PGObject::Util::BulkLoad - Bulk load records into PostgreSQL
To insert all rows into a table using COPY: my ($dbh, @objects); PGObject::Util::BulkLoad->copy( {table => 'mytable', insert_cols => ['col1', 'col2'], dbh => $dbh}, @objects );
To copy to a temp table and then upsert: my ($dbh, @objects); PGObject::Util::BulkLoad->upsert( {table => 'mytable', insert_cols => ['col1', 'col2'], update_cols => ['col1'], key_cols => ['col2'], dbh => $dbh}, @objects );
Or if you prefer to run the statements yourself:
table => 'mytable', type => 'temp', tempname => 'foo_123'
table => 'mytable', type => 'copy', insert_cols => ['col1', 'col2']
type => 'upsert',
tempname => 'foo_123',
table => 'mytable',
insert_cols => ['col1', 'col2'],
update_cols => ['col1'],
key_cols => ['col2']
If you are running repetitive calls, you may be able to trade time for memory using Memoize by unning the following:
To unmemoize:
To flush cache
This function exists to memoize statement calls, i.e. generate the exact same statements on the same argument calls. This isn't too likely to be useful in most cases but it may be if you have repeated bulk loader calls in a persistent script (for example real-time importing of csv data from a frequent source).
Unmemoizes the statement calls.
Flushes the cache for statement memoization. Does *not* flush the cache for escaping memoization since that is a bigger win and a pure function accepting simple strings.
This takes the following arguments and returns a suitable SQL statement
- type
Type of statement. Options are:
- temp
Create a temporary table
- copy
sql COPY statement
- upsert
Update/Insert CTE pulling temp table
- stats
Get stats on pending upsert, grouped by an arbitrary column.
- table
Name of table
- tempname
Name of temp table
- insert_cols
Column names for insert
- update_cols
Column names for update
- key_cols
Names of columns in primary key.
- group_stats_by
Names of columns to group stats by
Creates a temporary table named "pg_object.bulkload" and copies the data there
If the first argument is an object, then if there is a function by the name of the object, it will provide the value.
- table
Table to upsert into
- insert_cols
Columns to insert (by name)
- update_cols
Columns to update (by name)
- key_cols
Key columns (by name)
- group_stats_by
This is an array of column names for optional stats retrieval and grouping. If it is set then we will grab the stats and return them. Note this has a performance penalty because it means an extra scan of the temp table and an extra join against the parent table. See get_stats for the return value information if this is set.
Copies data into the specified table. The following arguments are used:
- table
Table to upsert into
- insert_cols
Columns to insert (by name)
Takes the same arguments as upsert plus group_stats_by
Returns an array of hashrefs representing the number of inserts and updates that an upsert will perform. It must be performed before the upsert statement actually runs. Typically this is run via the upsert command (which automatically runs this if group_stats_by is set in the argumements hash).
There is a performance penalty here since an unindexed left join is required between the temp and the normal table.
This function requires tempname, table, and group_stats_by to be set in the argument hashref. The return value is a list of hashrefs with the following keys:
- stats
Hashref with keys inserts and updates including numbers of rows.
- keys
Hashref for key columns and their values, by name
Chris Travers, <chris.travers at>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-pgobject-util-bulkupload at
, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc PGObject::Util::BulkLoad
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