Ado::Command::generate::crud - Generates MVC set of files


#on the command-line
# for one or more tables.
$ bin/ado generate crud --tables='news,articles'

use Ado::Command::generate::crud;
my $v = Ado::Command::generate::crud->new;
$v->run(-t => 'news,articles');


Disclaimer: This command is highly experimental! The generated code is not even expected to work properly.

Ado::Command::generate::crud generates directory structure for a fully functional MVC set of files, based on existing tables in the database. You only need to create the tables. The Model (M) classes are generated on the fly from the tables when the controller classes are Loaded by Ado for the first time. You can dump them to disk if you want using the script that comes with DBIx::Simple::Class. You may decide to use only DBIx::Simple via the $c->dbix helper or DBI via $c->dbix->dbh. Thats app to you.

This tool's purpose is to promote RAD by generating the boilerplate code for controllers (C) and help programmers new to Ado and Mojolicious to quickly create well structured, fully functional applications.

In the generated actions you will find eventually working code for reading, creating, updating and deleting records from the tables you specified on the command-line.

The generated code is just boilerplate to give you a jump start, so you can concentrate on writing your business-specific code. It is assumed that you will modify the generated code to suit your specific needs.


Below are the options this command accepts, described in Getopt::Long notation.


Optional. The namespace for the controller classes to be generated. Defaults to app->routes->namespaces->[0], usually Ado::Control. If you decide to use another namespace for the controllers, do not forget to add it to the list app->routes->namespaces in etc/ado.conf or your plugin configuration file.


Defaults to lib relative to the current directory. If you installed Ado in some custom path and you wish to generate your controllers into e.g. site_lib, use this option. Do not forget to add this directory to $ENV{PERL5LIB}, so the classes can be found and loaded.


Optional. The namespace for the model classes to be generated. Defaults to Ado::Model. If you wish however to use another namespace for another database, you will have to add another item for Mojolicious::Plugin::DSC to the list of loaded plugins in etc/ado.conf or in your plugin configuration. Yes, multiple database connections/schemas are supported.


Defaults to app->renderer->paths->[0]. This is usually site_templates directory. If you want to use another directory, do not forget to add it to the app->renderer->paths list.


Mandatory. List of tables separated by commas for which controllers should be generated.


Ado::Command::generate::crud inherits all attributes from Ado::Command::generate and implements the following new ones.


my $app = $crud->app;

An instance of Ado.


my $description = $command->description;
$command        = $command->description('Foo!');

Short description of this command, used for the command list.


my $usage = $command->usage;
$command  = $command->usage('Foo!');

Usage information for this command, used for the help screen.


Ado::Command::generate::crud inherits all methods from Ado::Command and implements the following new ones.


sub run {
    my ($self) = shift->initialise(@_);

Parses arguments and prepares the command to be run. Calling this method for the second time has no effect. Returns $self.



Run this command.


Add authentication checks to update and delete actions.

The following is not implemented yet. Altough Ado already have defined generic routes for CRUD, this command will generate more specific routes (if used through/with Ado::Command::generate::adoplugin), that will secure the create, update and delete actions, so they are available only to an authenticated user. After executing the command you should end up with a RESTful service. The generated code uses "respond_to" in Mojolicious::Controller. For details see "Content-negotiation" in Mojolicious::Guides::Rendering.


Ado::Command::generate::adoplugin, Ado::Command::generate::apache2vhost, Ado::Command::generate::apache2htaccess, Ado::Command::generate, Mojolicious::Command::generate, Getopt::Long, Ado::Command Ado::Manual, Mojolicious, "DEPLOYMENT" in Mojolicious::Guides::Cookbook


Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)


Copyright 2014 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov).

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0). You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are open source. However, software that includes the license may release under a different license.

See for more information.