Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers - Default Ado helpers plugin


# Ado

# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'AdoHelpers';


Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers is a collection of renderer helpers for Ado.

This is a core plugin, that means it is always enabled and its code a good example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it.

See "PLUGINS" in Ado::Manual::Plugins for a list of plugins that are available by default.


Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers implements the following helpers.


Your plugin may need to add some new tables, add columns to already existing tables or insert some data. This method allows you to do that. See the source code of Ado::Plugin::Vest for example. The SQL file will be slurped, multiline comments will be removed. The content will be split into ';' and each statement will be executed using "do" in DBI.

# in a plugin somewhere in register
$app->do_sql_file(catfile($self->config_dir, $sql_file));

# on the command line
$ ado eval 'app->do_sql_file(shift)' some_file.sql

# elsewhere in an application

head_css, head_javascript

Minimalist asset management for the <head> section. Appends and later renders assets (links to files and code-snippets) to $c->stash('head_css') and app->stash('head_javascript'). The new assets are only appended if they are not already present in the corresponding list of assets. The defaults are populated in etc/ado.conf. See also: "defaults" in Mojolicious; Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack.

#in a template:
    '#myid { font-size:xx-small }'
    'jQuery( function($){ $('#ado-img').popup() })'
<!-- or -->
    # or
% head_javascript begin
    jQuery( function($){ $('#ado-img').popup() });
% end;

# render in templates/partials/head.html.ep
%== head_css; 
<link href="css/ado.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
<link href='//;subset=latin,cyrillic'
  rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
%== head_javascript;


Suitable for preparing JavaScript objects from Perl references that will be used from stash and in templates.

my $chars = $c->to_json({name =>'Петър',id=>2});
$c->stash(user_as_js => $chars);
# in a javascript chunk of a template
var user = <%== $user_as_js %>;
var user_group_names = <%== to_json([user->ingroup]) %>;


Returns the current user. This is the user guest for not authenticated users. This helper is a wrapper for "user" in Ado::Control.

$c->user(Ado::Model::Users->query("SELECT * from users WHERE login_name='guest'"));
#in a controller action:
my $current_user = $c->user;
#in a template:
<h1>Hello, <%=user->name%>!</h1>


Ado::Plugin::AdoHelpers inherits all methods from Ado::Plugin and implements the following new ones.



Register helpers in Ado application.


Ado::Plugin, Mojolicious::Plugins, Mojolicious::Plugin,


Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov)


Copyright 2013-2015 Красимир Беров (Krasimir Berov).

This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL-3.0). You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are open source. However, software that includes the license may release under a different license.

See for more information.