Test::Whitespaces - test source code for errors in whitespaces


Version 0.04


In xt/whitespaces.t:

use Test::Whitespaces {

    # Directories to check all the files from
    dirs => [ 'lib', 'bin', 't' ],

    # Files to be checekd (if you don't need to check the whole dir)
    files => [ 'README' ],

    # Files that matches any of this regexp will not be checked
    ignore => [ qr{\.bak$} ],


This test will check all the files specified. It will pretty print all the errors, so it is easy to undestand where is the problem.

This modules ships with the script `whiter` that can fix all errors.

This module is also shipeed with the script `test_whitespaces` that you can use to check source code without writing your custom test file.

All parameters are optional, but you need to specify at least one file to check.


This module is intend to solve one simple task: to make sure that your source code don't have problems with whitespaces.

This module checks that all the rules are followed.

  • Each line ends with "\n" (including the last line)

  • For new lines "\n" is used (not "\r\n")

  • There are no ending spaces on the lines

  • 4 spaces are used instead of tabs

  • No empty lines in the end of file

This module don't export any subroutines, you only need to write a test file and write there:

use Test::Whitespaces { dirs => ['lib'] };

Full description of the parameters is written in the SYNOPSIS section.

This module does not check the files that are stored in the version control system directories (you remember, that .git, .svn and friends).

This module is shiped with 2 scripts. `test_whitespaces` to easy check files and directories and `whiter` to fix all that errors.

And by the way, this module don't have any dependencies, but Perl. It does not matter much, but it is nice =)


Q: Why not to use perltidy instead of this module?

A: Perltidy is a great thing. It fixes some whitespaces problems in the Perl source code. But sometimes you don't need the whole perltidy possibilities, but only want to make your whitespaces accurate. Adding Test::Whitespaces to the project affects less than adding perltidy. And with Test::Whitespaces you can test and fix not only the Perl source code, but any texts. For example, you can make sure that you javasript code has no problems with whitespaces or you can fix your texts files.

Q: Why there is no default values?

A: The idea behind this test is to make delelopers work simplier. There are a lot of things a developer should remember. I don't want to ask developers to remember the default values of this module. The person writing test should write the exact list of thing to check, but such precise writing simplifies the work of person who reads the code.


If this module is not what you need, you may try to look to these modules (but I hope you will prefer to use Test::Whitespaces):


Ivan Bessarabov, <>


  • Rob Hoelz (RHOELZ)


The source code for this module and scripts is hosted on GitHub


Please report any bugs or feature requests in GitHub Issues


Copyright 2013 Ivan Bessarabov.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See for more information.