The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
use strict;
use Config;
!MM->can_run(make()) && $ENV{PERL_CORE} && $Config{'usecrosscompile'}
? (skip_all => "cross-compiling and make not available")
: (tests => 12);
use File::Temp qw[tempdir];
my $perl = which_perl();
my $make = make_run();
chdir 't';
perl_lib; # sets $ENV{PERL5LIB} relative to t/
my $tmpdir = tempdir( DIR => '../t', CLEANUP => 1 );
use Cwd; my $cwd = getcwd; END { chdir $cwd } # so File::Temp can cleanup
chdir $tmpdir;
my $DIRNAME = 'PL-Module';
my %FILES = (
'Makefile.PL' => <<'END',
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# A module for testing PL_FILES
NAME => 'PL::Module',
PL_FILES => { 'single.PL' => 'single.out',
'multi.PL' => [qw(1.out 2.out)],
'single-in.PL' => { 'single-in.out' => '' },
'multi-in.PL' => { 'multi-in.out' => [qw(] },
'Bar_pm.PL' => '$(INST_LIB)/PL/',
'' => '',
package MY;
sub init_PM {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->{PM}{''} = '$(INST_LIBDIR)/'; # PDL does this in WM args
'single.PL' => _gen_pl_files(),
'multi.PL' => _gen_pl_files(),
'Bar_pm.PL' => _gen_pm_files(),
'' => _gen_pm_files(),
'single-in.PL' => _gen_pm_files(1),
'multi-in.PL' => _gen_pm_files(2),
'' => '',
'' => '',
'' => '',
'lib/PL/' => <<'END',
# Module to load to ensure PL_FILES have blib in @INC.
package PL::Foo;
sub bar { 42 }
hash2files($DIRNAME, \%FILES);
ok( chdir File::Spec->updir );
ok( rmtree($DIRNAME) );
ok chdir($DIRNAME);
run(qq{$perl Makefile.PL});
cmp_ok( $?, '==', 0 );
my $make_out = run("$make");
is( $?, 0 ) || diag $make_out;
foreach my $file (qw(
single.out 1.out 2.out
single-in.out multi-in.out
blib/lib/PL/ blib/lib/PL/
)) {
ok( -e $file, "$file was created" );
sub _gen_pl_files {
my $test = <<'END';
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Ensure we have blib in @INC
use PL::Foo;
die unless PL::Foo::bar() == 42;
# Had a bug where PL_FILES weren't sent the file to generate
die "argv empty\n" unless @ARGV;
die "too many in argv: @ARGV\n" unless @ARGV == 1;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
open OUT, ">$file" or die $!;
print OUT "Testing\n";
close OUT
$test =~ s/^\n//;
return $test;
sub _gen_pm_files {
my $inputs = (shift || 0) + 1;
my $test = sprintf <<'END', $inputs;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Ensure we do NOT have blib in @INC when building a module
eval { require PL::Foo; };
#die $@ unless $@ =~ m{^Can't locate PL/ in \@INC };
# Had a bug where PL_FILES weren't sent the file to generate
die "argv empty\n" unless @ARGV;
die "wrong number in argv: @ARGV\n" unless @ARGV == %d;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
open OUT, ">$file" or die $!;
print OUT "Testing\n";
close OUT
$test =~ s/^\n//;
return $test;