pimp - Pip's Intergallactive Moosex Plaqueluster


pimp [OPTION]...

Pip's Intergallactive Moosex Plaqueluster (Pip'sIMP [pimp]) Help:            
 -h[elp]          this Help text, -(x|q|exit)         eXit pimp              
 -v[(p|r)][+|-]<volume#>       set Volume (Pcm|Relative/song) to rel/abs vol#
 -(n|l)(<song#>|/titlematch/)[c] set Next/Last song as # or titlematch [copy]
 -t(f|l|t|n|pl|p|sp|sl|st|s|vp|v) sTatus Frmz,Left,Totl,songNum,PlaqueLust,  
 -pl(s|l|a|i<index#>:)[(o|f|r)][!][(a|n|/match/)]<PLfilename.plf> PlaqueLust 
   Save,Load,Append,Ins<#>: Order,Filter,Rndmize [Not]AlphaNumeric/match/ PLF
         *NOTE*  only -pl(s|l|a|i#:)<PLfilename.plf> werk so far!            
 -p(<song#>|/titlematch/)    Play/Pause PLsong# or first matching title      
 -s                          Stop                                            
 -(f|r)(f|p)[+|-]<amount#>[%][/<fastPlaydivisor#>]        Fastfwd/Rewind in 
       Frames(seconds are Dfalt) by +/- amount or fastPlay +/- amount/divisor
 -j(n|l|b|m|e|f|r|h|t|song#|/titlematch/)        Jump to Next,Last,Beginning,
      Middle,End,Ffwd,Rwnd,Head,Tail,Song# or ffwd/rwnd secs,next title match
 -a(n|l|b|m|e|position#)[r:](<filename.mp3>|<mp3Directory>)   Add file(s) to 
    current PL @ Nxt,Lst,Bgn,Mdl,End,Pos# Recurse mp3Dir or just add file.mp3
 -o(l|d|r|u<threshold#>)    Options (toggles) Loop?,Delete song from PL after
     playing,start Random rotation     set Unique thresh# for random rotation

 To Get Started Try           `echo /path/to/MyFavorite.mp3 > MyFirstPL.plf`;
                              `pimp -pllMyFirstPL.plf`;
  You can also directly load playlists created with mms.


pimp will be an mpg123 front-end that uses the MP3::Daemon framework... some day. For now, behold the original version in all its undaemonized glory.

It's defining feature is the Pseudorandom Plaqueluster. It's vintage pip.


Audio::Play::MPG123, Term::ReadKey


I am Free!


pip <>