Image::MetaData::JPEG - Perl extension for showing/modifying JPEG (meta)data.
use Image::MetaData::JPEG;
# Create a new JPEG file structure object
my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG($filename);
die "Error: " . Image::MetaData::JPEG::Error() unless $file;
# Get a list of references to JPEG segments
my @segments = $file->get_segments($regex, $do_indexes);
# Get the JPEG picture dimensions
my ($dim_x, $dim_y) = $file->get_dimensions();
# Show all JPEG segments and their content
print $file->get_description();
# Rewrite file to disk with possibly modified segments
... and a lot more methods for viewing/modifying meta-data, which
are accessed through the $file or $segments[$index] references.
The purpose of this module is to read/modify/rewrite meta-data segments in JPEG files, which can contain comments, thumbnails, Exif information (photographic parameters), IPTC information (editorial parameters) and similar data.
Each JPEG file is made of consecutive segments (tagged data blocks), and the actual row picture data. Most of these segments specify parameters for decoding the picture data into a bitmap; some of them, namely the COMment and APPlication segments, contain instead meta-data, i.e., information about how the photo was shot (usually added by a digital camera) and additional notes from the photograph. These additional pieces of information are especially valuable for picture databases, since the meta-data can be saved together with the picture without resorting to additional database structures.
This module works by breaking a JPEG file into individual segments. Each file is associated to an Image::MetaData::JPEG structure object, which contains one Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment object for each segment. Segments with a known format are then parsed, and their content can be accessed in a structured way for display. Some of them can even be modified and then rewritten to disk.
Table of contents for DESCRIPTION and APPENDICES
5) COMMENTS ("COM" segments)
6) JFIF DATA ("APP0" segments)
7) EXIF DATA ("APP1" segments)
8) IPTC DATA (from "APP13" segments)
* JPEG::new($input, $regex)
* JPEG::Error()
* JPEG::get_segments($regex, $do_indexes)
* JPEG::get_description()
* JPEG::get_dimensions()
* JPEG::find_new_app_segment_position()
* JPEG::save("new_file_name.jpg")
The first thing you need in order to interact with a JPEG picture is to create an Image::MetaData::JPEG structure object. This is done with a call to the new method, whose first argument is an input source, which can be a scalar, interpreted as a file name to be opened and read, or a scalar reference, interpreted as a pointer to an in-memory buffer containing a JPEG stream. This interface is similar to that of Image::Info, but no open file handle is (currently) accepted. The constructor then parses the picture content and stores its segments internally. The memory footprint is close to the size of the disk file plus a few tens of kilobytes.
my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG("a_file_name.jpg");
my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG(\ $a_JPEG_stream);
The constructor method accepts two optional arguments, a regular expression and an option string. If the regular expression is present, it is matched against segment names, and only those segments with a positive match are parsed (they are nonetheless stored); this allows for some speed-up if you just need partial information, but be sure not to miss something necessary; e.g., SOF segments are needed for reading the picture dimensions. For instance, if you just want to manipulate the comments, you could set the string to "COM".
my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG("a_file_name.jpg", "COM");
The third optional argument is an option string. If it matches the string "FASTREADONLY", only the segments matching the regular expression are actually stored; also, everything which is found after a Start Of Scan is completely neglected. This allows for very large speed-ups, but, obviously, you cannot rebuild the file afterwards, so this is only for getting information fast, e.g., when doing a directory scan.
my $file = new Image::MetaData::JPEG("a_file.jpg", "COM", "FASTREADONLY");
If the $file reference remains undefined after this call, the file is to be considered not parseable by this module, and one should issue some error message and go to another file. An error message explaining the reason of the failure can be retrieved with the Error method:
die "Error: " . Image::MetaData::JPEG::Error() unless $file;
If the new call is successful, the returned reference points to an Image::MetaData::JPEG structure object containing a list of references to Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment objects, which can be retrieved with the get_segments method. This method returns a list containing the references (or their indexes in the Segment references' list, if the second argument is the string INDEXES) of those Segments whose name matches the $regex regular expression. For instance, if $regex is "APP", all application Segments will be returned. If you want only APP1 Segments you need to specify "^APP1$". The output can become invalid after adding/removing any Segment. If $regex is undefined, all references are returned.
my @segments = $file->get_segments($regex, $do_indexes);
Getting a string describing the findings of the parsing stage is as easy as calling the get_description method. Those Segments whose parsing failed have the first line of their description stating the stopping error condition. Non-printable characters are replaced, in the string returned by get_description, by a slash followed by the two digit hexadecimal code of the character. The (x,y) dimensions of the JPEG picture are returned by get_dimensions from the Start of Frame (SOF*) Segment:
print $file->get_description();
my ($dim_x, $dim_y) = $file->get_dimensions();
If a new comment or application Segment is to be added to the file, the module provides a standard algorithm for deciding the location of the new Segment in the find_new_app_segment_position method. If a DHP Segment is present, the method returns its position; otherwise, it tries the same with SOF Segments; otherwise, it selects the position immediately after the last application or comment Segment. If even this fails, it returns the position immediately after the SOI Segment (i.e., 1).
my $new_position = $file->find_new_app_segment_position();
The data areas of each Segment in the in-memory JPEG structure object can be rewritten to a disk file, thus recreating a (possibly modified) JPEG file. This is accomplished by the save method, accepting a filename as argument; if the file name is undefined, it defaults to the file originally used to create the JPEG structure object. This method returns "true" (1) if it works, "false" (undefined) otherwise. Remember that if the file had initially been opened with the "FASTREADONLY" option, it is not possible to save it, and this call fails immediately.
print "Creation of $newJPEG failed!" unless $file->save($newJPEG);
* JPEG::Segment::name
* JPEG::Segment::error
* JPEG::Segment::records
* JPEG::Segment::search_record($key, $records)
* JPEG::Segment::update()
* JPEG::Segment::reparse_as($new_name)
* JPEG::Segment::output_segment_data()
* JPEG::Segment::get_description()
* JPEG::Segment::size()
An Image::MetaData::JPEG::Segment object is created for each Segment found in the JPEG image during the creation of a JPEG object, and a parser routine is executed at the same time. The name member of a Segment object identifies the "nature" of the Segment (e.g. "APP0", ..., "APP15" or "COM"). If any error occurs (in the Segment or in an underlying class), the parsing of that Segment is interrupted at some point and remains therefore incomplete: the error member of the relevant Segment object is then set to a meaningful error message. If no error occurs, the same variable is left undefined.
printf "Invalid %s!\n", $segment->{name} if $segment->{error};
The reference to the Segment object is returned in any case. In this way, a faulty Segment cannot inhibit the creation of a JPEG structure object; faulty segments cannot be edited or modified, basically because their structure could not be fully understood. They are always rewritten to disk untouched, so that a file with corrupted or non-standard Segments can be partially edited without fearing of damaging it. Once a Segment has successfully been built, its parsed information can be accessed directly through the records member: this is a reference to an array of JPEG::Record objects, an internal class modelled on Exif records (see the subsection MANAGING A JPEG RECORD OBJECT for further details).
my $records = $segment->{records};
printf "%s has %d records\n", $segment->{name}, scalar @$records;
If a specific record is needed, it can be selected with the help of the search_record method, whose arguments are $key and $records. This method returns the first record, with a key (see JPEG::Record::key in the Record section) equal to $key, in the record directory specified by the record list reference $records; if the second argument is not defined, it defaults to the Segment's "records" member. If successful, the method returns a reference to the record itself. If $key is exactly "FIRST_RECORD" / "LAST_RECORD", the first/last record in the appropriate list is returned. If unsuccessful, the method returns undef.
my $segments = $file->get_segments("APP0");
print "I found it!\n" if $$segments[0]->search_record("Identifier");
If a Segment's content (i.e. its Records' values) is modified, it is necessary to dump it into the private binary data area of the Segment in order to have the modification written to disk at <JPEG::Save> time. This is accomplished by invoking the update method. However, only Segments without errors can be updated (don't try to undef Segment::error unless you know what you are doing!). Note that this is necessary only if you changed record values "by hand"; all "high-level" methods for changing a Segment's content call "update" on their own.
The reparse_as method re-executes the parsing of a Segment after changing the Segment name. This is very handy if you have a JPEG file with a "correct" application Segment exception made for its name. I used it the first time for a file having an ICC_profile Segment (normally in APP2) stored as APP13. Note that the name of the Segment is permanently changed, so, if the Segment is updated and the file is rewritten to disk, it will be "correct".
for my $segment ($file->get_segments("APP13")) {
$segment->reparse_as("APP2") if $segment->{error} &&
$segment->search_record("Identifier") =~ "ICC_PROFILE";
$segment->update(); }
The current in-memory data area of a Segment can be output to a file through the output_segment_data method (exception made for entropy coded Segments, this includes the initial two bytes with the Segment identifier and the two bytes with the length if present); the argument is a file handle (this is likely to become more general in the future). The return value is the error status of the print call.
$segment->output_segment_data($output_handle) ||
print "A terrible output error occurred! Help me.\n";
A string describing the parsed content of the Segment is obtained through the get_description method (this is the same string used by the get_description method of a JPEG structure object). If the Segment parsing stage was interrupted, this string includes the relevant error. The size method returns the size of the internal data area of a Segment object. This can be different from the length of the scalar returned by get_segment_data, because the identifier and the length is not included.
print $segment->get_description();
print "Size is 4 + " . $segment->size();
* JPEG::Record::key
* JPEG::Record::type
* JPEG::Record::values
* JPEG::Record::extra
* JPEG::Record::get_category()
* JPEG::Record::get_value($index)
* JPEG::Record::get_description($names)
* JPEG::Record::get($endianness)
The JPEG::Record class is an internal class for storing parsed information about a JPEG::Segment, inspired by Exif records. A Record is made up by four fields: key, type, values and extra. The "key" is the record's identifier; it is either numeric or textual (numeric keys can be translated with the help of the %JPEG_RECORD_NAME lookup table in, included in this package). The "type" is obviously the type of stored info (like unsigned integers, ASCII strings and so on ...). "extra" is a helper field for storing additional information. Last, "values" is an array reference to the record content (almost always there is just one value). For instance, for a non-IPTC Photoshop record in APP13:
printf "The numeric key 0x%04x means %s",
$record->{key}, $JPEG_RECORD_NAME{APP13}{$record->{key}};
my $values = $record->{values};
printf "This record contains %d values\n", scalar @$values;
A Record's type can be one among the following predefined constants:
0 $NIBBLES two 4-bit unsigned integers (private)
1 $BYTE An 8-bit unsigned integer
2 $ASCII An 8-bit byte for 7-bit ASCII strings
3 $SHORT A 16-bit unsigned integer
4 $LONG A 32-bit unsigned integer
5 $RATIONAL Two LONGs (numerator and denominator)
6 $SBYTE An 8-bit signed integer
7 $UNDEF A 8-bit byte which can take any value
8 $SSHORT A 16-bit signed integer
9 $SLONG A 32-bit signed integer (2's complem.)
10 $SRATIONAL Two SLONGs (numerator and denominator)
11 $FLOAT A 32-bit float (a single float)
12 $DOUBLE A 64-bit float (a double float)
13 $REFERENCE A Perl list reference (internal)
$UNDEF is used for not-better-specified binary data. A record of a numeric type can have multiple elements in its @{values} list ($NIBBLES implies an even number); an $UNDEF or $ASCII type record instead has only one element, but its length can vary. Last, a $REFERENCE record holds a single Perl reference to another record list: this allows for the construction of a sort of directory tree in a Segment. The category of a record can be obtained with the get_category method, which returns "p" for Perl references, "I" for integer types, "S" for $ASCII and $UNDEF, "R" for rational types and "F" for floating point types.
my $records = $segment->{records};
for my $record (@$records) {
print "Subdir found\n" if $record->get_category() eq "p"; }
A human-readable description of a Record's content is the output of the get_description method. Its argument is a reference to an array of names, which are to be used as successive keys in a general hash keeping translations of numeric tags. No argument is needed if the key is already non-numeric (see the example of get_value for more details).
print $record->get_description($names);
In absence of "high-level" routines for collecting information, a Record's content can be read directly, either by accessing the values member or by calling the <get_value> method. get_value($index) returns the $index-th value in the value list; if the index is undefined (not supplied), the sum/concatenation of all values is returned. The index is checked for out-of-bound errors. The following code, an abridged version of Segment::get_description, shows how to proficiently use these methods and members.
sub show_directory {
my ($segment, $records, $names) = @_;
my @subdirs = ();
for my $record (@$records) {
print $record->get_description($names);
push @subdirs, $record if $record->get_category() eq 'p'; }
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
my $directory = $subdir->get_value();
push @$names, $subdir->{key};
printf "Subdir %s (%d records)", $names, scalar @$directory;
show_directory($segment, $directory, $names);
pop @$names; } }
show_directory($segment, $segment->{records}, [ $segment->{name} ]);
If the Record structure is needed in detail, one can resort to the get method; in list context this method returns (key, type, count, data_reference). The data reference points to a packed scalar, ready to be written to disk. In scalar context, it returns "data", i.e. the dereferentiated data_reference. This is tricky (but handy for other routines). The argument specify an endianness (this defaults to $BIG_ENDIAN).
my ($key, $type, $count, $data_reference) = $record->get();
COMMENTS ("COM" segments)
* JPEG::get_number_of_comments()
* JPEG::get_comments()
* JPEG::add_comment($string)
* JPEG::set_comment($index, $string)
* JPEG::remove_comment($index)
* JPEG::remove_all_comments()
* JPEG::join_comments($separation, @selection)
Each "COM" Segment in a JPEG file contains a user comment, whose content is free format. There is however a limitation, because a JPEG Segment cannot be longer than 64KB; this limits the length of a comment to $max_length = (2^16 - 3) bytes. The number of comment Segments in a file is returned by get_number_of_comments, while get_comments returns a list of strings (each string is the content of a COM Segment); if no comments are present, they return zero and the empty list respectively.
my $number = $file->get_number_of_comments();
my @comments = $file->get_comments();
A comment can be added with the add_comment method, whose only argument is a string. Indeed, if the string is too long, it is broken into multiple strings with length smaller or equal to $max_length, and multiple comment Segments are added to the file. If there is already at least one comment Segment, the new Segments are created right after the last one. Otherwise, the standard position search of find_new_app_segment_position is applied.
$file->add_comment("a" x 100000);
An already existing comment can be replaced with the set_comment method. Its two arguments are an $index and a $string: the $index-th comment Segment is replaced with one or more new Segments based on $string (the index of the first comment Segment is 0). If $string is too big, it is broken down as in add_comment. If $string is undefined, the selected comment Segment is erased. If $index is out-of-bound a warning is printed out.
$file->set_comment(0, "This is the new comment");
However, if you only need to erase the comment, you can just call remove_comment with just the Segment $index. If you want to remove all comments, just call remove_all_comments.
It is known that some JPEG comment readers out there do not read past the first comment. So, the join_comments method, whose goal is obvious, can be useful. This method creates a string from joining all comments selected by the @selection index list (the $separation scalar is a string inserted at each junction point), and overwrites the first selected comment while deleting the others. A warning is issued for each illegal comment index. Similar considerations as before on the string length apply. If no separation string is provided, it defaults to \n. If no index is provided in @selection, it is assumed that the method must join all the comments into the first one, and delete the others.
$file->join_comments("---", 2, 5, 8);
JFIF DATA ("APP0" segments)
* JPEG::get_app0_data()
APP0 Segments are written by older cameras adopting the JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) for storing images. JFIF uses the APP0 application Segment for inserting configuration data and an RGB packed (24-bit) thumbnail image. The format is described in appendix "STRUCTURE OF A JFIF APP0 SEGMENT", including the names of all possible tags. It is of course possible to access each APP0 Segment individually by means of the get_segments() and search_records() methods. A snippet of code for doing this is the following:
for my $segment ($file->get_segments("APP0")) {
my $iden = $segment->search_record("Identifier")->get_value();
my $xdim = $segment->search_record("Xthumbnail")->get_value();
my $ydim = $segment->search_record("Ythumbnail")->get_value();
printf "Segment type: %s; dimensions: %dx%d\n",
substr($iden, 0, -1), $xdim, $ydim;
printf "%15s => %s\n", $_->{key}, $_->get_value()
for $segment->{records}; }
However, if you want to avoid to deal directly with Segments, you can use the get_app0_data method, which returns a reference to a hash with the content of all APP0 Segments (a plain translation of the Segments as in the previous example). Segments with errors are excluded. Note that some keys may be overwritten by the values of the last Segment (sometimes a JFXX APP0 follows a thumbnail-less JFIF APP0), and that an empty hash means that no valid APP0 Segment is present.
my $data = $file->get_app0_data();
printf "%15s => %s\n", $_, (($_=~/..Thumbnail/)?"...":$$data{$_});
EXIF DATA ("APP1" segments)
* JPEG::retrieve_app1_Exif_segment($index)
* JPEG::provide_app1_Exif_segment()
* JPEG::remove_app1_Exif_info($index)
* JPEG::get_Exif_data($type)
* JPEG::Segment::get_Exif_data($type)
The DCT Exif standard provides photographic meta-data in the APP1 section. Various tag-values pairs are stored in groups called IFDs, where each group refers to a different kind of information; one can find data about how the photo was shot, GPS data, thumbnail data and so on ... (see appendix "STRUCTURE OF AN EXIF APP1 SEGMENT" for more details). This module provides a number of methods for managing Exif data without dealing with the details of the low level representation. Note that, given the complicated structure of an Exif APP1 segment (where extensive use of "pointers" is made), some digital cameras and graphic programs decide to leave some unused space in the JPEG file. The dump routines of this module, on the other hand, leave no unused space, so just calling update() on an Exif APP1 segment even without modifying its content can give you a smaller file (some tens of kilobytes can be saved).
In order to work on Exif data, an Exif APP1 Segment must be selected. The retrieve_app1_Exif_Segment method returns a reference to the $index-th such Segment (the first Segment if the index is undefined). If no such Segment exists, the method returns the undefined reference. If $index is (-1), the routine returns the number of available APP1 Exif Segments (which is >= 0).
my $num = $file->retrieve_app1_Exif_segment(-1);
my $ref = $file->retrieve_app1_Exif_segment($num - 1);
If you want to be sure to have an Exif APP1 Segment, use the provide_app1_Exif_segment method instead, which forces the Segment to be present in the file, and returns its reference. The algorithm is the following: 1) if at least one Segment with this properties is already present, we are done; 2) if [1] fails, an APP1 segment is added and initialised with a big endian Exif structure. Note that there is no $index argument here.
my $ref = $file->provide_app1_Exif_segment();
If you want to eliminate the $index-th Exif APP1 Segment from the JPEG file segment list use the remove_app1_Exif_info method. As usual, if $index is (-1), all Exif APP1 Segments are affected at once. Be aware that the file won't be a valid Exif file after this.
Once you have a Segment reference pointing to your favourite Exif Segment, you may want to have a look at the records it contains. Use the get_Exif_data method for this: its behaviour is controlled by the $type argument. It returns a reference to a hash containing a number of entries, one for each IFD or subIFD, plus a special root directory containing some tags and the links to IFD0 and IFD1. Each such entry is, in turn, a hash containing the IFD specific Exif records. The sub-hash keys can be numeric tags ($type eq 'NUMERIC') or translated text tags ($type eq 'TEXTUAL', default); however, entries in the root directories always have textual tags. If a numeric tag stored in the JPEG file is unknown, and a textual translation is requested, the name of the tag becomes "Unknown_tag_$tag". Note that there is no particular check on the validity of the Exif records' values: their format is not checked and one or multiple values can be attached to a single tag independently of the Exif "standard". This is, in some sense, consistent with the fact that also "unknown" tags are included in the output.
my $hash_ref = $segment->get_Exif_data("TEXTUAL");
$hash_ref is therefore a complicated hash-of-hash structure, which is more easily explained by printing one example:
$hash_ref = {
'APP1' =>
{ 'IFD0_Pointer' => [ 8 ],
'Signature' => [ 42 ],
'Endianness' => [ 'MM' ],
'Identifier' => [ "Exif\000\000" ],
'ThumbnailData' => [ ... image ... ], },
'APP1@IFD1' =>
{ 'ResolutionUnit' => [ 2 ],
'JPEGInterchangeFormatLength' => [ 3922 ],
'JPEGInterchangeFormat' => [ 2204 ],
'Orientation' => [ 1 ],
'XResolution' => [ 72, 1 ],
'Compression' => [ 6 ],
'YResolution' => [ 72, 1 ], },
'APP1@IFD0@SubIFD' =>
{ 'ApertureValue' => [ 35, 10 ],
'PixelXDimension' => [ 2160 ],
etc., etc. ....
'ExifVersion' => [ '0210' ], },
'APP1@IFD0' =>
{ 'Model' => [ "KODAK DX3900 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA\000" ],
'ResolutionUnit' => [ 2 ],
etc., etc. ...
'YResolution' => [ 230, 1 ], },
'APP1@IFD0@SubIFD@Interop' =>
{ 'InteroperabilityVersion' => [ '0100' ],
'InteroperabilityIndex' => [ "R98\000" ], }, };
If you are only interested in reading Exif data in a standard configuration, you can skip most of the previous calls and use directly JPEG::get_Exif_data (note that this is a method of the JPEG class, so you need a JPEG structure object only). This method is a generalisation of the method with the same name in the Segment class. First, all Exif APP1 segment are retrieved (if none is present, the undefined value is returned). Then, get_Exif_data is called on each of these segments, passing the argument ($type) through. The results are then merged in a single hash. A snippet of code for visualising Exif data looks like this:
while (my ($d, $h) = each %$hash_ref) {
while (my ($t, $a) = each %$h) {
printf "%-25s\t%-25s\t-> ", $d, $t;
s/([\000-\037\177-\377])/sprintf "\\%02x",ord($1)/ge,
$_ = (length $_ > 30) ? (substr($_,0,30) . " ... ") : $_,
printf "%-5s", $_ for @$a; print "\n"; } }
IPTC DATA (from "APP13" segments)
* JPEG::retrieve_app13_IPTC_segment($index)
* JPEG::provide_app13_IPTC_segment()
* JPEG::remove_app13_IPTC_info($index)
* JPEG::Segment::get_IPTC_data($type)
* JPEG::Segment::set_IPTC_data($data, $action)
* JPEG::get_IPTC_data($type)
* JPEG::set_IPTC_data($data, $action)
There is a semi-standard defined by Adobe (through their PhotoShop program) to include editorial information in part of an APP13 Segment. This kind of information is modelled on the IPTC standard, see appendix "VALID TAGS FOR IPTC DATA" for other details. This module provides a number of methods for managing IPTC data without dealing with the details of the low level representation (although sometimes this means taking some decisions for the end user ....). The interface is intentionally similar to that for Exif data (see "EXIF DATA (from "APP1" segments)").
In order to work on IPTC data, an IPTC-enabled APP13 Segment must be selected. The retrieve_app13_IPTC_Segment returns a reference to the $index-th such Segment (the first Segment if the index is undefined). If no such Segment exists, the method returns the undefined reference. If $index is (-1), the routine returns the number of available APP13 IPTC Segments (which is >= 0).
my $num = $file->retrieve_app13_IPTC_segment(-1);
my $ref = $file->retrieve_app13_IPTC_segment($num - 1);
If you want to be sure to have an IPTC-enabled APP13 Segment, use the provide_app13_IPTC_segment method instead, which forces the Segment to be present in the file, and returns its reference. The algorithm is the following: 1) if at least one Segment with this properties is already present, we are done; 2) if [1] fails, but at least one APP13 Segment exists, an IPTC subdirectory is created and initialised inside it; 3) if also [2] fails, an APP13 Segment is added to the file and initialised (then you fall back on [2]). Note that there is no $index argument here.
my $ref = $file->provide_app13_IPTC_segment();
If you want to remove all traces of IPTC information from the $index-th APP13 IPTC segment, use the remove_app13_IPTC_info method. If, after this, the segment is empty, it is eliminated from the list of segments in the file. If $index is (-1), all APP13 IPTC segments are affected at once.
Once you have a Segment reference pointing to your favourite IPTC Segment, you may want to have a look at the records it contains. Use the get_IPTC_data method for this: its behaviour is controlled by the $type argument. It returns a reference to a hash containing a copy of the list of IPTC records in the selected Segment, if present; the hash keys can be numeric tags ($type eq 'NUMERIC') or translated text tags ($type eq 'TEXTUAL', default). If a numeric tag stored in the JPEG file is unknown, and a textual translation is requested, the name of the tag becomes "Unknown_tag_$tag". Note that there is no particular check on the validity of the IPTC records' values: their format is not checked and one or multiple values can be attached to a single tag independently of the IPTC "standard". This is, in some sense, consistent with the fact that also "unknown" tags are included in the output.
my $hash_ref = $segment->get_IPTC_data("TEXTUAL");
An example of a possible output from this call is the following:
$hash_ref = { 'DateCreated' => [ '19890207' ],
'ByLine' => [ 'Interesting picture', 'really' ],
'Category' => [ 'POL' ],
'OriginatingProgram' => [ 'Mapivi' ] };
The hash returned by get_IPTC_data can be edited and reinserted with the set_IPTC_data method, whose arguments are $data and $action. This method accepts IPTC data in various formats and updates the IPTC subdirectory in the segment. The key type of each entry in the input hash can be numeric or textual, independently of the others (the same key can appear in both forms, the corresponding values will be appended). The value of each entry can be an array reference or a scalar (you can use this as a shortcut for value arrays with only one value). The $action argument can be 'ADD' or 'REPLACE', and it discriminates weather the passed data must be added to or must replace the current datasets in the IPTC subdir. The return value is a reference to a hash containing the rejected key-values entries. The entries of %$data are not modified. An entry in the %$data hash can be rejected for various reasons (you might want to have a look at appendix "VALID TAGS FOR IPTC DATA" for further information): a) the tag is textual or numeric and it is not known; b) the tag is numeric and not in the range 0-255; c) the entry value is an empty array; d) the non-repeatable property is violated; e) the tag is marked as invalid; f) the length of a value is invalid; g) a value does not match its mandatory regular expression.
$segment->set_IPTC_data($additional_data, "ADD");
A snippet of code for changing IPTC data looks like this:
my $hashref = {
ObjectName => "prova",
ByLine => "ciao",
Keywords => [ "donald", "duck" ],
SupplementalCategory => ["arte", "scienza", "sport"] };
my $segment = $file->retrieve_app13_IPTC_segment();
$segment->set_IPTC_data($hashref, "REPLACE");
If you are only interested in reading IPTC data in a standard configuration, you can skip most of the previous calls and use directly JPEG::get_IPTC_data (note that this is a method of the JPEG class, so you need a JPEG structure object only). This method is a generalisation of the method with the same name in the Segment class. First, all IPTC APP13 segment are retrieved (if none is present, the undefined value is returned). Then, get_IPTC_data is called on each of these segments, passing the argument ($type) through. The results are then merged in a single hash. A snippet of code for visualising IPTC data looks like this:
my $hashref = $file->get_IPTC_data("TEXTUAL");
while (my ($tag, $vals) = each %$hashref) {
printf "%25s --> ", $tag;
print "$_ " for @$vals; print "\n"; }
There is, of course, a symmetric JPEG::set_IPTC_data method, which writes IPTC data to the JPEG object without asking the user to bother about Segments. If there is no IPTC enabled APP13 Segment, a new Segment is created and initialised (because this uses provide_app13_IPTC_segment() internally, and not retrieve_app13_ ... as JPEG::get_IPTC_data).
$file->set_IPTC_data($hashref, "ADD");
A lot of other routines for modifying other meta-data could be added in the future. The following is a list of the current status of various meta-data Segments (only APP and COM Segments).
Segment Possible content Status
* COM User comments parse/read/write
* APP0 JFIF data (+ thumbnail) parse/read
* APP1 Exif or XMP data parse/read[Exif]
* APP2 FPXR data or ICC profiles parse
* APP3 additional EXIF-like data parse
* APP4 HPSC nothing
* APP12 PreExif ASCII meta parse[devel.]
* APP13 IPTC and PhotoShop data parse/read[IPTC]/write[IPTC]
* APP14 Adobe tags parse
This module is still experimental, and not yet finished. In particular, it is far from being well tested. The interface for getting/setting IPTC and Exif data is still under evaluation, and could be changed in the future; the "set" routines for Exif data are not yet ready. Parsing of maker notes in the Exif section is not yet implemented. APP13 data spanning multiple Segments is not correctly read/written. Floating point types for Exif records are not implemented yet. Most of APP12 Segments do not fit the structure parsed by parse_app12(), probably there is some standard I don't know.
Other packages are available in the free software arena, with a feature set showing a large overlap with that found in this package; a probably incomplete list follows. However, none of them is completely satisfactory with respect to the package's objectives, which are: being a single package dealing with all types of meta-information in read/write mode in a JPEG (and possibly TIFF) file; depending on the least possible number of non standard packages and/or external programs or libraries; being open-source and written in Perl. Of course, most of these objectives are far from being reached ....
"ExifTool" and "Image::ExifTool" by Phil Harvey
This is a Perl script that extracts meta information from various image file types; it can read EXIF, IPTC, XPM and GeoTIFF formatted data as well as the maker notes of many digital cameras. The "exiftool" script is just a command-line interface to the Image::ExifTool module (not in CPAN). This library is very complete, highly customisable and capable of organising the results in various ways, but cannot modify file data (it only reads).
"Image::IPTCInfo" by Josh Carter
This is a CPAN module for for extracting IPTC image meta-data. It allows reading IPTC data (there is an XML and also an HTML output feature) and manipulating them through native Perl structures. This library does not implement a full parsing of the JPEG file, so I did not consider it as a good base for the development of a full-featured module. Moreover, I don't like the separate treatment of keywords and supplemental categories.
"JPEG::JFIF" by Marcin Krzyzanowski, "Image::Exif" by Sergey Prozhogin and "exiftags" by Eric M. Johnston
JPEG::JFIF is a very small CPAN module for reading meta-data in JFIF/JPEG format files. In practice, it only recognises a subset of the IPTC tags in APP13, and the parsing code is not suitable for being reused for a generic JPEG segment. Image::Exif is just a perl wrapper around "exiftags", which is a program parsing the APP1 section in JPEG files for Exif meta-data (it supports a variety of MakerNotes). exiftags can also rewrite comments and date and time tags.
"Image::Info" and "Image::TIFF" by Gisle Aas
These CPAN modules extract meta information from a variety of graphic formats (including JPEG and TIFF). So, they are not specifically about JPEG segments: reported information includes file_media_type, file_extention, width, height, color_type, comments, Interlace, Compression, Gamma, LastModificationTime. For JPEG files, they additionally report from JFIF (APP0) and Exif (APP1) segments (including MakerNotes). This module does not allow for editing.
"exif" by Martin Krzywinski and "" by Thierry Bousch
These are two basic scripts to extract EXIF information from JPEGs. The first script is written in Perl and targets Canon pictures. The second one is written in Python, and it only works on JPEG files beginning with an APP1 section after the SOI. So, they are much simpler than all other programs/libraries described here. Of course, they cannot modify Exif data.
"exifprobe" by Duane H. Hesser
This is a C program which examines and reports the contents and structure of JPEG and TIFF image files. It recognises all standard JPEG markers and reports the contents of any properly structured TIFF IFD encountered, even when entry tags are not recognised. Camera MakerNotes are included. GPS and GeoTIFF tags are recognised and entries printed in "raw" form, but are not expanded. The output is nicely formatted, with indentation and colorisation; this program is a great tool for inspecting a JPEG/TIFF structure while debugging.
"libexif" by Lutz Müller
This is a library, written in C, for parsing, editing, and saving EXIF data. All EXIF tags described in EXIF standard 2.1 are supported. Libexif can only handle some maker notes, and even those not very well. It is used by a number of front-ends, including: exif (read-only command-line utility), gexif (a GTK+ frontend for editing EXIF data), gphoto2 (command-line frontend to libgphoto2, a library to access digital cameras), gtkam (a GTK+ frontend to libgphoto2), thirdeye (a digital photos organizer and driver for eComStation).
"jpegrdf" by Norman Walsh
This is a Java application for manipulating (read/write) RDF meta-data in the comment sections of JPEG images (is this the same thing which can be found in APP1 segments in XMP format?). It can also access and convert into RDF the Exif tags and a few other general properties. However, I don't want to rely on a Java environment being installed in order to be able to access these properties.
"OpenExif" by Eastman Kodak Company
This is an object-oriented interface written in C++ to Exif formatted JPEG image files. It is very complete and sponsored by a large company, so it is to be considered a sort of reference. The toolkit allows creating, reading, and modifying the meta-data in the Exif file. It also provides means of getting and setting the main image and the thumbnail image. OpenExif is also extensible, and Application segments can be added.
A number of references was used during the development of this module. There should be an accompanying file, named references, documenting titles and/or links to them. Let me know if you have access to other references, especially on application segments with an unknown format.
The structure of a well formed JPEG file can be described by the following pseudo production rules (for sake of simplicity, some additional constraints between tables and SOF segments are neglected).
JPEG --> (SOI)(misc)*(image)?(EOI)
(image) --> (hierarch.)|(non-hier.)
(hierarch.) --> (DHP)(frame)+
(frame) --> (misc)*(EXP)?(non-hier.)
(non-hier.) --> (SOF)(scan)+
(scan) --> (misc)*(SOS)(data)*(ECS)(DNL)?
(data) --> (ECS)(RST)
(misc) --> (DQT)|(DHT)|(DAC)|(DRI)|(COM)|(APP)
(SOI) = Start Of Image
(EOI) = End Of Image
(SOF) = Start Of Frame header (10 types)
(SOS) = Start Of Scan header
(ECS) = Entropy Coded Segment (row data, not a real segment)
(DNL) = Define Number of Lines segment
(DHP) = Define Hierarchical P??? segment
(EXP) = EXPantion segment
(RST) = ReSTart segment (8 types)
(DQT) = Define Quantisation Table
(DHT) = Define Huffman coding Table
(DAC) = Define Arithmetic coding Table
(DRI) = Define Restart Interval
(COM) = COMment segment
(APP) = APPlication segment
This package does not check that a JPEG file is really correct; it accepts a looser syntax, were segments and ECS blocks are just contiguous (basically, because it does not need to display the image!). All meta-data information is concentrated in the (COM) and (APP) Segments, exception made for some records in the (SOF) segment (e.g. image dimensions). For further details see
"Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images:
requirements and guidelines", CCITT recommendation T.81, 09/1992,
The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee.
JFIF APP0 segments are an old standard used to store information about the picture dimensions and an optional thumbnail. The format of a JFIF APP0 segment is as follows (note that the size of thumbnail data is 3n, where n = Xthumbnail * Ythumbnail, and it is present only if n > 0; only the first 8 records are mandatory):
[Record name] [size] [description]
Identifier 5 bytes ("JFIF\000" = 0x4a46494600)
MajorVersion 1 byte major version (e.g. 0x01)
MinorVersion 1 byte minor version (e.g. 0x01 or 0x02)
Units 1 byte units (0: densities give aspect ratio
1: density values are dots per inch
2: density values are dots per cm)
Xdensity 2 bytes horizontal pixel density
Ydensity 2 bytes vertical pixel density
Xthumbnail 1 byte thumbnail horizontal pixel count
Ythumbnail 1 byte thumbnail vertical pixel count
ThumbnailData 3n bytes thumbnail image
There is also an extended JFIF (only possible for JFIF versions 1.02 and above). In this case the identifier is not "JFIF" but "JFXX". This extension allows for the inclusion of differently encoded thumbnails. The syntax in this case is modified as follows:
[Record name] [size] [description]
Identifier 5 bytes ("JFXX\000" = 0x4a46585800)
ExtensionCode 1 byte (0x10 Thumbnail coded using JPEG
0x11 Thumbnail using 1 byte/pixel
0x13 Thumbnail using 3 bytes/pixel)
Then, depending on the extension code, there are other records to define the thumbnail. If the thumbnail is coded using a JPEG stream, a binary JPEG stream immediately follows the extension code (the byte count of this file is included in the byte count of the APP0 Segment). This stream conforms to the syntax for a JPEG file (SOI .... SOF ... EOI); however, no 'JFIF' or 'JFXX' marker Segments should be present:
[Record name] [size] [description]
JPEGThumbnail ... bytes a variable length JPEG picture
If the thumbnail is stored using one byte per pixel, after the extension code one should find a palette and an indexed RGB. The records are as follows (remember that n = Xthumbnail * Ythumbnail):
[Record name] [size] [description]
Xthumbnail 1 byte thumbnail horizontal pixel count
YThumbnail 1 byte thumbnail vertical pixel count
ColorPalette 768 bytes 24-bit RGB values for the colour palette
(defining the colours represented by each
value of an 8-bit binary encoding)
1ByteThumbnail n bytes 8-bit indexed values for the thumbnail
If the thumbnail is stored using three bytes per pixel, there is no colour palette, so the previous fields simplify into:
[Record name] [size] [description]
Xthumbnail 1 byte thumbnail horizontal pixel count
YThumbnail 1 byte thumbnail vertical pixel count
3BytesThumbnail 3n bytes 24-bit RGB values for the thumbnail
Exif (Exchangeable Image File format) JPEG files use APP1 segments in order not to conflict with JFIF files (which use APP0). Exif APP1 segments store a great amount of information on photographic parameters for digital cameras and are the preferred way to store thumbnail images nowadays. They can also host an additional section with GPS data. Exif APP1 segments are made up by an identifier, a TIFF header and a sequence of IFDs (Image File Directories) and subIFDs. The high level IFDs are only two (IFD0, for photographic parameters, and IFD1 for thumbnail parameters); they can be followed by thumbnail data. The structure is as follows:
[Record name] [size] [description]
Identifier 6 bytes ("Exif\000\000" = 0x457869660000)
Endianness 2 bytes 'II' (little endian) or 'MM' (big endian)
Signature 2 bytes a fixed value = 42
IFD0_Pointer 4 bytes offset of 0th IFD (usually 8)
IFD0 ... main image IFD
IFD0@SubIFD ... EXIF private tags (optional, linked by IFD0)
IFD0@SubIFD@Interop ... Interoperability IFD (optional,linked by SubIFD)
IFD0@GPS ... GPS IFD (optional, linked by IFD0)
APP1@IFD1 ... thumbnail IFD (optional, pointed to by IFD0)
ThumbnailData ... Thumbnail image (optional, 0xffd8.....ffd9)
So, each Exif APP1 segment starts with the identifier string "Exif\000\000"; this avoids a conflict with other applications using APP1, for instance XMP data. The three following fields (Endianness, Signature and IFD0_Pointer) constitute the so called TIFF header. The offset of the 0th IFD in the TIFF header, as well as IFD links in the following IFDs, is given with respect to the beginning of the TIFF header (i.e. the address of the 'MM' or 'II' pair). This means that if the 0th IFD begins (as usual) immediately after the end of the TIFF header, the offset value is 8. An EXIF segment is the only part of a JPEG file whose endianness is not fixed to big endian.
If the thumbnail is present it is located after the 1st IFD. There are 3 possible formats: JPEG (only this is compressed), RGB TIFF, and YCbCr TIFF. It seems that JPEG and 160x120 pixels are recommended for Exif ver. 2.1 or higher (mandatory for DCF files). Since the segment size for a segment is recorded in 2 bytes, thumbnails are limited to 64KB minus something.
Each IFD block is a structured sequence of records, called, in the Exif jargon, Interoperability arrays. The beginning of the 0th IFD is given by the 'IFD0_Pointer' value. The structure of an IFD is the following:
[Record name] [size] [description]
2 bytes number n of Interoperability arrays
12n bytes the n arrays (12 bytes each)
4 bytes link to next IFD (can be zero)
... additional data area
The next_link field of the 0th IFD, if non-null, points to the beginning of the 1st IFD. The 1st IFD as well as all other sub-IFDs must have next_link fixed to zero. The thumbnail location and size is given by some interoperability arrays in the 1st IFD. The structure of an Interoperability array is:
[Record name] [size] [description]
2 bytes Tag (a unique 2-byte number)
2 bytes Type (one out of 12 types)
4 bytes Count (the number of values)
4 bytes Value Offset (value or offset)
The possible types are the same as for the Record class, exception made for nibbles and references (see "MANAGING A JPEG RECORD OBJECT"). Indeed, the Record class is modelled after interoperability arrays, and each iterop. array gets stored as a Record with given tag, type, count and values. The "value offset" field gives the offset from the TIFF header base where the value is recorded. It contains the actual value if it is not larger than 4 bytes (32 bits). If the value is shorter than 4 bytes, it is recorded in the lower end of the 4-byte area (smaller offsets). For further details see
"Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
Exif Version 2.2", JEITA CP-3451, Apr 2002
Japan Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA)
The International Press and Telecommunications Council (IPTC) and the Newspaper Association of America (NAA) set up a standard for exchanging interoperability information related to various news objects. Adobe began to use some of the editorial datasets in this standard to store editorial information in a sub-block of the APP13 segment, but I have never seen a specification of this "de facto" standard. According to
"IPTC-NAA: Information Interchange Model", version 4, 1-Jul-1999,
Comité Internationale des Télécommunications de Presse,
which the interested reader is urged to consult for additional details, those listed in the following are all valid editorial IPTC tags (2:xx, application records). Numeric tag values are in decimal notation. The character N means that the record is non-repeatable (i.e., there should not be two such records in the file). The number or range in square brackets indicates valid lengths for the record data field. The final comment specifies additional format constraints, sometimes in natural language: a "line" is made of characters matching /[^\000-\037\177]/; "CCYYMMDD" is a date in ISO 8601 standard, ex. "19890317" indicates March 17th 1989; "HHMMSS+/-HHMM" is a time in ISO 8601 standard, ex. "090000-0500" indicates 9AM, 5 hours behind UTC; /regex/ means that the string must match the specified regular expression; "invalid" means that this valid IPTC tag is not used in JPEG pictures.
0 RecordVersion N [ 2 ] binary, always 2 in JPEGs ?
3 ObjectTypeReference N [ 3-67 ] /\d{2}?:[\w\s]{0,64}?/
4 ObjectAttributeReference [ 4-68 ] /\d{3}?:[\w\s]{0,64}?/
5 ObjectName N [ <=64 ] line
7 EditStatus N [ <=64 ] line
8 EditorialUpdate N [ 2 ] /01/
10 Urgency N [ 1 ] /[1-8]/
12 SubjectReference [13-236] (see note at the end)
15 Category N [ <=3 ] /[a-zA-Z]{1,3}?/
20 SupplementalCategory [ <=32 ] line
22 FixtureIdentifier N [ <=32 ] line without spaces
25 Keywords [ <=64 ] line
26 ContentLocationCode [ 3 ] /[A-Z]{3}?/
27 ContentLocationName [ <=64 ] line
30 ReleaseDate N [ 8 ] "CCYYMMDD"
35 ReleaseTime N [ 11 ] "HHMMSS+/-HHMM"
37 ExpirationDate N [ 8 ] "CCYYMMDD"
38 ExpirationTime N [ 11 ] "HHMMSS+/-HHMM"
40 SpecialInstructions N [ <=256] line
42 ActionAdvised N [ 2 ] /0[1-4]/
45 ReferenceService [ 10 ] "invalid" like 1:30
47 ReferenceDate [ 8 ] "invalid" like 1:70
50 ReferenceNumber [ 8 ] "invalid" like 1:40
55 DateCreated N [ 8 ] "CCYYMMDD"
60 TimeCreated N [ 11 ] "HHMMSS+/-HHMM"
62 DigitalCreationDate N [ 8 ] "CCYYMMDD"
63 DigitalCreationTime N [ 11 ] "HHMMSS+/-HHMM"
65 OriginatingProgram N [ 32 ] line
70 ProgramVersion N [ <=10 ] line
75 ObjectCycle N [ 1 ] /a|p|b/
80 ByLine [ <=32 ] line
85 ByLineTitle [ <=32 ] line
90 City N [ <=32 ] line
92 SubLocation N [ <=32 ] line
95 Province/State N [ <=32 ] line
100 Country/PrimaryLocationCode N [ 3 ] /[A-Z]{3}?/
101 Country/PrimaryLocationName N [ <=64 ] line
103 OriginalTransmissionReference N [ <=32 ] line
105 Headline N [ <=256] line
110 Credit N [ <=32 ] line
115 Source N [ <=32 ] line
116 CopyrightNotice N [ <=128] line
118 Contact [ <=128] line
120 Caption/Abstract N [<=2000] line with CR and LF
122 Writer/Editor [ <=32 ] line
125 RasterizedCaption N [ 7360 ] binary data (460x128 PBM)
130 ImageType N [ 2 ] /[0-49][WYMCKRGBTFLPS]/
131 ImageOrientation N [ 1 ] /P|L|S/
135 LanguageIdentifier N [ 2-3 ] /[a-zA-Z]{2,3}?/
150 AudioType N [ 2 ] /[012][ACMQRSTVW]/
151 AudioSamplingRate N [ 6 ] /\d{6}?/
152 AudioSamplingResolution N [ 2 ] /\d{2}?/
153 AudioDuration N [ 6 ] "HHMMSS"
154 AudioOutcue N [ <=64 ] line
200 ObjDataPreviewFileFormat N [ 2 ] "invalid" like 1:20, binary
201 ObjDataPreviewFileFormatVer N [ 2 ] "invalid" like 1:22, binary
202 ObjDataPreviewData N [<=256000B] "invalid", binary
The complicated regular expression for the SubjectReference is the following:
$validchar is '\040-\051\053-\071\073-\076\100-\176'
Stefano Bettelli, <>
Copyright (C) 2004 by Stefano Bettelli
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. See the COPYING and LICENSE file for the license terms.
perl(1), perlgpl(1), Image::IPTCInfo(3), JPEG::JFIF(3), Image::Exif(3), Image::Info(3)
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 836:
Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in 'Müller'. Assuming CP1252