|$room_id|$group_id, [ $message, ... ])

Send push messages to a user, room or group.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
$messages->add_text( text => 'Example push text' );
$bot->push_message($user_id, $messages->build);

You can get a user_id, room_id or group_id from a webhook event object See the documentation for the parse_events_from_json($json) method.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:

multicast([$user_id, ... ], [ $message, ... ])

Send push messages to multiple users.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
$messages->add_text( text => 'Example push text' );
$bot->multicast([ $user_id ], $messages->build);

You can get a user_id from a webhook event object. See the documentation for the parse_events_from_json($json) method.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:

broadcast([ $message, ... ])

Sends push messages to multiple users at any time.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new;
$messages->add_text( text => 'Example push text' );

See also the LINE Developers API reference of thi smethod:

validate_signature($json, $signature)

my $req = Plack::Request->new( ... );
unless ($bot->validate_signature($req->content, $req->header('X-Line-Signature'))) {
    die 'failed to signature validation';


Parse webhook event objects and build LINE::Bot::API::Event instances.

my $req = Plack::Request->new( ... );
my $events = $bot->parse_events_from_json($req->content);
for my $event (@{ $events }) {
    unless ($event->is_unfollow_event && $event->is_leave_event) {
        # Get a reply_token
        my $reply_token = $event->reply_token;
    if ($event->is_user_event) {
        # Get a user_id
        my $user_id = $event->user_id;
    if ($event->is_room_event) {
        # Get a room_id
        my $room_id = $event->room_id;
    if ($event->is_group_event) {
        # Get a group_id
        my $group_id = $event->group_id;

    if ($event->is_message_event) {
        # Get a message id
        my $message_id = $event->message_id;


Bot leaves a room.


You can get a room_id by a Webhook Event Object. And see also parse_events_from_json($json) method's document.


Bot leaves a group.


You can get a group_id from a webhook event object. See the documentation for the parse_events_from_json($json) method.


Get the original file which was sent by user.

my $ret = $bot->get_message_content($message_id);
if ($ret->is_success) {
    my $filename = $ret->fh->filename;
    open my $fh, '<', $file or die "$!: $file";

You can get a message_id from a webhook event object. See the documentation for the parse_events_from_json($json) method.

You can also see the online API reference documentation.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:


Gets the target limit for additional messages in the current month.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:


Gets the number of messages sent in the current month.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:

get_number_of_message_deliveries({ date => ... })

Get the number of messages sent from LINE official account on a specified day.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:

The argument is a HashRef with one pair of mandatary key-values;

{ date => "20191231" }

The formate of date is "yyyyMMdd", that is, year in 4 digits, month in 2 digits, and date-of-month in 2 digits.

The return value $res is a response object with the following read-only accessors (see the API documentation for the meaning of each.)

$res->status();     #=> Str
$res->broadcast();  #=> Num
$res->targeting();  #=> Num

Notice that the "status" does not mean HTTP status. To inspect actual HTTP status, invoke $res-http_status()>.


Get user profile information.

my $ret = $bot->get_profile($user_id);
if ($ret->is_success) {
    say $ret->display_name;
    say $ret->user_id;
    say $ret->picture_url;
    say $ret->status_message;

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:


Retrieves the demographic attributes for a LINE Official Account's friends.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:

get_group_member_profile($group_id, $user_id)

Get group user profile information.

my $ret = $bot->get_group_member_profile($group_id, $user_id);
if ($ret->is_success) {
    say $ret->display_name;
    say $ret->user_id;
    say $ret->picture_url;

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:

get_room_member_profile($room_id, $user_id)

Get room user profile information. A room is like a group without a group name. The response is similar to get_group_member_profile.

See also the LINE Developers API reference of this method:


Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/reply endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE@ Manager.

The $date parameter is "yyyyMMdd" format.


Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/push endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE@ Manager.


Date the messages were sent

Format: yyyyMMdd (Example: 20191231)
Timezone: UTC+9


Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/multicast endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE@ Manager.


Date the messages were sent

Format: yyyyMMdd (Example: 20191231)
Timezone: UTC+9


Gets the number of messages sent with the /bot/message/broadcast endpoint.

The number of messages retrieved by this operation does not include the number of messages sent from LINE Official Account Manager.


Date the messages were sent

Format: yyyyMMdd (Example: 20191231)
Timezone: UTC+9

create_rich_menu( $rich_menu_object )

This method corresponds to the API of Creating rich menu

One argument is needed: $rich_menu_object, which is a plain HashRef representing rich menu object

get_rich_menu( $rich_menu_id )

This method corresponds to the API of Get rich menu

One argument is needed: $rich_menu_id -- which correspond to the richMenuId property of the object returned by create_rich_menu method.

delete_rich_menu( $rich_menu_id )

This method corresponds to the API of Delete rich menu

One argument is needed: $rich_menu_id -- which correspond to the richMenuId property of the object returned by create_rich_menu method.

The return value is an empty RichMenu object -- only status code matters. Upon successful deletion, status code 200 is returned.


This method corresponds to the API of Get rich menu list

No arguments are needed.

set_default_rich_menu( $rich_menu_id )

This method corresponds to the API of Set default rich menu

One argument is needed: $rich_menu_id -- which correspond to the richMenuId property of the object returned by create_rich_menu method.


This method corresponds to the API of Get default rich menu ID

No arguments are needed. The return value is a RichMenu object with only one property: richMenuId.


This method corresponds to the API of Cancel default rich menu ID

This method corresponds to the API of Link rich menu to user

Both of $user_id and $rich_menu_id are required.

This method corresponds to the API of Link rich menu to multiple users

Both of $user_ids and $rich_menu_id are required. $user_ids should be an ArrayRef of user ids, while $rich_menu_id should be a simple scalar.

get_rich_menu_id_of_user( $user_id )

This method corresponds to the API of Get rich menu ID of user

The argument $user_id is mandatory. The return value is a RichMenu object with only one property: richMenuId.

This method corresponds to the API of Unlink rich menu from user

The argument $user_id is mandatory. The return value is an empty object.

This method corresponds to the API of Unlink rich menu from multiple users

The mandatory argument $user_ids is an ArrayRef of user ids. The return value is an empty object.

issue_channel_access_token({ client_id => '...', client_secret => '...' })

This method corresponds to the API of: Issue Channel access token

The argument is a HashRef with two pairs of mandatary key-values:

    client_id => "...",
    client_secret => "...",

Both pieces of information can be accquired from the channel console.

When a 200 OK HTTP response is returned, a new token is issued. In this case, you may want to store the values in "access_token", "expires_in", and "token_type" attributes of the response object for future use.

Otherwise, you my examine the "error" attribute and "error_description" attribute for more information about the error.

revoke_channel_access_token({ access_token => "..." })

This method corresponds to the API of: Revoke channel access token

The argument is a HashRef with one pair of mandatary key-values;

{ access_token => "..." }

Upon successful revocation, a 200 OK HTTP response is returned. Otherwise, you my examine the "error" attribute and "error_description" attribute for more information about the error.

get_number_of_followers({ date => "..." })

This method corresponds to the API of: Get number of followers

The argument is a HashRef with one pair of mandatary key-values;

{ date => "20191231" }

The formate of date is "yyyyMMdd", that is, year in 4 digits, month in 2 digits, and date-of-month in 2 digits.

Upon successful invocation, a 200 OK HTTP response is returned. Otherwise, you my examine the "error" attribute and "error_description" attribute for more information about the error.

The return value $res is a response object with the following read-only accessors (see the API documentation for the meaning of each.)

$res->status();          #=> Str, one of: "ready", "unready", "out_of_service"
$res->followers();       #=> Num
$res->targetedReaches(); #=> Num
$res->blocks();          #=> Num

Notice that the "status" does not mean HTTP status. To inspect actual HTTP status, invoke $res-http_status()>.

How to build a send message object

See the LINE Developers API reference about Message objects

When the LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage class is used, it is possible easily to build a send message object. That class supports a fluent interface.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    text => 'Closing the distance',
    image_url   => '',
    preview_url => '',
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Text type

Build a text type object.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    text => 'Closing the distance',
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Image type

Build an image type object.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    image_url   => '',
    preview_url => '',
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Video type

Build a video type object.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    video_url   => '',
    preview_url => '',
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Audio type

Build an audio type object.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    audio_url => '',
    duration  => 3601_000, # msec
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Location type

Build a location type object.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    title     => 'LINE Corporation.',
    address   => 'Hikarie  Shibuya-ku Tokyo 151-0002',
    latitude  => 35.6591,
    longitude => 139.7040,
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Sticker type

Build a sticker type object.

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
    package_id => '1',
    sticker_id => '2',
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Imagemap type

To build a message of imagemap type, you may use a helper module.

my $imagemap = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::ImagemapMessage->new(
    base_url    => '',
    alt_text    => 'this is an imagemap',
    base_width  => 1040,
    base_height => 1040,
    uri         => '',
    area_x      => 0,
    area_y      => 0,
    area_width  => 1040,
    area_height => 520,
    text        => 'message',
    area_x      => 0,
    area_y      => 520,
    area_width  => 1040,
    area_height => 520,

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

An Imagemap message can contain a video area inside. Here is an example of one withe upper half being a video overlay:

my $imagemap_message = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::ImagemapMessage->new(
    base_url    => '',
    alt_text    => 'this is an imagemap',
    base_width  => 1040,
    base_height => 1040,
    video => {
        originalContentUrl => "",
        previewImageUrl => "",
        area => {
            x => 0,
            y => 0,
            width => 1040,
            height => 585

For more detail about Imagemap message, see:

Template type

Build a template type object. You can use a helper module for the template type.

Buttons type

my $buttons = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_buttons(
    alt_text  => 'this is a buttons template',
    image_url => '',
    title     => 'buttons',
    text      => 'description',
    label => 'postback',
    data  => 'postback data',
    text  => 'postback message',
    label => 'message',
    text  => 'message',
    label => 'uri',
    uri   => '',
    label => 'message2',
    text  => 'message2',

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);

Confirm type

my $confirm = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_confirm(
    alt_text => 'this is a confirm template',
    text     => 'confirm',
    label => 'postback',
    data  => 'postback data',
    text  => 'postback message',
    label => 'message',
    text  => 'message',
    label => 'uri',
    uri   => '',

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);
my $carousel = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_carousel(
    alt_text => 'this is a carousel template',
for my $i (1..5) {
    my $column = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage::Column->new(
        image_url => '',
        title     => "carousel $i",
        text      => "description $i",
        label => 'postback',
        data  => 'postback data',
        text  => 'postback message',
        label => 'message',
        text  => 'message',
        label => 'uri',
        uri   => '',

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);
my $carousel = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage->new_image_carousel(
    alt_text => 'this is a image carousel template',

my $column1 = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage::ImageColumn->new(
    image_url => '',
    label => 'postback',
    data  => 'postback data',
    text  => 'postback message',

my $column2 = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage::ImageColumn->new(
    image_url => '',
    label => 'message',
    text  => 'message',

my $column3 = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::TemplateMessage::ImageColumn->new(
    image_url => '',
    label => 'uri',
    uri   => '',

my $messages = LINE::Bot::API::Builder::SendMessage->new(
$bot->reply_message($reply_token, $messages->build);


LINE Corporation.


Copyright 2016-2020


This Software Development Kit is licensed under The Artistic License 2.0. You may obtain a copy of the License at

