Changes for version 1.00 - 2016-06-13
- Match only one "word" in seen responses Avoid silly mis-triggers. GH PR-3 (bigpresh)
- Ignore links in messages from ourselves, so we avoid turtle situations. GH PR-2 (bigpresh)
- Karma plugin - match nicks with \S+, not \w+, so nicks with hyphens in can have karma. GH PR-1 (bigpresh)
- Better-document how said() resturn value is handled, to avoid potential confusion. GH PR-4 (bigpresh)
- David Precious (BIGPRESH) taking over maintainership at this point, kind thanks to Mike Eldridge (DIZ) for kindly handing over maintainership to me.
- I still make active use of this bot framework, and want to see it continue to be loved and supported, so bug reports and pull requests are welcome!
A standard Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable script
A standard Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable script
Base class for bot applications
extended simple IRC bot for pluggable modules
base module for all BasicBot plugins
authentication for Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable modules
Channel operator
DNS lookups for hostnames or IP addresses
searches Google for terms and spellings
infobot clone redone in B::B::P.
join and leave channels; remembers state
tracks karma for various concepts
loads and unloads bot modules; remembers state
track when and where people were seen
speaks the title of URLs mentioned
change internal module variables
base class for the back-end pluggable store
use DBI to provide a storage backend
use DBM::Deep to provide a storage backend
use memory (RAM) to provide a storage backend
use Storable to provide a storage backend
A standard Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable script
utilities to aid in testing of Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable modules
basics tests for Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable storage classes
in lib/Bot/BasicBot/Pluggable/Module/