AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exceptions - Exception::Class-based exceptions for AnyEvent::CouchDB
use feature 'switch';
use Try::Tiny;
use Data::Dump 'pp';
use AnyEvent::CouchDB;
my $db = couchdb("food");
try {
my $vegetables = $db->open('vegetables')->recv;
catch {
when (ref eq 'AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception::HTTPError') {
# handle an HTTP error
when (ref eq 'AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception::JSONError') {
# handle a JSON decoding error
default {
warn "$_";
warn "HEADERS : " . pp($_->headers);
warn "BODY : " . $_->body;
This module defines a family of exception classes.
- AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception
The base exception class who's superclass is Exception::Class::Base
- AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception::HTTPError
A subclass of AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception for HTTP errors
- AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception::JSONError
A subclass of AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception for JSON decoding errors
Provided by AnyEvent::CouchDB::Exception
This module provides the following methods in addition to the methods provided by Exception::Class::Base.
This method will return the HTTP response headers if they were available at the time the exception was thrown.
This method will return the HTTP response body if it was available at the time the exception was thrown.