package Slovo;
# we want to use many recent native features in modern perl after 5.010. here
# are some of them which we switch ON on the next few lines:
# * unicode strings: see /perldoc/feature#The-unicode_strings-feature
# * my/state/our sub foo syntax: see /perldoc/feature#The-lexical_subs-feature
# * signatures /perldoc/feature#The-signatures-feature
no warnings "experimental::lexical_subs";
use 5.020; #unicode, lexical subs
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious', -signatures;
use Mojo::Util 'class_to_path';
use Mojo::File 'path';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:BEROV';
our $VERSION = '2018.06.06';
my $CLASS = __PACKAGE__;
has resources => sub {
path($INC{class_to_path $CLASS})->sibling("$CLASS/resources")->realpath;
has validator => sub { Slovo::Validator->new };
# This method will run once at server start
sub startup($app) {
$app->log->debug("Starting $CLASS $VERSION|$CODENAME");
return $app;
sub _load_config($app) {
my $etc = $app->resources->child('etc');
my $moniker = $app->moniker;
my $mode = $app->mode;
# Load configuration from hash returned by "slovo.conf"
my $config_file = "$etc/$moniker.conf";
my $mode_config_file = "$etc/$moniker.$mode.conf";
$ENV{MOJO_CONFIG} //= -e $mode_config_file ? $mode_config_file : $config_file;
my $config = $app->plugin('Config');
for my $class (@{$config->{load_classes} // []}) {
return $app;
sub _load_pugins($app) {
# Namespaces to load plugins from
# See /perldoc/Mojolicious#plugins
# See /perldoc/Mojolicious/Plugins#PLUGINS
$app->plugins->namespaces(['Mojolicious::Plugin', 'Slovo::Plugin']);
foreach my $plugin (@{$app->config('plugins') // []}) {
'Loading Plugin ' . (ref $plugin ? (keys %$plugin)[0] : $plugin));
if (ref $plugin eq 'HASH') {
elsif (!ref($plugin)) {
for my $setting (@{$app->config('sessions') // []}) {
my ($a, $v) = (keys %$setting, values %$setting);
# Default "/perldoc" page is Slovo
if (my $doc = $app->routes->lookup('perldocmodule')) {
$doc->to->{module} = 'Slovo';
return $app;
sub _default_paths($app) {
# Application/site specific "public" directory
my $public = $app->resources->child('public')->to_string;
unshift @{$app->static->paths}, $public if -d $public;
# Application/site specific templates
# See /perldoc/Mojolicious/Renderer#paths
my $templates = $app->resources->child('templates')->to_string;
push @{$app->renderer->paths}, $templates if -d $templates;
return $app;
sub load_class ($app, $class) {
state $log = $app->log;
$log->debug("Loading $class");
if (my $e = Mojo::Loader::load_class $class) {
Carp::croak ref $e ? "Exception: $e" : "$class - Not found!";
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Slovo - В началѣ бѣ Слово
This is a very early pre-pre-release!
L<Slovo> is a simple, installable and extensible L<Mojolicious>
=head1 INSTALL
All you need is a one-liner, it takes less than a minute.
$ curl -L | perl - -M -n -l ~/opt/slovo Slovo
We recommend the use of a L<Perlbrew|> environment.
If you already downloaded it and you have L<cpanm>.
$ cpanm -l ~/opt/slovo Slovo-XXXX.XX.XX.tar.gz
Or even if you don't have C<cpanm>.
tar zxf Slovo-XXXX.XX.XX.tar.gz
cd Slovo-XXXX.XX.XX
perl Makefile.PL INSTALL_BASE=~/opt/slovo && make && make test && make install
=head1 USAGE
cd /path/to/installed/slovo
# see various options
L<Slovo> is a L<Mojolicious> application which means that everything
applying to Mojolicious applies to it too. Slovo main configuration file is
in C<lib/Slovo/resourses/etc/slovo.conf>. You can use your own by setting
C<$ENV{MOJO_CONFIG}>. New routes can be described in C<routes.conf>. See
L<Mojolicious::Plugin::RoutesConfig> for details and examples.
C<$ENV{MOJO_HOME}> (where you installed Slovo) is automatically detected and
used. All paths, used in the application, then are expected to be its children.
You can add your own templates in C<$ENV{MOJO_HOME}/templates> and they will be
loaded and used with priority. You can theme your own instance of Slovo by just
copying C<$ENV{MOJO_HOME}/lib/Slovo/resources/templates> to
C<$ENV{MOJO_HOME}/templates> and modify them. You can add your own static files
to C<$ENV{MOJO_HOME}/public>. Last but not least, you can add your own classes
into C<$ENV{MOJO_HOME}/site/lib> and (why not) replace classes form Slovo.
With all the above, you can upgrade L<Slovo> by just installing new versions
over it and your files will not be touched. And of course, we know that you are
using versioning just in case anything goes wrong.
L<Slovo> inherits all attributes from L<Mojolicious> and implements
the following new ones.
=head2 resources
push @{$app->static->paths}, $app->resources->child('public');
Returns a L<Mojo::File> instance for path L<Slovo/resources> next to where
C<> is installed.
=head2 validator
my $validator = $app->validator;
$app = $app->validator(Slovo::Validator->new);
Validate values, defaults to a L<Slovo::Validator> object.
# Add validation check
$app->validator->add_check(foo => sub {
my ($v, $name, $value) = @_;
return $value ne 'foo';
# Add validation filter
$app->validator->add_filter(quotemeta => sub {
my ($v, $name, $value) = @_;
return quotemeta $value;
=head1 METHODS
L<Slovo> inherits all methods from L<Mojolicious> and implements
the following new ones.
=head2 load_class
A convenient wrapper with check for L<Mojo::Loader/load_class>.
Loads a class and croaks if something is wrong. This could be a helper.
=head2 startup
my $app = Slovo->new->startup;
Starts the application, sets defaults, reads configuration file(s) and returns
the application instance.
=head1 BUGS
Please open issues at L<>.
=head1 SUPPORT
Please open issues at L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Красимир Беров
berov ат cpan точка org
This program is free software licensed under the Artistic License 2.0.
The full text of the license can be found in the
LICENSE file included with this module.
=head1 TODO
Implement the site part – the one visible by the visitors of the siste, made with „Слово”.
Add simplemde-markdown-editor to the distro and use it to prepare markdown as
html in the browser.
Consider addding also ContentTools as the default WYSIWIG html editor
Consider (preferred) using Mithril as frontend framework for building UI.
Consider using L<DataTables|> jQuery plugin for the
administrative panel.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>