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package Ado::Command;
has args => sub { {} };
has name => sub { (ref $_[0]) =~ /(\w+)$/ && return $1 };
sub init { Carp::croak('Please implement ' . ref(shift) . '::init(@args)') }
# Current Ado::Command home
has home => sub {
my $class_file = Mojo::Util::class_to_path(ref($_[0]) || $_[0]);
my ($root) = $INC{$class_file} =~ m{^(.+?)/[^/]+/$class_file$}x;
return $root;
sub _get_command_config {
my ($self) = @_;
state $app = $self->app;
my $name = $self->name;
#first try (global config)
my $config = $app->config('commands')->{$name};
$config && return $config;
#second try (command specific configuration file)
my $conf_file = $app->home->rel_dir("/etc/commands/$name.conf");
if ($config = eval { Mojolicious::Plugin::Config->new->load($conf_file, {}, $app) }) {
$app->config('commands')->{$name} = $config;
else {
return $config;
sub config {
my ($self, $key) = @_;
state $config = $self->_get_command_config();
return $key
? $config->{$key}
: $config;
#a default run method
sub run {
my ($self, @args) = @_;
#0. initialize
$self = ref($self) ? $self : $self->new();
$self->init(@args) || return;
#1. run
my $action = $self->args->{do};
if ($action && $self->can($action)) {
else {
'Command action was not found! Please implement it! Supported actions should be: '
. join(', ', @{$self->config->{actions}});
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Ado::Command - Ado namespace for Mojo commands!
Ado::Command is the base class for eventual functionality that we
can run directly from the commandline or from controlers.
In this class we can put common functionality shared among all the commands.
=head2 args
Returns a hash-reference containing all arguments passed to the command
on the commandline or to the method L</run>.
The keys are the long variants of the possible commandline arguments
altough you may have used short variants.
#if you passed -s or --something
$self->args->{something} #foo
=head2 name
The name of your command - C<(ref $self) =~ /(\w+)$/;>.
=head2 home
Returns current Ado::Command::foo home.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 init
Must be implemented by the inheriting command.
Should get options from the commandline and populate C<$self-E<gt>args>.
Must return C<$self>.
=head2 run
A default C<$command-E<gt>run(@args)> method for all Ado::Command commands.
This is the entry point to your mini application.
Looks for subcommands/actions which are looked up in
the C<--do> commans line argument and executed.
Dies with an error message advising you to implement the subcommand
if it is not found in C<$self-E<gt>config-E<gt>{actions}>.
Override it if you want specific behaviour.
# as script/pwprefligt alabala --do action --param1 value
#or from a controller
--do => action => --param1 => 'value' );
=head2 config
Returns the configuration portion specific for a command.
#Somewhere in Ado::Command::alabala
#Same as $self->app->config('alabala')->{username}
Subcommands shared by all command classes inheriting this class.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)
Copyright 2013 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov).
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the
GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0).
You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that
modifications are open source. However, software that includes
the license may release under a different license.