use Mojo::Base 'Slovo::Controller', -signatures;
use feature qw(lexical_subs unicode_strings);
## no critic qw(TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings)
no warnings "experimental::lexical_subs";
# GET /users/create
# Display form for creating resource in table users.
sub create($c) {
return $c->render(users => {}, user => $c->user);
# POST /users
# Add a new record to table users.
sub store($c) {
my $users = $c->users;
if ($c->current_route =~ /^api\./) { #invoked via OpenAPI
$c->openapi->valid_input or return;
my $in = $c->validation->output;
my $id = $users->add($in);
$c->res->headers->location($c->url_for("api.show_users", id => $id)->to_string);
return $c->render(openapi => '', status => 201);
# 1. Validate input
my $v = $c->_validation;
#TODO: FIX: implement proper validation error handling
return $c->render(action => 'create', users => {}) if $v->has_error;
my $in = $v->output;
$in->{created_by} = $in->{changed_by} = $c->user->{id};
$in->{reg_time} = time - 1;
$in->{start_date} //= time - 1;
$in->{disabled} //= 0;
$in->{stop_date} = 0;
# 1.1 Check if user already exists
my $u
= $users->find_where([{login_name => $in->{login_name}}, {email => $in->{email}}]);
if ($u) {
my @data = ();
if ($u->{login_name} eq $in->{login_name}) {
push @data, $u->{login_name};
if ($u->{email} eq $in->{email}) {
push @data, $u->{email};
$c->flash(message => 'Потребител със същите данни ('
. join(', ', @data)
. ') вече съществува.');
return $c->redirect_to('create_users');
# 2. Insert it into the database
my $id = $users->add($in);
#3. redirect
if ($INC{'Slovo/Task/'}) {
# send email from the current user to the new user to login for the first
# time and change his password.
my $job_id = $c->minion->enqueue(mail_first_login =>
[{%{$c->user}} => {%{$users->find_where({id => $id})}}, $c->req->headers->host]);
return $c->redirect_to('users_store_result', jid => $job_id);
return $c->redirect_to('home_users');
# GET /users/store_result/:jid
sub store_result ($c) {
return $c->reply->not_found unless my $job = $c->minion->job($c->param('jid'));
return $c->render(job => $job);
# GET /users/:id/edit
# Display form for edititing resource in table users.
sub edit($c) {
my $row = $c->users->find_where({id => $c->param('id')});
for (keys %$row) {
$c->req->param($_ => $row->{$_}); # prefill form fields.
return $c->render(users => $row, user => $c->user);
# PUT /users/:id
# Update the record in table users
sub update($c) {
# Validate input
my $v = $c->_validation;
my $in = $v->output;
my $id = $c->param('id');
return $c->render(action => 'edit', users => $in) if $v->has_error;
# only admins can edit groups
delete $in->{groups} unless ($c->groups->is_admin($c->user->{id}));
# Update the record
$in->{changed_by} = $c->user->{id};
$in->{tstamp} = time - 1;
$c->users->save($id, $in);
return $c->redirect_to('show_users', id => $id);
# Redirect to the updated record or just send "204 No Content"
# $c->res->headers->location($c->url_for(show_users => {id => $id}));
# return $c->render(text => '', status => 204);
# GET /users/:id
# Display a record from table users.
sub show($c) {
my $row = $c->users->find_where({id => $c->param('id')});
if ($c->current_route =~ /^api\./) { #invoked via OpenAPI
return $c->render(
openapi => {errors => [{path => $c->url_for, message => 'Not Found'}]},
status => 404
) unless $row;
return $c->render(openapi => $row);
return $c->render(text => $c->res->default_message(404), status => 404) unless $row;
return $c->render(users => $row);
# GET /users
# List resources from table users.
## no critic qw(Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms)
sub index($c) {
my $stashkey = 'users';
if ($c->current_route =~ /^api\./) { #invoked via OpenAPI
$c->openapi->valid_input or return;
$stashkey = 'openapi';
my $users = $c->users->all({where => {disabled => {-in => [0, 1]}}});
return $c->render($stashkey => $users, user => $c->user);
# DELETE /users/:id
sub remove($c) {
if ($c->current_route =~ /^api\./) { #invoked via OpenAPI
$c->openapi->valid_input or return;
my $input = $c->validation->output;
my $row = $c->users->find($input->{id});
openapi => {errors => [{path => $c->url_for, message => 'Not Found'}]},
status => 404
&& return
unless $row;
return $c->render(openapi => '', status => 204);
return $c->redirect_to('home_users');
# Validation for actions that store or update
sub _validation($c) {
my $v = $c->validation;
my $mail_rx = qr/^[\w\-\+\.]{1,154}\@[\w\-\+\.]{1,100}$/x;
# Add validation rules for the record to be stored in the database
$v->optional('group_id', 'trim')->like(qr/^\d+$/);
$v->optional('login_name', 'trim')->like(qr/^[\p{IsAlnum}\.\-\$]{3,12}$/x);
if ($c->stash->{action} eq 'store') {
$v->required('login_password', 'trim')->like(qr/^[A-F0-9]{40}$/i);
$v->required('first_name', 'trim')->size(2, 100);
$v->required('last_name', 'trim')->size(2, 100);
$v->required('email', 'trim')->like($mail_rx);
else {
$v->optional('login_password', 'trim')->like(qr/^[A-F0-9]{40}$/i);
$v->optional('first_name', 'trim')->size(2, 100);
$v->optional('last_name', 'trim')->size(2, 100);
$v->optional('email', 'trim')->like($mail_rx);
$v->optional('id', 'trim')->like(qr/^\d+$/);
my $groups = $c->groups->all_with_member($c->stash('id'))->map(sub { $_->{id} });
$v->optional('description', 'trim')->size(0, 255);
$v->optional('disabled', 'trim')->like(qr/^[01]$/);
my $time_qr = qr/^\d{1,10}$/;
$v->optional('start_date', 'trim')->like($time_qr);
$v->optional('stop_date', 'trim')->like($time_qr);
return $v;