Changes for version 0.34 - 2009-04-26

  • CPANPLUS 0.86 is out, so we can set that as a prereq and make a stable release. Hurrah.

Changes for version 0.33_04 - 2009-04-17

  • Remove the $ENV{PERL5_CPANPLUS_VERBOSE} from YACSmoke, causes problems with CPANPLUS testsuite and is unnecessary.

Changes for version 0.33_03 - 2009-04-07

  • Make auto_set_repository() only run at author-time

Changes for version 0.33_02 - 2009-04-01

  • Rolled back in the prereqs resolution which was required.

Changes for version 0.33_01 - 2009-03-30

  • A few minor alterations to the format of the Changes.git file
  • Rolled back 'prepare' stuff and saving of .yml state, this will be dealt with by save_state in recent dev CPANPLUS
  • Included Module::Install::Repository functionality


CPANPLUS distribution class that integrates CPAN Testing services into CPANPLUS
Yet Another CPANPLUS Smoke Tester