POE::Component::Client::Pastebot - Interact with Bot::Pastebot web services from POE.
use strict;
use POE qw(Component::Client::Pastebot);
my $pastebot = '';
my $pbobj = POE::Component::Client::Pastebot->spawn( alias => 'pococpb' );
package_states => [
'main' => [ qw(_start _got_paste _got_fetch) ],
exit 0;
sub _start {
seek( DATA, 0, 0 );
local $/;
my $source = <DATA>;
$poe_kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'paste',
{ event => '_got_paste',
url => $pastebot,
paste => $source,
channel => '#perl',
nick => 'pococpb',
summary => 'POE::Component::Client::Pastebot synopsis',
sub _got_paste {
my ($kernel,$ref) = @_[KERNEL,ARG0];
if ( $ref->{pastelink} ) {
print STDOUT $ref->{pastelink}, "\n";
$kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'fetch', { event => '_got_fetch', url => $ref->{pastelink} } );
warn $ref->{error}, "\n";
$kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'shutdown' );
sub _got_fetch {
my ($kernel,$ref) = @_[KERNEL,ARG0];
if ( $ref->{content} ) {
print STDOUT $ref->{content}, "\n";
else {
warn $ref->{error}, "\n";
$kernel->post( 'pococpb', 'shutdown' );
POE::Component::Client::Pastebot is a POE component that provides convenient mechanisms to paste and fetch pastes from Bot::Pastebot based web services.
It was inspired by pbotutil.
- spawn
Starts a new POE::Component::Client::Pastebot session and returns an object. Takes a number of arguments all are optional.
'alias', specify a POE Kernel alias for the component; 'options', a hashref of POE Session options to pass to the component's session;
- session_id
Takes no arguments. Returns the POE Session ID of the component.
- shutdown
Takes no arguments, terminates the component.
What POE events our component will accept.
- paste
Sends a paste request to a pastebot url. Accepts either a hashref of the following values or a list of the same:
'event', the name of the event to send the reply to. ( Mandatory ); 'url', the URL of the pastebot to paste to. ( Mandatory ); 'paste', either a scalar or arrayref of data to paste, ( Mandatory ); 'channel', the channel to annouce to; 'nick', the nickname to annouce from; 'summary', brief description of the paste;
You may also pass arbitary key/values in the hashref ( as demonstrated in the SYNOPSIS ). Arbitary keys should have an underscore prefix '_'.
- fetch
Retrieves the text from a given paste url. Accepts either a hashref of the following values or a list of the same:
'event', the name of the event to send the reply to. ( Mandatory ); 'url', the paste URL to retrieve;
You may also pass arbitary key/values in the hashref ( as demonstrated in the SYNOPSIS ). Arbitary keys should have an underscore prefix '_'.
- shutdown
Takes no arguments, terminates the component.
The component will send an event in response to 'paste' and 'fetch' requests. ARG0 of the event will be a hashref containing the key/values of the original request ( including any arbitary key/values passed ).
Both request types will have the following common keys:
'error', if something went wrong with the request, this key will be defined
with a brief description of the error encountered;
'response', a HTTP::Response object as returned by LWP::UserAgent;
The following additional key/values will be present depending on the type of request made:
- paste
'pastelink', the URL of the paste that was made;
- fetch
'content', the contents of the paste URL that was retrieved;
Chris 'BinGOs' Williams <>