The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

package Slovo::Cache;
has cache => sub { {} };
has key_prefix => '';
has max_keys => 111;
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->{key_prefix} //= '';
$self->{cache} ||= {};
$self->{queue} ||= [];
return $self;
## no critic qw(RequireArgUnpacking RequireFinalReturn)
sub get { $_[0]->{cache}{$_[0]->{key_prefix} . ($_[1] // '')} }
## no critic qw(ProhibitAmbiguousNames)
sub set {
my ($self, $key, $value) = @_;
$key = $_[0]->{key_prefix} . $key;
return $self if not((my $max = $self->max_keys) > 0);
my $cache = $self->{cache};
my $queue = $self->{queue};
delete $cache->{shift @$queue} while @$queue >= $max;
push @$queue, $key unless exists $cache->{$key};
$cache->{$key} = $value;
return $self;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Slovo::Cache - Naive in-memory cache
use Slovo::Cache;
my $cache = Slovo::Cache->new(max_keys => 50, prefix=>'baz');
$cache->set(foo => 'bar');
my $foo = $cache->get('foo'); # bar
L<Slovo::Cache> is a naive in-memory cache with size limits and key prefixes.
It is a modification of L<Mojo::Cache>. It can set a prefix to the keys. This
is how we cache templates to support different themes per domain.
L<Slovo::Cache> implements the following attributes.
=head2 key_prefix
The prefix which will be used for each key. Defaults to empty string. It is
reset in L<Slovo/around_dispatch> to set different namespace for cached
templates per domain.
=head2 max_keys
my $max = $cache->max_keys;
$cache = $cache->max_keys(50);
Maximum number of cache keys, defaults to C<111>. Setting the value to C<0> will disable caching.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::Cache> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements the following new ones.
=head2 get
my $value = $cache->get('foo');
Get cached value.
=head2 set
$cache = $cache->set(foo => 'bar');
Set cached value.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<>.