App::Base::Script::Common - Behaviors common to App::Base::Script and App::Base::Daemon
This document describes App::Base version 0.04
App::Base::Script::Common provides infrastructure that is common to the App::Base::Script and App::Base::Daemon classes, including options parsing and logging methods.
Returns a scalar (string) containing the documentation portion of the script's usage statement.
For INTERNAL USE ONLY: Used by subclasses such as App::Base::Script and App::Base::Daemon to redefine dispatch rules to their own required subclass methods such as script_run() and daemon_run().
All App::Base::Script::Common-implementing classes must have an error() method that handles exceptional cases which also require a shutdown of the running script/daemon/whatever.
Concrete subclasses can specify their own options list by defining a method called options() which returns an arrayref of hashes with the parameters required to create App::Base::Script::Option objects. Alternatively, your script/daemon can simply get by with the standard --help option provided by its role.
The (parsed) option values, including defaults values if none were specified, for all of the options declared by $self. This accessor should not be called directly; use getOption() instead.
An arrayref of arguments as they existed prior to option parsing.
An arrayref of the arguments which remained after option parsing.
The name of the running script, computed from $0 and used for logging.
Logger object used for logging. Should implement debug, info, warn and error methods. By default Log::Log4perl is used.
Combines the results of base_options() and options() and then parses the command-line arguments of the script. Exits with a readable error message if the script was invoked in a nonsensical or invalid manner.
Returns the composition of options() and base_options() as list of App::Base::Script::Option objects.
The options provided for every classes which implements App::Base::Script::Common. See BUILT-IN OPTIONS
Computes the maximum width of any of the switch (option) names.
Generates the switch table output of the usage statement.
The template usage form that should be shown to the user in the usage statement when --help or an invalid invocation is provided.
Defaults to "(program name) [options]", which is pretty standard Unix.
Outputs a statement explaining the usage of the script, then exits.
Returns the value of a specified option. For example, getOption('help') returns 1 or 0 depending on whether the --help option was specified. For option types which are non-boolean (see App::Base::Script::Option) the return value is the actual string/integer/float provided on the common line - or undef if none was provided.
Runs the script, returning the return value of __run
Parses the arguments in @ARGV, returning a hashref containing:
- -
The parsed arguments (that is, those that should remain in @ARGV)
- -
The option values, as a hashref, including default values
- -
Whether the parsing encountered any errors
Dispatches its arguments to the subclass-provided error() method (see REQUIRED SUBCLASS METHODS), then exits.
Invocation of a App::Base::Script::Common-based program is accomplished as follows:
- -
Define a class that derives (via 'use Moose' and 'with') from App::Base::Script::Common
- -
Instantiate an object of that class via new( )
- -
Run the program by calling run( ). The return value of run( ) is the exit status of the script, and should typically be passed back to the calling program via exit()
The new() method
A Moose-style constructor for the App::Base::Script::Common-derived class. Every such class has one important attribute: options -- an array ref of hashes describing options to be added to the command-line processing for the script. See App::Base::Script::Option for more information.
Logging methods
Role implements the following methods for logging
Options handling
One of the most useful parts of App::Base::Script::Common is the simplified access to options processing. The getOption() method allows your script to determine the value of a given option, determined as follows:
If given as a command line option (registered via options hashref)
The default value specified in the App::Base::Script::Option object that was passed to the options() attribute at construction time.
For example, if your script registers an option 'foo' by saying
my $object = MyScript->new(
options => [
name => "foo",
documentation => "The foo option",
option_type => "integer",
default => 7,
Then in script_run() you can say
my $foo = $self->getOption("foo")
And $foo
will be resolved as follows:
A --foo value specified as a command-line switch
The default value specified at registration time ("bar")
Print a usage statement
Copyright (C) 2010-2014
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.
See for more information.