

This module implements's volatility surface calibration algorithm which is based on SABR. The SABR (Stochastic alpha, beta, rho) model is a stochastic volatility model, which is used to estimate the volatility smile in the derivatives market. For a more general overview of the general SABR model, please refer


Version 0.02


Calibration parameter names. It is hard-coded here because it needs to be in this sequence.


Get all the terms in a surface in ascending order.


The parameterized (and, thus, smoothed) version of this surface.


The points across a smile.

It can be delta points, moneyness points or any other points that we might have in the future.


The function that we want to optimize.


Initial guess for parameters. We need to start with something.


Bounds for moneyness (strike ratio of 1 is equivalent to 100% moneyness).


Returns a hash reference with new parameterization and calibration_error. These new parameters are calculated using the current parameterization values saved in cache if present, else it would use default parameterization.

my $new_values = $self->compute_parameterization; my $new_params = $new_values->{values}; my $new_calibration_error = $new_values->{calibration_error};


compute the calibrated surface with the parameters being passed. my $calibrated = $calibrator->get_calibrated_surface($parameters);


The method that calculates calibrated vol using given parameters


calculation metohds which mostly do "mathematical" jobs.


The calibration approach is based upon modeling the term structure of ATM Volatility and ATM Skew using exponential functions.


kurtosis can be manipulated using a simple growth rate function. Kurtosis provides a symmetric control over the wings of a surface. Kurtosis basically shifts the wings of the curve in a symetric way.


Algorithm change - now based on centroid calculations A function that optimizes a set of parameters against a function. This optimization method is based on Amoeba optimization. We use a form of the Downhill Simplex Method or Nelder-Mead (available as the R function optim). This can also be coded in other languages.

AUTHOR, <support at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-volsurface-calibration-equities at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc VolSurface::Calibration::Equities You can also look for information at:


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