use strict;
our $VERSION = '1';
use overload '@{}' => \&bytes;
=head1 NAME
USB::HID::Descriptor::Class - USB HID Class Descriptor
An object representation of a USB HID class descriptor.
use USB::HID::Descriptor::Class;
my $class = USB::HID::Descriptor::Class->new;
$class->reports( [ USB::HID::Descriptor::Report->new() ] );
L<USB::HID::Descriptor::Class> represents a USB class descriptor for a
HID class device. Instances of L<USB::HID::Descriptor::Class> are automatically
created by L<USB::HID::Descriptor::Interface> as needed, so there's generally no
reason to use this class directly.
=item $class = USB::HID::Descriptor::Class->new(...);
Constructs and returns a new L<USB::HID::Descriptor::Class> object using the
passed options. Each option key is the name of an accessor method.
sub new
my ($this, %options) = @_;
my $class = ref($this) || $this;
# Set defaults
my $self = {
'bcdHID' => 0x01B0, # HID 1.11.0
'bCountryCode' => 0, # Non-localized
'page' => 0, # Undefined
'version' => [1,11,0], # HID 1.11.0
'reports' => [],
'usage' => 0, # Undefined
bless $self, $class;
while( my ($key, $value) = each %options )
return $self;
=item $class->bytes (or @{$class} )
Returns an array of bytes containing all of the fields in the class descriptor.
sub bytes
my $s = shift;
my @bytes;
push @bytes, 9; # HID Class descriptors are 9 bytes long
push @bytes, 0x21; # HID class
push @bytes, $s->bcdHID & 0xFF; # bcdHID low
push @bytes, ($s->bcdHID >> 8) & 0xFF; # bcdHID high
push @bytes, $s->country; # bCountryCode
push @bytes, 1; # bNumDescriptors
push @bytes, 0x22; # bDescriptorType (report)
my $length = scalar(@{$s->report_bytes});
push @bytes, $length & 0xFF; # wDescriptorLength low
push @bytes, ($length >> 8) & 0xFF; # wDescriptorLength high
warn "Class descriptor length is wrong" unless $bytes[0] == scalar @bytes;
return \@bytes;
=item $class->bcdHID
Direct access to the B<bcdHID> value. Don't use this unless you know what you're
=item $class->country
Get/Set the country code for localized hardware (bCountryCode). Defaults to 0.
=item $class->report_bytes
Returns an array of bytes containing the report descriptor.
=item $class->reports
Get/Set the array of L<USB::HID::Descriptor::Report> objects.
=item $class->version
Get/Set the HID specification release number (bcdHID). Defaults to '1.1.0'.
sub bcdHID
my $s = shift;
$s->{'bcdHID'} = int(shift) & 0xFFFF if scalar @_;
sub _sanitize_bcd_array
my @v = @_;
@v = map(int, @v); # Force integers
@v = $v[0..2] if 3 < scalar @v; # Limit the array to three elements
push @v, 0 while scalar(@v) < 3; # Append any missing trailing zeros
# Mask out overly large numbers
$v[0] = $v[0] & 0xFF;
@v[1..2] = map { $_ & 0x0F } @v[1..2];
return @v;
sub country
my $s = shift;
$s->{'bCountryCode'} = int(shift) & 0xFF if scalar @_;
sub report_bytes
my $s = shift;
my @bytes;
my %state;
# Every Report Descriptor must begin with a UsagePage, a Usage and an
# Application Collection, in that order. The collection contains the
# remainder of the descriptor.
push @bytes, USB::HID::Descriptor::Report::UsagePage($s->page);
push @bytes, USB::HID::Descriptor::Report::Usage($s->usage);
push @bytes, USB::HID::Descriptor::Report::Collection('application');
# Update the state
$state{'local'}{'usage'} = $s->usage;
$state{'global'}{'usage_page'} = $s->page;
# Organize the reports by ID and type
my %reports;
for( @{$s->reports} )
my $reportID = $_->reportID;
my $type = $_->type;
$reports{$reportID}{$type} = $_;
for my $reportID (keys %reports)
delete $state{'global'}{'report_id'};
for my $type (keys %{$reports{$reportID}} )
push @bytes, ($reports{$reportID}{$type})->bytes(\%state);
push @bytes, USB::HID::Descriptor::Report::Collection('end');
sub reports
my $s = shift;
if( scalar(@_) and (ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') )
# Convert hash reference arguments into Report objects
my @reports = map
if( ref($_) eq 'HASH' ) # Hash reference?
elsif( ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ) # Array reference?
# Scan the array for field specifiers and add them to a hash
elsif( ref($_) ) # Reference to something else?
$_; # Use it
} @{$_[0]};
$s->{'reports'} = \@reports;
# Pass a dotted string or an array
# Returns a string in scalar context and an array in list context
sub version
my $s = shift;
if( scalar @_ )
my @v;
# Parse string arguments, otherwise hope that the argument is an array
if( 1 == scalar @_ )
@v = split /\./, shift;
@v = @_;
@v = _sanitize_bcd_array(@v);
$s->{'bcdHID'} = ($v[0] << 8) | ($v[1] << 4) | $v[2];
$s->{'version'} = \@v;
wantarray ? @{$s->{'version'}} : join('.',@{$s->{'version'}});
=item $class->page
Get/Set the B<Usage Page> of the interface's report descriptor. Accepts integer
values, or any of the B<Usage Page> string constants defined in
=item $class->usage
Get/Set the B<Usage> of the interface's report descriptor.
sub page
my $s = shift;
$s->{'page'} = shift if scalar @_;
sub usage
my $s = shift;
$s->{'usage'} = int(shift) & 0xFF if scalar @_;
=head1 AUTHOR
Brandon Fosdick, C<< <bfoz at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-usb-hid-descriptor-class at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc USB::HID::Descriptor::Class
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
Copyright 2011 Brandon Fosdick.
This program is released under the terms of the BSD License.