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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
unshift @INC, 't/lib';
chdir 't';
use File::Temp qw[tempfile];
my $Has_Version = eval 'require version; "version"->import; 1';
# "undef" - means we expect "undef", undef - eval should be never called for this string
my %versions = (q[$VERSION = '1.00'] => '1.00',
q[*VERSION = \'1.01'] => '1.01',
q[($VERSION) = q$Revision: 32208 $ =~ /(\d+)/g;] => 32208,
q[$FOO::VERSION = '1.10';] => '1.10',
q[*FOO::VERSION = \'1.11';] => '1.11',
'$VERSION = 0.02' => 0.02,
'$VERSION = 0.0' => 0.0,
'$VERSION = -1.0' => 'undef',
'$VERSION = undef' => 'undef',
'$wibble = 1.0' => undef,
q[my $VERSION = '1.01'] => 'undef',
q[local $VERSION = '1.02'] => 'undef',
q[local $FOO::VERSION = '1.30'] => 'undef',
q[if( $Foo::VERSION >= 3.00 ) {]=> undef,
q[our $VERSION = '1.23';] => '1.23',
q[$CGI::VERSION='3.63'] => '3.63',
q[$VERSION = "1.627"; # ==> ALSO update the version in the pod text below!] => '1.627',
q[BEGIN { our $VERSION = '1.23' }] => '1.23',
'$Something::VERSION == 1.0' => undef,
'$Something::VERSION <= 1.0' => undef,
'$Something::VERSION >= 1.0' => undef,
'$Something::VERSION != 1.0' => undef,
'my $meta_coder = ($JSON::XS::VERSION >= 1.4) ?' => undef,
qq[\$Something::VERSION == 1.0\n\$VERSION = 2.3\n] => '2.3',
qq[\$Something::VERSION == 1.0\n\$VERSION = 2.3\n\$VERSION = 4.5\n] => '2.3',
'$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%03d", q$Revision: 3.74 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);' => '3.074',
'$VERSION = substr(q$Revision: 2.8 $, 10) + 2 . "";' => '4.8',
q[our $VERSION = do { my @r = ( q$Revision: 2.7 $ =~ /\d+/g ); sprintf "%d." . "%02d" x $#r, @r };] => '2.07', # Fucking seriously?
'elsif ( $Something::VERSION >= 1.99 )' => undef,
if( $Has_Version ) {
$versions{q[use version; $VERSION = qv("1.2.3");]} = qv("1.2.3");
$versions{q[$VERSION = qv("1.2.3")]} = qv("1.2.3");
$versions{q[$VERSION = v1.2.3]} = 'v1.2.3';
if( "$]" >= 5.011001 ) {
$versions{'package Foo 1.23;' } = '1.23';
$versions{'package Foo::Bar 1.23;' } = '1.23';
$versions{'package Foo v1.2.3;' } = 'v1.2.3';
$versions{'package Foo::Bar v1.2.3;' } = 'v1.2.3';
$versions{' package Foo::Bar 1.23 ;' } = '1.23';
$versions{"package Foo'Bar 1.23;" } = '1.23';
$versions{'package Foo 1.230;' } = '1.230';
$versions{q["package Foo 1.23"]} = undef;
$versions{q[our $VERSION = "1.00 / the fucking fuck";]} = 'undef';
$versions{<<'END'} = '1.23';
package Foo 1.23;
our $VERSION = 2.34;
$versions{<<'END'} = '2.34';
our $VERSION = 2.34;
package Foo 1.23;
$versions{<<'END'} = '2.34';
package Foo::100;
our $VERSION = 2.34;
if( "$]" >= 5.014 ) {
$versions{'package Foo 1.23 { }' } = '1.23';
$versions{'package Foo::Bar 1.23 { }' } = '1.23';
$versions{'package Foo v1.2.3 { }' } = 'v1.2.3';
$versions{'package Foo::Bar v1.2.3 { }' } = 'v1.2.3';
$versions{' package Foo::Bar 1.23 { }' } = '1.23';
$versions{"package Foo'Bar 1.23 { }" } = '1.23';
$versions{'package Foo 1.230 { }' } = '1.230';
$versions{<<'END'} = '1.23';
package Foo 1.23 {
our $VERSION = 2.34;
$versions{<<'END'} = '2.34';
our $VERSION = 2.34;
package Foo 1.23 { }
$versions{<<'END'} = '2.34';
package Foo::100 {
our $VERSION = 2.34;
if ( "$]" < 5.012 ) {
delete $versions{'$VERSION = -1.0'};
plan tests => (3 * keys %versions) + 4 + grep { !defined} (values %versions);
for my $code ( sort keys %versions ) {
my $expect = $versions{$code};
(my $label = $code) =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
my $warnings = "";
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warnings .= "@_\n"; };
if (defined $expect) {
is( parse_version_string($code), $expect, $label );
} else {
my $is_called = 0;
no warnings qw[redefine once];
local *MM::get_version = sub {
$is_called = 1;
ok !$is_called;
is( parse_version_string($code), 'undef', $label );
is($warnings, '', "$label does not cause warnings");
sub parse_version_string {
my $code = shift;
my ($fh,$file) = tempfile( DIR => '.', UNLINK => 1 );
print $fh "$code\n";
close $fh;
$_ = 'foo';
my $version = MM->parse_version( $file );
is( $_, 'foo', '$_ not leaked by parse_version' );
return $version;
# This is a specific test to see if a version subroutine in the $VERSION
# declaration confuses later calls to the version class.
# [ 30747]
skip "need", 4 unless $Has_Version;
is parse_version_string(q[ $VERSION = '1.00'; sub version { $VERSION } ]),
'1.00', "eval 'sub version {...} in version string";
is parse_version_string(q[ use version; $VERSION = version->new("1.2.3") ]),
qv("1.2.3"), " not confused by version sub";