$POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger::AUTHORITY = 'cpan:HINRIK';
$POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger::VERSION = '6.81';
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Carp;
use File::Glob ':glob';
use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile rel2abs);
use IRC::Utils qw(lc_irc parse_user strip_color strip_formatting decode_irc);
use POSIX qw(strftime);
sub new {
my ($package) = shift;
croak "$package requires an even number of arguments" if @_ & 1;
my %self = @_;
if (!defined $self{Path} && ref $self{Log_sub} ne 'CODE') {
die "$package requires a Path";
return bless \%self, $package;
sub PCI_register {
my ($self, $irc) = @_;
if (!$irc->isa('POE::Component::IRC::State')) {
die __PACKAGE__ . ' requires PoCo::IRC::State or a subclass thereof';
if ( !grep { $_->isa('POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotTraffic') } values %{ $irc->plugin_list() } ) {
$irc->plugin_add('BotTraffic', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotTraffic->new());
if ($self->{Restricted}) {
$self->{dir_perm} = oct 700;
$self->{file_perm} = oct 600;
else {
$self->{dir_perm} = oct 755;
$self->{file_perm} = oct 644;
$self->{Path} = bsd_glob($self->{Path}) if ref $self->{Log_sub} ne 'CODE';
if (defined $self->{Path} && ! -d $self->{Path}) {
mkdir $self->{Path}, $self->{dir_perm}
or die 'Cannot create directory ' . $self->{Path} . ": $!; aborted";
$self->{Path} = rel2abs($self->{Path});
$self->{irc} = $irc;
$self->{logging} = { };
$self->{Private} = 1 if !defined $self->{Private};
$self->{Public} = 1 if !defined $self->{Public};
$self->{DCC} = 1 if !defined $self->{DCC};
$self->{Format} = $self->default_format() if !defined $self->{Format};
$irc->plugin_register($self, 'SERVER', qw(001 332 333 chan_mode
ctcp_action bot_action bot_msg bot_public bot_notice join kick msg
nick part public notice quit topic dcc_start dcc_chat dcc_done));
$irc->plugin_register($self, 'USER', 'dcc_chat');
return 1;
sub PCI_unregister {
return 1;
sub S_001 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
$self->{logging} = { };
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_332 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $chan = decode_irc(${ $_[2] }->[0]);
my $topic = $self->_normalize(${ $_[2] }->[1]);
# only log this if we were just joining the channel
$self->_log_entry($chan, topic_is => $chan, $topic) if !$irc->channel_list($chan);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_333 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my ($chan, $user, $time) = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
$chan = decode_irc($chan);
# only log this if we were just joining the channel
$self->_log_entry($chan, topic_set_by => $chan, $user, $time) if !$irc->channel_list($chan);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_chan_mode {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
pop @_;
my $nick = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $chan = decode_irc(${ $_[1] });
my $mode = ${ $_[2] };
my $arg = defined $_[3] ? ${ $_[3] } : '';
$self->_log_entry($chan, $mode => $nick, $arg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_ctcp_action {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $sender = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $recipients = ${ $_[1] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[2] });
for my $recipient (@{ $recipients }) {
if ($recipient eq $irc->nick_name()) {
$self->_log_entry($sender, action => $sender, $msg);
else {
$recipient = decode_irc($recipient);
$self->_log_entry($recipient, action => $sender, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_notice {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $sender = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $targets = ${ $_[1] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[2] });
for my $target (@{ $targets }) {
if ($target eq $irc->nick_name()) {
$self->_log_entry($sender, notice => $sender, $msg);
else {
$target = decode_irc($target);
$self->_log_entry($target, notice => $sender, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_bot_action {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $recipients = ${ $_[0] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[1] });
for my $recipient (@{ $recipients }) {
$recipient = decode_irc($recipient);
$self->_log_entry($recipient, action => $irc->nick_name(), $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_bot_msg {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $recipients = ${ $_[0] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[1] });
for my $recipient (@{ $recipients }) {
$self->_log_entry($recipient, privmsg => $irc->nick_name(), $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_bot_public {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $channels = ${ $_[0] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[1] });
for my $chan (@{ $channels }) {
$chan = decode_irc($chan);
$self->_log_entry($chan, privmsg => $irc->nick_name(), $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_bot_notice {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $targets = ${ $_[0] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[1] });
for my $target (@{ $targets }) {
$target = decode_irc($target);
$self->_log_entry($target, notice => $irc->nick_name(), $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_join {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my ($joiner, $user, $host) = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $chan = decode_irc(${ $_[1] });
$self->_log_entry($chan, join => $joiner, "$user\@$host", $chan);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_kick {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $kicker = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $chan = decode_irc(${ $_[1] });
my $victim = ${ $_[2] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[3] });
$self->_log_entry($chan, kick => $kicker, $victim, $chan, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_msg {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $sender = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[2] });
$self->_log_entry($sender, privmsg => $sender, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_nick {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $old_nick = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $new_nick = ${ $_[1] };
my $channels = ${ $_[2] };
for my $chan (@{ $channels }) {
$chan = decode_irc($chan);
$self->_log_entry($chan, nick_change => $old_nick, $new_nick);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_part {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my ($parter, $user, $host) = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $chan = decode_irc(${ $_[1] });
my $msg = ref $_[2] eq 'SCALAR' ? ${ $_[2] } : '';
$msg = $self->_normalize($msg);
$self->_log_entry($chan, part => $parter, "$user\@$host", $chan, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_public {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $sender = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $channels = ${ $_[1] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[2] });
for my $chan (@{ $channels }) {
$chan = decode_irc($chan);
$self->_log_entry($chan, privmsg => $sender, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_quit {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my ($quitter, $user, $host) = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[1] });
my $channels = ${ $_[2] };
for my $chan (@{ $channels }) {
$chan = decode_irc($chan);
$self->_log_entry($chan, quit => $quitter, "$user\@$host", $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_topic {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $changer = parse_user(${ $_[0] });
my $chan = decode_irc(${ $_[1] });
my $new_topic = $self->_normalize(${ $_[2] });
$self->_log_entry($chan, topic_change => $changer, $new_topic);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_dcc_start {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $nick = ${ $_[1] };
my $type = ${ $_[2] };
my $port = ${ $_[3] };
my $addr = ${ $_[6] };
return PCI_EAT_NONE if $type ne 'CHAT';
$self->_log_entry("=$nick", dcc_start => $nick, "$addr:$port");
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_dcc_chat {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $nick = ${ $_[1] };
my $msg = $self->_normalize(${ $_[3] });
if (my ($action) = $msg =~ /\001ACTION (.*?)\001/) {
$self->_log_entry("=$nick", action => $nick, $action);
else {
$self->_log_entry("=$nick", privmsg => $nick, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub U_dcc_chat {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
pop @_;
my ($id, @lines) = @_;
$_ = $$_ for @lines;
my $me = $irc->nick_name();
my ($dcc) = grep { $_->isa('POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::DCC') } values %{ $irc->plugin_list() };
my $info = $dcc->dcc_info($$id);
my $nick = $info->{nick};
for my $msg (@lines) {
$msg = $self->_normalize($msg);
if (my ($action) = $msg =~ /\001ACTION (.*?)\001/) {
$self->_log_entry("=$nick", action => $me, $action);
else {
$self->_log_entry("=$nick", privmsg => $me, $msg);
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_dcc_done {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $nick = ${ $_[1] };
my $type = ${ $_[2] };
my $port = ${ $_[3] };
my $addr = ${ $_[7] };
return PCI_EAT_NONE if $type ne 'CHAT';
$self->_log_entry("=$nick", dcc_done => $nick, "$addr:$port");
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub _log_entry {
my ($self, $context, $type, @args) = @_;
my ($date, $time) = split / /, (strftime '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S ', localtime);
$context = lc_irc $context, $self->{irc}->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my $chantypes = join('', @{ $self->{irc}->isupport('CHANTYPES') || ['#', '&']});
if ($context =~ /^[$chantypes]/) {
return if !$self->{Public};
elsif ($context =~ /^=/) {
return if !$self->{DCC};
else {
return if !$self->{Private};
return if $type eq 'notice' && !$self->{Notices};
if (ref $self->{Log_sub} eq 'CODE') {
$self->{Log_sub}->($context, $type, @args);
return if !defined $self->{Format}->{$type};
# slash is problematic in a filename, replace it with underscore
$context =~ s!/!_!g;
my $log_file;
if ($self->{Sort_by_date}) {
my $log_dir = catdir($self->{Path}, $context);
if (! -d $log_dir) {
mkdir $log_dir, $self->{dir_perm}
or die "Couldn't create directory $log_dir: $!; aborted";
$log_file = catfile($self->{Path}, $context, "$date.log");
else {
$log_file = catfile($self->{Path}, "$context.log");
$log_file = $self->_open_log($log_file);
if (!$self->{logging}->{$context}) {
print $log_file "***\n*** LOGGING BEGINS\n***\n";
$self->{logging}->{$context} = 1;
my $line = "$time " . $self->{Format}->{$type}->(@args);
$line = "$date $line" if !$self->{Sort_by_date};
print $log_file $line, "\n";
sub _open_log {
my ($self, $file_name) = @_;
sysopen(my $log, $file_name, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, $self->{file_perm})
or die "Couldn't open or create file '$file_name': $!; aborted";
binmode($log, ':encoding(utf8)');
return $log;
sub _normalize {
my ($self, $line) = @_;
$line = decode_irc($line);
$line = strip_color($line) if $self->{Strip_color};
$line = strip_formatting($line) if $self->{Strip_formatting};
return $line;
sub default_format {
return {
'+b' => sub { my ($nick, $mask) = @_; "--- $nick sets ban on $mask" },
'-b' => sub { my ($nick, $mask) = @_; "--- $nick removes ban on $mask" },
'+e' => sub { my ($nick, $mask) = @_; "--- $nick sets exempt on $mask" },
'-e' => sub { my ($nick, $mask) = @_; "--- $nick removes exempt on $mask" },
'+I' => sub { my ($nick, $mask) = @_; "--- $nick sets invite on $mask" },
'-I' => sub { my ($nick, $mask) = @_; "--- $nick removes invite on $mask" },
'+h' => sub { my ($nick, $subject) = @_; "--- $nick gives channel half-operator status to $subject" },
'-h' => sub { my ($nick, $subject) = @_; "--- $nick removes channel half-operator status from $subject" },
'+o' => sub { my ($nick, $subject) = @_; "--- $nick gives channel operator status to $subject" },
'-o' => sub { my ($nick, $subject) = @_; "--- $nick removes channel operator status from $subject" },
'+v' => sub { my ($nick, $subject) = @_; "--- $nick gives voice to $subject" },
'-v' => sub { my ($nick, $subject) = @_; "--- $nick removes voice from $subject" },
'+k' => sub { my ($nick, $key) = @_; "--- $nick sets channel keyword to $key" },
'-k' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick removes channel keyword" },
'+l' => sub { my ($nick, $limit) = @_; "--- $nick sets channel user limit to $limit" },
'-l' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick removes channel user limit" },
'+i' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick enables invite-only channel status" },
'-i' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick disables invite-only channel status" },
'+m' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick enables channel moderation" },
'-m' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick disables channel moderation" },
'+n' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick disables external messages" },
'-n' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick enables external messages" },
'+p' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick enables private channel status" },
'-p' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick disables private channel status" },
'+s' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick enables secret channel status" },
'-s' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick disables secret channel status" },
'+t' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick enables topic protection" },
'-t' => sub { my ($nick) = @_; "--- $nick disables topic protection" },
nick_change => sub { my ($old_nick, $new_nick) = @_; "--- $old_nick is now known as $new_nick" },
topic_is => sub { my ($chan, $topic) = @_; "--- Topic for $chan is: $topic" },
topic_change => sub { my ($nick, $topic) = @_; "--- $nick changes the topic to: $topic" },
privmsg => sub { my ($nick, $msg) = @_; "<$nick> $msg" },
notice => sub { my ($nick, $msg) = @_; ">$nick< $msg" },
action => sub { my ($nick, $action) = @_; "* $nick $action" },
dcc_start => sub { my ($nick, $address) = @_; "--> Opened DCC chat connection with $nick ($address)" },
dcc_done => sub { my ($nick, $address) = @_; "<-- Closed DCC chat connection with $nick ($address)" },
join => sub { my ($nick, $userhost, $chan) = @_; "--> $nick ($userhost) joins $chan" },
part => sub {
my ($nick, $userhost, $chan, $msg) = @_;
my $line = "<-- $nick ($userhost) leaves $chan";
$line .= " ($msg)" if $msg ne '';
return $line;
quit => sub {
my ($nick, $userhost, $msg) = @_;
my $line = "<-- $nick ($userhost) quits";
$line .= " ($msg)" if $msg ne '';
return $line;
kick => sub {
my ($kicker, $victim, $chan, $msg) = @_;
my $line = "<-- $kicker kicks $victim from $chan";
$line .= " ($msg)" if $msg ne '';
return $line;
topic_set_by => sub {
my ($chan, $user, $time) = @_;
my $date = localtime $time;
return "--- Topic for $chan was set by $user at $date";
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger - A PoCo-IRC plugin which
logs public, private, and DCC chat messages to disk
use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger;
$irc->plugin_add('Logger', POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger->new(
Path => '/home/me/irclogs',
DCC => 0,
Private => 0,
Public => 1,
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger is a L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC>
plugin. It logs messages and CTCP ACTIONs to either F<#some_channel.log> or
F<some_nickname.log> in the supplied path. In the case of DCC chats, a '=' is
prepended to the nickname (like in irssi).
The plugin tries to detect UTF-8 encoding of every message or else falls back
to CP1252, like irssi (and, supposedly, mIRC) does by default. Resulting log
files will be UTF-8 encoded. The default log format is similar to xchat's,
except that it's sane and parsable.
This plugin requires the IRC component to be L<POE::Component::IRC::State|POE::Component::IRC::State>
or a subclass thereof. It also requires a L<POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotTraffic|POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BotTraffic>
to be in the plugin pipeline. It will be added automatically if it is not
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new>
B<'Path'>, the place where you want the logs saved.
B<'Private'>, whether or not to log private messages. Defaults to 1.
B<'Public'>, whether or not to log public messages. Defaults to 1.
B<'DCC'>, whether or not to log DCC chats. Defaults to 1.
B<'Notices'>, whether or not to log NOTICEs. Defaults to 0.
B<'Sort_by_date'>, whether or not to split log files by date, i.e.
F<#channel/YYYY-MM-DD.log> instead of F<#channel.log>. If enabled, the date
will be omitted from the timestamp. Defaults to 0.
B<'Strip_color'>, whether or not to strip all color codes from messages. Defaults
to 0.
B<'Strip_formatting'>, whether or not to strip all formatting codes from messages.
Defaults to 0.
B<'Restricted'>, set this to 1 if you want all directories/files to be created
without read permissions for other users (i.e. 700 for dirs and 600 for files).
Defaults to 1.
B<'Format'>, a hash reference representing the log format, if you want to define
your own. See the source for details.
B<'Log_sub'>, a subroutine reference which can be used to override the file
logging. Use this if you want to store logs in a database instead, for
example. It will be called with 3 arguments: the context (a channel name or
nickname), a type (e.g. 'privmsg' or '+b', and any arguments to that type.
You can make use L</default_format> to create logs that match the default
log format. B<Note:> You must take care of handling date/time and stripping
colors/formatting codes yourself.
Returns a plugin object suitable for feeding to
L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC>'s C<plugin_add> method.
=head2 C<default_format>
Returns a hash reference of type/subroutine pairs, for formatting logs
according to the default log format.
=head1 AUTHOR
Hinrik E<Ouml>rn SigurE<eth>sson,