Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

# $Id: example.pl 158 2007-07-16 01:04:25Z davidp $
# Simple usage example for SMS::AQL
# NOTE - the test username and password is for testing SMS::AQL *only*,
# not to be used for any other purpose. It is given a small amount of
# credit now and then, if you try to abuse it, it just won't get given
# any more credit. So don't.
my $test_user = 'sms-aql-test';
my $test_pass = 'sms-aql-test';
use lib '../lib/';
my $sender = new SMS::AQL({username => $test_user, password => $test_pass});
if (!$sender || ! ref $sender) { die('Failed to instantiate SMS::AQL'); }
print "SMS::AQL $SMS::AQL::VERSION loaded OK\n";
my $credits = $sender->credit();
print "Account $test_user has $credits credits.\n";
print "Destination: ?> ";
my $test_to = <>;
print "Message: ?> ";
my $message = <>;
my ($ok, $why) = $sender->send_sms($test_to, $message,
{ sender => 'SMS-AQL' });
printf "Status: %s, Reason: %s, Server response: %s\n",
($ok? 'Successful' : 'Failed'),
# note: we could also have specified the sender when we created an instance of
# SMS::AQL, to save passing it to the send_sms() call - see the POD docs.