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our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:HINRIK';
$POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Whois::VERSION = '6.91';
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use POE;
use POE::Component::IRC::Plugin qw( PCI_EAT_NONE );
use IRC::Utils qw(uc_irc);
sub new {
return bless { }, shift;
sub PCI_register {
my( $self, $irc ) = @_;
$irc->plugin_register( $self, 'SERVER', qw(307 310 311 312 313 314 317 318 319 330 338 369) );
return 1;
sub PCI_unregister {
return 1;
sub S_311 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my @args = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
my $real = pop @args;
my ($rnick,$user,$host) = @args;
my $nick = uc_irc $rnick, $mapping;
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{nick} = $rnick;
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{user} = $user;
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{host} = $host;
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{real} = $real;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_313 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my $nick = uc_irc ${ $_[2] }->[0], $mapping;
my $oper = ${ $_[2] }->[1];
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{oper} = $oper;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_312 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my ($nick,$server) = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
$nick = uc_irc $nick, $mapping;
# This can be returned in reply to either a WHOIS or a WHOWAS *sigh*
if ( defined $self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick } ) {
$self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick }->{server} = $server;
else {
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{server} = $server;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_317 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my ($nick,@args) = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
$nick = uc_irc $nick, $mapping;
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{idle} = $args[0];
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{signon} = $args[1];
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_319 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my @args = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
my $nick = uc_irc shift ( @args ), $mapping;
my @chans = split / /, shift @args;
if ( !defined $self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{channels} ) {
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{channels} = [ @chans ];
else {
push( @{ $self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{channels} }, @chans );
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_330 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my ($nick, $ident) = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
$self->{WHOIS}->{ uc_irc ( $nick, $mapping ) }->{identified} = $ident;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
no warnings 'once';
*S_307 = \&S_330; # RPL_WHOISREGNICK
sub S_310 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my ($nick, $modes) = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
$self->{WHOIS}->{ uc_irc ( $nick, $mapping ) }->{modes} = $modes;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
# RPL_WHOISACTUALLY (Hybrid/Ratbox/others)
sub S_338 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my $nick = uc_irc ${ $_[2] }->[0], $mapping;
my $ip = ${ $_[2] }->[1];
$self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick }->{actually} = $ip;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_318 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my $nick = uc_irc ${ $_[2] }->[0], $mapping;
my $whois = delete $self->{WHOIS}->{ $nick };
$irc->send_event_next( 'irc_whois', $whois ) if defined $whois;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_314 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my @args = @{ ${ $_[2] } };
my $real = pop @args;
my ($rnick,$user,$host) = @args;
my $nick = uc_irc $rnick, $mapping;
$self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick }->{nick} = $rnick;
$self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick }->{user} = $user;
$self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick }->{host} = $host;
$self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick }->{real} = $real;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
sub S_369 {
my ($self, $irc) = splice @_, 0, 2;
my $mapping = $irc->isupport('CASEMAPPING');
my $nick = uc_irc ${ $_[2] }->[0], $mapping;
my $whowas = delete $self->{WHOWAS}->{ $nick };
$irc->send_event_next( 'irc_whowas', $whowas ) if defined $whowas;
return PCI_EAT_NONE;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Whois - A PoCo-IRC plugin that generates events
for WHOIS and WHOWAS replies
POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Whois is the reimplementation of the C<irc_whois>
and C<irc_whowas> code from L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC> as a
plugin. It is used internally by L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC>
so there is no need to use this plugin yourself.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 C<new>
No arguments required. Returns a plugin object suitable for feeding to
L<POE::Component::IRC|POE::Component::IRC>'s C<plugin_add> method.
=head1 AUTHOR
Chris "BinGOs" Williams
=head1 SEE ALSO