Foo - Stuff and things END
test_abstract(<<END, "NEXT", "Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch", ""); =head1 NAME - Provide a pseudo-class NEXT (et al) that allows method redispatch END
test_abstract(<<END, "Compress::Raw::Zlib::FAQ", "Frequently Asked Questions about Compress::Raw::Zlib", "double dash"); =pod
Compress::Raw::Zlib::FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions about Compress::Raw::Zlib END
test_abstract(<<END, "Foo", "This is", "Only in POD"); # =pod
Foo - This is not in pod
Foo - This is
Foo - So is this. END
test_abstract(<<END, "Foo", "the abstract", "more spaces"); =pod
Foo - the abstract END
test_abstract(<<END, "Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication", "Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework.", "contains a line break"); =pod
Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication - Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework. END