MP3::Daemon - a daemon that possesses mpg123
Fork a daemon
Start a server, but don't fork into background
my $mp3d = MP3::Daemon->new($socket_path)
You're a client wanting a socket to talk to the daemon
my $client = MP3::Daemon->client($socket_path);
print $client @command;
- Audio::Play::MPG123
This is used to control mpg123 in remote-mode.
- Pod::Usage
This is an optional module that bin/mp3 uses to generate help messages.
- IO::Socket::UNIX
This is for client/server communication.
- IO::Select
I like the OO interface. I didn't feel like using normal select() and messing with vec().
MP3::Daemon provides a server that controls mpg123. Clients such as /bin/mp3 may connect to it and request the server to manipulate its internal playlists.
Server-related Methods
MP3::Daemon relies on unix domain sockets to communicate. The socket requires a place in the file system which is referred to as $socket_path
in the following descriptions.
- new $socket_path
This instantiates a new MP3::Daemon.
my $mp3d = MP3::Daemon->new("$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/mp3_socket");
- main
This starts the event loop. This will be listening to the socket for client requests while polling mpg123 in times of idleness. This method will never return.
- spawn $socket_path
This combines
while also forking itself into the background. The spawn method will return immediately to the parent process while the child process becomes an MP3::Daemon that is waiting for client requests.MP3::Daemon->spawn("$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/mp3_socket");
- client $socket_path
This is a factory method for use by clients who want a socket to communicate with a previously instantiated MP3::Daemon.
my $client = MP3::Daemon->client("$ENV{HOME}/.mp3/mp3_socket");
Client API
These methods are usually not invoked directly. They are invoked when a client makes a request. The protocol is very simple. The first line is the name of the method. Each argument to the method is specified on successive lines. A final blank line signifies the end of the request.
0 method name
1 $arg[0]
. ...
n-1 $arg[n-2]
n /^$/
print $client <<REQUEST;
This plays $self->{playlist}[5].
I need to be able to report errors in the daemon better. They currently go to /dev/null. I need to learn how to use syslog.
Copyleft (c) 2001 John BEPPU. All rights reversed. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
John BEPPU <>
mpg123(1), Audio::Play::MPG123(3pm), pimp(1p), mpg123sh(1p), mp3(1p)