File::Random - Perl module for random selecting of a file


  use File::Random qw/random_file/;
  my $fname  = random_file();

  my $fname2 = random_file(-dir => $dir);
  my $random_gif = random_file(-dir   => $dir,
                               -check => qr/\.gif$/);
  my $no_exe     = random_file(-dir   => $dir,
                               -check => sub {! -x});


This module simplifies the routine job of selecting a random file. (As you can find at CGI scripts).

It's done, because it's boring (and errorprone), always to write something like

my @files = (<*.*>);
my $randf = $files[rand @files];


 opendir DIR, " ... " or die " ... ";
 my @files = grep {-f ...} (readdir DIR);
 closedir DIR;
 my $randf = $files[rand @files];



random_file(-dir => $dir, -check => $sub_or_re)

Returns a randomly selected file(name) from the specified directory If the directory is empty, undef will be returned.

Is the -dir option missing, a random file from the current directory will be used. That means '.' is the default for the -dir option.

With the -check option you can either define a regex every filename has to follow, or a sub routine which gets the filename as argument.

Note, that -check doesn't accept anything else than a regexp or a subroutine. A string like '/.../' won't work. I still work on that.


None by default.

You can export the function random_file with use File::Random qw/random_file/; or with the more simple use File::Random qw/:all/;.


I think, I'll need some more options. Instead of only one directory, it should be possible to take a random file from some directories. Even a recursive "search" should be included.

The -check option doesn't except a string looking like regexp. In future versions there should be the possibility of passing a string like '/..../' instead of the regexp qr/.../';

So I want to make it possible to write:

my $fname = random_file( -dir => '...', -recursive => 1, -check     => qr/\.html/ );

or even:

my $fname = random_file( -dir => [$dir1, $dir2, $dir3, ...], -r => 1, -check => sub {-M < 7} );

I also want to add a method content_of_random_file and random_line.

The next thing, I'll implement is the -recursive option.

Just have a look some hours later.


This Program is free software. You can change or redistribute it under the same condition as Perl itself.

Copyright (c) 2002, Janek Schleicher


Janek Schleicher, <>


Tie::Pick Tie::Select Data::Random