POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server - A Metabase relay server component


use strict;
use warnings;

use POE qw[Component::Metabase::Relay::Server];

my $test_httpd = POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server->spawn( 
  port    => 8080, 
  id_file => shift, 
  dsn     => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=dbfile',
  uri     => '',
  debug   => 1,

exit 0;


POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server is a relay server for Metabase. It provides a listener that accepts connections from Test::Reporter::Transport::Socket based CPAN Testers and relays the Storable serialised data to Metabase using POE::Component::Metabase::Client::Submit.



Spawns a new component session and creates a SQLite database if it doesn't already exist.

Takes a number of mandatory parameters:

'id_file', the file path of a Metabase ID file;
'dsn', a DBI DSN to use to store the submission queue;
'uri', the uri of metabase server to submit to;

and a number of optional parameters:

'address', the address to bind the listener to, defaults to INADDR_ANY;
'port', the port to listen on, defaults to 0, which picks a random port;
'username', a DSN username if required;
'password', a DSN password if required;
'db_opts', a hashref of DBD options that is passed to POE::Component::EasyDBI;
'debug', enable debugging information;
'multiple', set to true to enable the Queue to use multiple PoCo-Client-HTTPs, default 0;


Chris BinGOs Williams


Copyright © Chris Williams

This module may be used, modified, and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the license that came with your Perl distribution for details.