POE::Component::Client::NRPE - a POE Component that implements check_nrpe functionality
# A simple 'check_nrpe' version 2 clone
use strict;
use POE qw(Component::Client::NRPE);
use Getopt::Long;
my $command;
my $hostname;
my $return_code;
GetOptions("host=s", \$hostname, "command=s", \$command);
unless ( $hostname ) {
$! = 3;
die "No hostname specified\n";
inline_states => {
_start =>
sub {
host => $hostname,
command => $command,
event => '_result',
_result =>
sub {
my $result = $_[ARG0];
print STDOUT $result->{data}, "\n";
$return_code = $result->{result};
POE::Component::Client::NRPE is a POE component that implements version 1 and version 2 of the nrpe (Nagios Remote Plugin Executor) client, check_nrpe. It also supports SSL encryption using Net::SSLeay and a hacked version of POE::Component::SSLify.
- check_nrpe
Takes a number of parameters:
'host', the hostname or IP address to connect to, mandatory; 'event', the event handler in your session where the result should be sent, mandatory; 'session', optional if the poco is spawned from within another session; 'port', the port to connect to, default is 5666; 'version', the NRPE protocol version to use, default is 2; 'usessl', set this to 0 to disable SSL support with NRPE Version 2, default is 1; 'command', the command to run remotely, default is '_NRPE_CHECK'; 'context', anything you like that'll fit in a scalar, a ref for instance; 'timeout', number of seconds to wait for socket timeouts, default is 10; 'unknown', set this to true to make the poco return socket timeouts as UNKNOWN instead of CRITICAL;
The 'session' parameter is only required if you wish the output event to go to a different session than the calling session, or if you have spawned the poco outside of a session.
The poco does it's work and will return the output event with the result.
This is generated by the poco. ARG0 will be a hash reference with the following keys:
'version', the NRPE protocol version;
'host', the hostname given;
'command', the command that was run;
'context', anything that you specified;
'result', the Nagios result code, can be 0,1,2 or 3;
'data', what the NRPEd gave us by way of output;
Chris BinGOs
Williams <>
This module uses code derived from Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 STIC GmbH,
Copyright (c) Chris Williams and STIC GmbH.
This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details.