Data::Chronicle::Writer - Provides writing to an efficient data storage for volatile and time-based data
This module contains helper methods which can be used to store and retrieve information on an efficient storage with below properties:
- Timeliness
It is assumed that data to be stored are time-based meaning they change over time and the latest version is most important for us.
- Efficient
The module uses Redis cache to provide efficient data storage and retrieval.
- Persistent
In addition to caching every incoming data, it is also stored in PostgreSQL for future retrieval.
- Transparent
This modules hides all the details about distribution, caching, database structure and ... from developer. He only needs to call a method to save data and another method to retrieve it. All the underlying complexities are handled by the module.
my $d = get_some_log_data();
my $chronicle_w = Data::Chronicle::Writer->new(
cache_writer => $writer,
db_handle => $dbh,
ttl => 86400);
my $chronicle_r = Data::Chronicle::Reader->new(
cache_reader => $reader,
db_handle => $dbh);
#store data into Chronicle - each time we call `set` it will also store
#a copy of the data for historical data retrieval
$chronicle_w->set("log_files", "syslog", $d);
#retrieve latest data stored for syslog under log_files category
my $dt = $chronicle_r->get("log_files", "syslog");
#find historical data for `syslog` at given point in time
my $some_old_data = $chronicle_r->get_for("log_files", "syslog", $epoch1);
If a TTL value is provided when constructing the instance, this will be used as the expiry time for the data.
Expiry time is not currently recorded in the PostgreSQL database backend - it is only used for the cache layer.
This represents the seconds until expiry, and default is undef
, meaning that keys will not expire.
$chronicle_writer->set("category1", "name1", $value1);
Store a piece of data "value1" under key "category1::name1" in Pg and Redis.
AUTHOR, <support at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-data-chronicle at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Data::Chronicle::Writer
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