pod_server - start a web server that serves locally installed perl docs



pod_server [OPTION]...

Run in "daemonized" mode:

( pod_server > /dev/null 2>&1 ) &

Use a light colored theme:

pod_server -bg '#fff' -fg '#222' -cfg '#224' -pbg '#777' -afg '#48f' -ahfg '#248'


This script has been provided to make it easy to start Pod::Server. It's name is a homage to gem_server from the Ruby world.


-p, --port NUM

This is the port that the web server should listen on.

-t, --title TITLE

This is the base title of the pages.

--font_size SIZE

This is the font size for the text

-bg, --background_color COLOR
-fg, --foreground_color COLOR
-pbg, --pre_background_color COLOR
-pfg, --pre_foreground_color COLOR
-cfg, --code_foreground_color COLOR
-afg, --a_foreground_color COLOR
-ahfg, --a_hover_foreground_color COLOR

I hope all these colors are self-explanatory. The color argument should be expressed in terms that CSS understands. For example:

-s, --sidebar POSITION

When viewing POD in the optional framed mode, you may choose to put the sidebar on the 'left' or the 'right'.

-f, --first MODULE

When you enter framed mode, you get to see this POD first.

-v, --vim BOOLEAN

If this setting is true, vim will be used to syntax highlight the source code view. Set this to "0" to disable vim's syntax highlighting.

-h, --help

Display the useful help message.


John BEPPU <>