Ado::Control - The base class for all controllers!
It must be inherited by all controllers. Put code here only to be shared by it's subclasses or used in hooks.
package Ado::Control::Hello;
use Mojo::Base 'Ado::Control';
Ado::Control inherits all attributes from Mojolicious::Controller and implements the following new ones.
Returns a default description used in head
element of HTML pages.
Returns default keywords used in head
element of HTML pages.
Methods shared among subclasses and in hooks
Overwrites the default helper "config" in Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers which is actually an alias for "config" in Mojo. Returns configuration specific to the current controller package only.
#in Ado::Control::List or Ado::Control::Foo or...
my $myvalue = $c->config('mykey');
#a shortcut to
my $myvalue = $app->config(__PACKAGE__)->{mykey}
To access the application-wide configuration use $c->app->config('key')
A shortcut to:
Prepares a structure suitable for rendering as JSON for listing Ado::Model* objects returned by "select_range" in Ado::Model and returns it. Accepts two ARRAYREF
s as parameters:
my $res = $c->list_for_json([$limit, $offset], \@list_of_objects);
Use this method to ensure uniform and predictable representation across all listing resources. See for example output and "list" in Ado::Control::Ado::Users for the example source.
my @range = ($c->param('limit') || 10, $c->param('offset') || 0);
return $c->respond_to(
json => $c->list_for_json(
Require a list of relevant formats or renders "415 - Unsupported Media Type" with a text/html type and link to the resource using the first of the preferred formats, and returns false. If the URL is in the required format, returns true. Adds a header Content-Location
with the proper URL to the resource.
#in an action serving only json
sub list {
my $c = shift;
$c->require_formats(['json']) || return;
$c->debug('rendering json only');
#your stuff here...
This method exists only to show more descriptive message to the end user and to give a chance to user agents to go to the proper resource URL.
Uses "validation" in Mojolicious::Controller to validate all input parameters at once given a validation template. The template consists of keys matching the input parameters to be validated. The values are HASH references describing the rules. Each rule name corresponds to a method/check in "CHECKS" in Mojolicious::Validator. You can use your own checks if you add them using "add_check" in Mojolicious::Validator.
Returns a HASH reference. In case of errors it contains errors
and json
HASH references. In case of success contains only output
HASH reference from "output" in Mojolicious::Validator::Validation.
my $rules = {
to_uid => {
'required' => 1, like => qr/^\d{1,20}$/
subject => {
'required' => 1, like => qr/^.{1,255}$/
my $result = $c->validate_input($rules);
#400 Bad Request
return $c->render(
status => 400,
json => $result->{json}
) if $result->{errors};
Mojolicious::Controller, Ado::Manual::Controllers, Ado::Manual::RESTAPI
Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)
Copyright 2013 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov).
This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0). You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are open source. However, software that includes the license may release under a different license.
See for more information.