Data::TableAutoSum - Table that calculates the results of rows and cols automatic
use Data::TableAutoSum;
my $table = Data::TableAutoSum->new(rows => 10, cols => 20);
# or
my $table = Data::TableAutoSum->new(rows => ['New York', 'L.A.', 'Chicago'],
cols => ['Women', 'Men', 'Alien']);
foreach my $row ($table->rows()) {
foreach my $col ($table->cols()) {
$table->data($row,$col) = rand();
$table->data($row,$col) += $table->data($row-1,$col-1)
if $row >= 1 && $col >= 1;
$table->change(sub {$_ = int ($_ / 10)}); # World War III perhaps
print "Row $_ has result: ",$table->rowresult($_) for $table->rows();
print "Col $_ has result: ",$table->colresult($_) for $table->cols();
print "Table has the total result: ",$table->totalresult();
print "Let's have a look to the whole table:\n", $table->as_string;
my $old_random_data = Data::TableAutoSum->read('random.dat');
Table object with automatic calculation of the row/column sums.
This module represents a table with automatic calculation of the row/column sums.
- new(rows => $nr_of_rows || \@rows, cols => $nr_of_cols || \@cols)
Creates a new, zero filled table. You can define the rows or cols with a ref to an array of the names of the rows/cols. If so, the names have to be unique. If you only give a number, the rows/cols are named
(0 .. $nr-1)
. - data($row,$col,$new_value)
Get/set of data elements in the table. $new_value is optional Note, that the return value is an lvalue, so you can e.g. set a new value via $table->data($row,$col) = 4; or modify all values with
foreach my $row ($table->rows) { foreach my $col ($table->cols) { $table->data($row,$col) *= 1.05; } }
- rows(), cols()
These functions are returning all rows/columns in a list. They are returned in the order as given with the new constructor.
It's not possible to set rows/columns with them.
- rowresult($row), colresult($col)
Returns the sum for the specified row/col.
I named the methods *result instead of *sum, as I plan to implement a possibility change the operation, e.g. to max or multiplication.
You can't change the results directly. Change the table data for that.
- totalresult()
Returns the sum over all data elements. totalresult is equal to the sum of all rowresults or the sum of all colresults (of course, there could be some rounding errors).
You can't change the result directly. Change the table data for that.
- as_string()
Returns a string representation of the table. A typical example could be:
0 1 2 Sum 0 2 9 4 15 1 7 5 3 15 2 6 1 8 15 Sum 15 15 15 45
The string is a multiline string, the elements of the table are seperated with a tab.
- store($filename)
Stores the table in a readable format (the same as used by as_string) into the specified file.
returns the table object itselfs, so you can use it in the fashion way:print "Stored the table\n", $table->store($filename)->as_string;
- Data::TableAutoSum->read($filename)
Constructs a table found in the filename. It expects a table of the format written by store, what is the same like written with as_string.
I didn't test what happens, using wrong formated files or similar. You're supposed to don't do that.
- $table->change(CODE)
Changes every table element with the given code. Note that you have to change
, so$table-
change(sub {$_ *= 2})> doubles every element, while$table-
change(sub { 2 * $_ })> doesn't change anything.
None by default.
The store/read methods are slow. As I wrote the module for convienience, it's not so important for me, but I'll change it a day.
It's not tested what happens when you try to read a misformatted table. Don't do that.
If you work with floating point types, don't expect that $table->store('filename')->read('filename') reproduces exactly the same table, as there could be some rounding errors.
I hope there aren't any more bugs.
- options for as_string, store, read
The seperator, the end of line char, and the "Sum"-string should be changeable.
- operation
Possibility to change the internal used operation, at the moment, only '+' is used. I'd like to give the possibility to use any other distributive, associative operation.
- merge
A static merging method, that combines two table sets, like
my $population = Data::TableAutoSum::merge(sub {$a + $b}, $female_population, $male_population); =item overloaded operators
Some operators should be overloaded. I'd like to write something like
my $population_perc = $population / $population->totalresult; my $euro_prices = $dm_prices / 1.95883; my $population = $female_population + $male_population; my $murders_per_inhabitant = $murders / $inhabitants;
- clear/fill
A clear method, that resets all values to 0 and a fill method to fill all elements with a specific value.
- subtables
Something like
my $east_alien_population = $population->subtable(rows => ['Chicago', 'New York'], cols => 'alien');
Quite an insert_subtable method seems sensful, too.
- increase speed of store/read
Math::Random # for the tests
Data::Xtab, Data::Pivot, Table::Pivoter
Janek Schleicher, <>
Copyright 2002 by Janek Schleicher
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.