use strict;
use Carp;
our $VERSION = '6.12';
sub new {
my ($package) = shift;
croak "$package requires an even number of arguments" if @_ & 1;
my %args = @_;
$args{ lc $_ } = delete $args{$_} for keys %args;
if (!defined $args{poll} || $args{poll} !~ /^\d+$/) {
$args{poll} = 30;
# the $irc->nick_name() and offending nickname will be...
#...the same on start, thus won't change
$args{_did_start} = 0;
$args{_claims} = {};
return bless \%args, $package;
sub PCI_register {
my ($self, $irc) = @_;
$irc->plugin_register( $self, 'SERVER', qw(433 001) );
$irc->plugin_register( $self, 'USER', qw(nick) );
# we will store the original nickname so we would know...
#...what we need to reclaim, without sending dozens of...
#...requests to reclaim foo_, foo__, foo___ etc.
$self->{_nick} = $irc->{nick};
return 1;
### sub U_nick
# Basically, since we store the "real" nick in $self->{_nick}
# we need to adjust it if the PoCo::IRC user wants the bot
# to change its nick via ->yield(nick => 'foo');
# problem is that the "reclaiming" process also triggers this event
# we deal with it by using $self->{_claims} which stores all the
# nick with underscores that NickReclaim appended.
# if we get a new "real" nick, reset the $self->{_claims}
# and store "real" nick in $self->{_nick} so we would know
# what to reclaim in case we need to.
sub U_nick {
my $self = shift;
my ($nick) = ${ $_[1 ] } =~ /^NICK +(.+)/i;
return PCI_EAT_NONE if exists $self->{_claims}{ $nick };
# we got a new "real" nick, reset old nicks with underscores...
#...we don't need those anymore.
$self->{_claims} = {};
$self->{_nick} = $nick;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub PCI_unregister {
return 1;
## sub S_001
# This is basically a tiny little bit that will differentiate
# between successful reclaims and the startup routine
# when $irc->nick_name() returns the nick which we need to reclaim
sub S_001 {
$_[0]->{_did_start} = 1;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_433 {
my ($self,$irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
# this is the nickname which we failed to get...
my $offending = ${ $_[2] }->[0];
# only reclaim if we don't have a nick we can use...
#...and it's not a startup routine where ->nick_name cannot used (and needs to be reclaimed)
if (!$self->{_did_start} || $irc->nick_name() eq $offending) {
# we will store the nick with the underscore in ->{_claims}... in sub U_nick{} we would know which ones were caused... NickReclaim and which ones need to change the "real" nick
$offending .= '_';
$self->{_claims}{ $offending } = 1;
# we will kindly ask the server to give us the nick with an underscore...
$irc->yield( nick => $offending );
# cancel old alarm, we won't need it anymore, considering we are going... post a new one.
# BingOS, is there a ->is_still_alarm() method to check if the alarm.. pending to go off? I couldn't find it in the docs, but would be
#...nice to have (and use right here)
$irc->delay_remove( $self->{_alarm_id} );
$self->{_alarm_id} = $irc->delay(
[ nick => $self->{_nick} ],
); # note that we are asking the server to give us ->{_nick} which is...
#....our "real" nick.
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
=head1 NAME
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickReclaim - A PoCo-IRC plugin for reclaiming
your nickname
use strict;
use warnings;
use POE qw(Component::IRC Component::IRC::Plugin::NickReclaim);
my $nickname = 'Flibble' . $$;
my $ircname = 'Flibble the Sailor Bot';
my $ircserver = 'irc.blahblahblah.irc';
my $port = 6667;
my $irc = POE::Component::IRC->spawn(
nick => $nickname,
server => $ircserver,
port => $port,
ircname => $ircname,
) or die "Oh noooo! $!";
package_states => [
main => [ qw(_start) ],
sub _start {
$irc->yield( register => 'all' );
# Create and load our NickReclaim plugin, before we connect
$irc->plugin_add( 'NickReclaim' =>
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickReclaim->new( poll => 30 ) );
$irc->yield( connect => { } );
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickReclaim - A
L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC> plugin automagically deals with
your bot's nickname being in use and reclaims it when it becomes available
It registers and handles 'irc_433' events. On receiving a 433 event it will
reset the nickname to the 'nick' specified with C<spawn> or C<connect>,
appendedwith an underscore, and then poll to try and change it to the
original nickname.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new>
Takes one optional argument:
B<'poll'>, the number of seconds between nick change attempts, default is 30;
Returns a plugin object suitable for feeding to
L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC>'s C<plugin_add> method.
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris 'BinGOs' Williams
With amendments applied by Zoffix Znet
=head1 SEE ALSO