Protocol::FIX - Financial Information eXchange (FIX) messages parser/serializer


use Protocol::FIX;

my $proto = Protocol::FIX->new('FIX44')->extension('t/data/extension-sample.xml');

my $serialized = $proto->serialize_message('IOI', [
        SenderCompID => 'me',
        TargetCompID => 'you',
        MsgSeqNum    => 1,
        SendingTime  => '20090107-18:15:16',
        IOIID        => 'abc',
        IOITransType => 'CANCEL',
        IOIQty       => 'LARGE',
        Side         => 'BORROW',
        Instrument => [
            Symbol  => 'EURUSD',
            EvntGrp => [ NoEvents => [ [EventType => 'PUT'], [EventType => 'CALL'], [EventType => 'OTHER'] ] ],
        OrderQtyData  => [
            OrderQty => '499',
# managed fields (BeginString, MsgType, and CheckSum) are handled automatically,
# no need to provide them

my ($message_instance, $error) = $proto->parse_message(\$serialized);
print("No error on parsing message");
print "Message, ", $message_instance->name, " / ", $message_instance->category, "\n";

print "Field 'SenderCompID' value: ", $message_instance->value('SenderCompID'), "\n";

print "Component 'OrderQtyData' access: ",
    $message_instance->value('OrderQtyData')->value('OrderQty'), "\n";

my $group = $message_instance->value('Instrument')->value('EvntGrp')->value('NoEvents');
print "0th group 'NoEvents' of component 'Instrument/EvntGrp' access: ",
    $group->[0]->value('EventType'), "\n";

my $buff = '';
($message_instance, $error) = $proto->parse_message(\$buff);
# no error nor message_instance, as there is no enough data.

See also the "eg" folder for sample of FIX-server.


With this module you can easily create new FIX messages in human-readable way, i.e. use names like OrderQty => '499', instead of directly wring string like '39=499'; and vise versa, you can parse the gibberish FIX messages to access fields in human-readable way too.

The module checks that mandatory fields are present, and that field values bypass the validation.



new($class, $version)

Creates new protocol instance for the specified FIX protocol version. Currently shipped version is 'FIX44'.

The xml with protocol definition was taken at


extension($self, $extension_path)

Modifies the protocol, by loading XML extension.

The extension might contain additional messages or fields. The extenation XML should conform the format as the protocol definition itself, i.e.:

<fix type='FIX' major='4' minor='4' servicepack='0'>
                <message name='Logon' msgtype='A' msgcat='admin'>
                        <field name='EncryptMethod' required='Y' />
                        <field name='HeartBtInt' required='Y' />
                        <field name='ResetSeqNumFlag' required='N' />
                        <field name='Username' required='N' />
                        <field name='Password' required='N' />
                        <field name='AwesomeField' required='Y' />
                <field number='33000' name='AwesomeField' type='STRING' />


serialize_message($self, $message_name, $payload)

Returns serialized string for the supplied $message_name and $payload. Dies in case of end-user (developer) error, e.g. if mandatory field is absent.


parse_message($self, $buff_ref)

my ($message_instance, $error) = $protocol->parse($buff_ref);

Tries to parse FIX message in the buffer refernce.

In the case of success it returns MessageInstance and $error is undef. The string in $buff_ref will be consumed.

In the case of protocol error, the $message_instance will be undef, and $error will contain the error description. The string in $buff_ref will be kept untouched.

In the case, when there is no enough data in $buff_ref both $error and $message_instance will be undef. The string in $buff_ref will be kept untouched, i.e. waiting futher accumulation of bytes from network.

In other cases it dies; that indicates either end-user (developer) error or bug in the module.

METHODS (for protocol developers)


humanize ($buffer)

Returns human-readable string for the buffer. I.e. is just substitutes SOH to " | ".

This might be usable during development of own FIX-client/server.



Checks whether the supplied $object conforms "composte" concept. I.e. is it is Field, LGroup, Component or Mesassage.


field_by_name($self, $field_name)

Returns Field object by it's name or dies with error.


field_by_number($self, $field_number)

Returns Field object by it's number or dies with error.


component_by_name($self, $name)

Returns Component object by it's name or dies with error.


message_by_name($self, $name)

Returns Message object by it's name or dies with error.


Returns Message's header



Returns Message's trailer



Returns Protocol's ID string, as it appears in FIX message (BeginString field).



Returns list of fields, managed by protocol. Currently the list consists of fields: BeginString, MsgType, and CheckSum