Dancer::Plugin::Database - easy database connections for Dancer applications
use Dancer;
use Dancer::Plugin::Database;
# Calling the database keyword will get you a connected DBI handle:
get '/widget/view/:id' => sub {
my $sth = database->prepare(
'select * from widgets where id = ?',
{}, params->{id}
template 'display_widget', { widget => $sth->fetchrow_hashref };
Database connection details are read from your Dancer application config - see below.
Provides an easy way to obtain a connected DBI database handle by simply calling the database keyword within your Dancer application.
Takes care of ensuring that the database handle is still connected and valid. If the handle was last asked for more than connection_check_threshold
seconds ago, it will perform a simple no-op query against the database and check that it worked; if not, a new connection will be obtained. This avoids any problems for a long-running script where the connection to the database might go away.
Connection details will be taken from your Dancer application config file, and should be specified as, for example:
driver: 'mysql'
database: 'test'
host: 'localhost'
username: 'myusername'
password: 'mypassword'
connectivity-check-threshold: 10
RaiseError: 1
AutoCommit: 1
on_connect_do: ["SET NAMES 'utf8'", "SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'" ]
The connectivity-check-threshold
setting is optional, if not provided, it will default to 30 seconds. If the database keyword was last called more than this number of seconds ago, a quick check will be performed to ensure that we still have a connection to the database, and will reconnect if not. This handles cases where the database handle hasn't been used for a while and the underlying connection has gone away.
The dbi_params
setting is also optional, and if specified, should be settings which can be passed to DBI->connect
as its third argument; see the DBI documentation for these.
The optional on_connect_do
setting is an array of queries which should be performed when a connection is established; if given, each query will be performed using $dbh->do
If you prefer, you can also supply a pre-crafted DSN using the dsn
setting; in that case, it will be used as-is, and the driver/database/host settings will be ignored. This may be useful if you're using some DBI driver which requires a peculiar DSN.
Calling database
will return a connected database handle; the first time it is called, the plugin will establish a connection to the database, and return a reference to the DBI object. On subsequent calls, the same DBI connection object will be returned, unless it has been found to be no longer usable (the connection has gone away), in which case a fresh connection will be obtained.
David Precious, <>
This module is developed on Github at:
Feel free to fork the repo and submit pull requests!
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-dancer-plugin-database at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Dancer::Plugin::Database
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Copyright 2010 David Precious.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.