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use strict;
use Module::Runtime qw(require_module);
use Carp;
use feature qw(say);
our $VERSION = '0.02';
has 'sites' => sub { [qw(Hitbtc BtcChina CoinSetter LakeBtc)] };
has 'output' => sub {
sub { shift; say join " ", @_ }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
$self->on( 'output', $self->output );
return $self;
sub run {
my $self = shift;
my @sites;
for my $site_class ( @{ $self->sites } ) {
$site_class = 'Finance::Bitcoin::Feed::Site::' . $site_class;
eval { require_module($site_class) }
|| croak("No such module $site_class");
my $site = $site_class->new;
$site->on( 'output', sub { shift, $self->emit( 'output', @_ ) } );
push @sites, $site;
=head1 NAME
Finance::Bitcoin::Feed - Collect bitcoin real-time price from many sites' streaming data source
use Finance::Bitcoin::Feed;
#default output is to print to the stdout
# will print output to the stdout:
#or custom your stdout
open my $fh, ">out.txt";
my $feed = Finance::Bitcoin::Feed->new(output => sub{
my ($self, $site, $currency, $price) = @_;
print $fh "the price currency $currency on site $site is $price\n";
# let's go!
#you can also custom which site you want to connect
Finance::Bitcoin::Feed->new(sites => [qw(LakeBtc)])->go;
L<Finance::Bitcoin::Feed> is a bitcoin realtime data source which collect real time data source from these sites:
=over 4
=item * L<<lakebtc api|>
The default output format to the stdout by this format:
site_name TIMESTAMP CURRENCY price
For example:
COINSETTER 1418173081724 BTCUSD 123.00
The unit of timestamp is ms.
You can custom your output by listen on the event L<output> and modify the data it received.
Note the followiing sites doesn't give the timestamp. So the timestamp in the result will be 0:
=head1 METHODS
This class inherits all methods from L<Mojo::EventEmitter>
=head2 new
This method have two arguments by which you can costumize the behavior of the feed:
=head3 sites
which sites you want to connect. It is in fact the array reference of module names of Finance::Bitcoin::Feed::Site::*. Now it have 4 modules:
You can also put your own site module under this namespace and added here.
=head3 output
customize the output format by giving this argument a sub reference. It will be bind to the event 'output'. Please rever to the event <output>.
# you can customize the output by giving argument 'output' to the new methold
open my $fh, ">out.txt";
my $feed = Finance::Bitcoin::Feed->new(output => sub{
my ($self, $site, $timestamp, $currency, $price) = @_;
print $fh "the price currency $currency on site $site is $price\n";
# let's go!
=head1 EVENTS
This class inherits all events from L<Mojo::EventEmitter> and add the following new ones:
=head2 output
This event has a default subscriber:
#output to the stdout, the default action:
$feed->on('output', sub { shift; say join " ", @_ } );
You can customize the output by giving argument 'output' to the new method
open my $fh, ">out.txt";
my $feed = Finance::Bitcoin::Feed->new(output => sub{
my ($self, $site, $timestamp, $currency, $price) = @_;
print $fh "the price currency $currency on site $site is $price\n";
# let's go!
Or you can bind output directly to the feed to get multi outout or you should unscribe this event first.
$feed->on('output', sub {....})
The arguments of this event is:
$self: the site class object
timestamp: the timestamp of the data. If no timestamp is given by the site, then the value of it is 0.
sitename: the site class name
price: the price
You can set the FINANCE_BITCOIN_FEED_DEBUG environment variable to get some advanced diagnostics information printed to STDERR.
And these modules use L<Mojo::UserAgent>, you can also open the MOJO_USERAGENT_DEBUG environment variable:
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Chylli C<< <> >>
Copyright 2014-