POE::Component::Server::NNTP - A component that provides NNTP server functionality.
use strict;
use POE qw(Component::Server::NNTP);
my %groups;
while(<DATA>) {
push @{ $groups{'perl.cpan.testers'}->{'<>'} }, $_;
my $nntpd = POE::Component::Server::NNTP->spawn(
alias => 'nntpd',
posting => 0,
port => 10119,
package_states => [
'main' => [ qw(
) ],
options => { trace => 0 },
exit 0;
sub _start {
my ($kernel,$heap) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP];
$heap->{clients} = { };
$kernel->post( 'nntpd', 'register', 'all' );
sub nntpd_connection {
my ($kernel,$heap,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
$heap->{clients}->{ $client_id } = { };
sub nntpd_disconnected {
my ($kernel,$heap,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,ARG0];
delete $heap->{clients}->{ $client_id };
sub nntpd_cmd_slave {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0];
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '202 slave status noted' );
sub nntpd_cmd_post {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0];
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '440 posting not allowed' );
sub nntpd_cmd_ihave {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0];
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '435 article not wanted' );
sub nntpd_cmd_newnews {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0];
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '230 list of new articles follows' );
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '.' );
sub nntpd_cmd_newgroups {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0];
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '231 list of new newsgroups follows' );
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '.' );
sub nntpd_cmd_list {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0];
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '215 list of newsgroups follows' );
foreach my $group ( keys %groups ) {
my $reply = join ' ', $group, scalar keys %{ $groups{$group} }, 1, 'n';
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, $reply );
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '.' );
sub nntpd_cmd_group {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id,$group) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0,ARG1];
unless ( $group or exists $groups{lc $group} ) {
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '411 no such news group' );
$group = lc $group;
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, "211 1 1 1 $group selected" );
$_[HEAP]->{clients}->{ $client_id } = { group => $group };
sub nntpd_cmd_article {
my ($kernel,$sender,$client_id,$article) = @_[KERNEL,SENDER,ARG0,ARG1];
my $group = 'perl.cpan.testers';
if ( !$article and !defined $_[HEAP]->{clients}->{ $client_id}->{group} ) {
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '412 no newsgroup selected' );
$article = 1 unless $article;
if ( $article !~ /^<.*>$/ and $article ne '1' ) {
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '423 no such article number' );
if ( $article =~ /^<.*>$/ and !defined $groups{$group}->{$article} ) {
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '430 no such article found' );
foreach my $msg_id ( keys %{ $groups{$group} } ) {
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, "220 1 $msg_id article retrieved - head and body follow" );
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, $_ ) for @{ $groups{$group}->{$msg_id } };
$kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $client_id, '.' );
Newsgroups: perl.cpan.testers
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2006 09:27:56 +0000
Subject: PASS POE-Component-IRC-5.14 cygwin-thread-multi-64int 1.5.21(0.15642)
Message-ID: <>
This distribution has been tested as part of the cpan-testers
effort to test as many new uploads to CPAN as possible. See
POE::Component::Server::NNTP is a POE component that implements an RFC 977 NNTP server. It is the companion component to POE::Component::Client::NNTP which implements NNTP client functionality.
You spawn an NNTP server component, create your POE sessions then register your session to receive events. Whenever clients connect, disconnect or send valid NNTP protocol commands you will receive an event and an unique client ID. You then parse and process the commands given and send back applicable NNTP responses.
This component doesn't implement the news database and as such is not by itself a complete NNTP daemon implementation.
- spawn
Takes a number of optional arguments:
'alias', set an alias on the component; 'options', a hashref of POE::Session options; 'posting', a true or false value that determines whether the poco responds with a 200 or 201 to clients; 'handle_connects', true or false whether the poco sends 200/201 responses to connecting clients automagically; 'extra_cmds', an arrayref of additional NNTP commands that you wish to implement.
Returns a POE::Component::Server::NNTP object.
- session_id
Returns the POE::Session ID of the component.
- shutdown
Terminates the component. Shuts down the listener and disconnects connected clients.
- send_event
Sends an event through the component's event handling system.
- send_to_client
Send some output to a connected client. First parameter must be a valid client id. Second parameter is a string of text to send.
These are events that the component will accept:
- register
Takes N arguments: a list of event names that your session wants to listen for, minus the 'nntpd_' prefix, ( this is similar to POE::Component::IRC ).
Registering for 'all' will cause it to send all NNTPD-related events to you; this is the easiest way to handle it.
- unregister
Takes N arguments: a list of event names which you don't want to receive. If you've previously done a 'register' for a particular event which you no longer care about, this event will tell the NNTPD to stop sending them to you. (If you haven't, it just ignores you. No big deal).
- shutdown
Terminates the component. Shuts down the listener and disconnects connected clients.
- send_event
Sends an event through the component's event handling system.
- send_to_client
Send some output to a connected client. First parameter must be a valid client ID. Second parameter is a string of text to send.
The component sends the following events to registered sessions:
- nntpd_registered
This event is sent to a registering session. ARG0 is POE::Component::Server::NNTP object.
- nntpd_listener_failed
Generated if the component cannot either start a listener or there is a problem accepting client connections. ARG0 contains the name of the operation that failed. ARG1 and ARG2 hold numeric and string values for $!, respectively.
- nntpd_connection
Generated whenever a client connects to the component. ARG0 is the client ID, ARG1 is the client's IP address, ARG2 is the client's TCP port. ARG3 is our IP address and ARG4 is our socket port.
- nntpd_disconnected
Generated whenever a client disconnects. ARG0 is the client ID.
- nntpd_cmd_*
Generated for each NNTP command that a connected client sends to us. ARG0 is the client ID. ARG1 .. ARGn are any parameters that are sent with the command. Check the RFC for details.
- nntpd_posting
When the component receives a posting from a client, either as the result of a IHAVE or POST command, this event is issued. ARG0 will be the client ID. ARG1 will be either a '335' or '340' indicating what the posting relates to ( either an IHAVE or POST ). ARG2 will be an arrayref containing the raw lines that the client sent us. No additional parsing is undertaken on this data.
POE::Component::Server::NNTP utilises POE::Component::Pluggable to enable a POE::Component::IRC type plugin system.
There are two types of handlers that can registered for by plugins, these are
These are the 'nntpd_' prefixed events that are generated. In a handler arguments are passed as scalar refs so that you may mangle the values if required.
These are generated whenever a response is sent to a client. Again, any arguments passed are scalar refs for manglement. There is really on one type of this handler generated 'NNTPC_response'
Plugin handlers should return a particular value depending on what action they wish to happen to the event. These values are available as constants which you can use with the following line:
use POE::Component::Server::NNTP::Constants qw(:ALL);
The return values have the following significance:
This means the event will continue to be processed by remaining plugins and finally, sent to interested sessions that registered for it.
This means the event will continue to be processed by remaining plugins but it will not be sent to any sessions that registered for it. This means nothing will be sent out on the wire if it was an NNTPC event, beware!
This means the event will not be processed by remaining plugins, it will go straight to interested sessions.
This means the event will be completely discarded, no plugin or session will see it. This means nothing will be sent out on the wire if it was an NNTPC event, beware!
The following methods are available:
- pipeline
Returns the POE::Component::Pluggable::Pipeline object.
- plugin_add
Accepts two arguments:
The alias for the plugin The actual plugin object
The alias is there for the user to refer to it, as it is possible to have multiple plugins of the same kind active in one POE::Component::Server::NNTP object.
This method goes through the pipeline's push() method.
This method will call $plugin->plugin_register( $nntpd )
Returns the number of plugins now in the pipeline if plugin was initialized, undef if not.
- plugin_del
Accepts one argument:
The alias for the plugin or the plugin object itself
This method goes through the pipeline's remove() method.
This method will call $plugin->plugin_unregister( $nntpd )
Returns the plugin object if the plugin was removed, undef if not.
- plugin_get
Accepts one argument:
The alias for the plugin
This method goes through the pipeline's get() method.
Returns the plugin object if it was found, undef if not.
- plugin_list
Has no arguments.
Returns a hashref of plugin objects, keyed on alias, or an empty list if there are no plugins loaded.
- plugin_order
Has no arguments.
Returns an arrayref of plugin objects, in the order which they are encountered in the pipeline.
- plugin_register
Accepts the following arguments:
The plugin object The type of the hook, NNTPD or NNTPC The event name(s) to watch
The event names can be as many as possible, or an arrayref. They correspond to the prefixed events and naturally, arbitrary events too.
You do not need to supply events with the prefix in front of them, just the names.
It is possible to register for all events by specifying 'all' as an event.
Returns 1 if everything checked out fine, undef if something's seriously wrong
- plugin_unregister
Accepts the following arguments:
The plugin object The type of the hook, NNTPD or NNTPC The event name(s) to unwatch
The event names can be as many as possible, or an arrayref. They correspond to the prefixed events and naturally, arbitrary events too.
You do not need to supply events with the prefix in front of them, just the names.
It is possible to register for all events by specifying 'all' as an event.
Returns 1 if all the event name(s) was unregistered, undef if some was not found.
The basic anatomy of a plugin is:
package Plugin;
# Import the constants, of course you could provide your own
# constants as long as they map correctly.
use POE::Component::Server::NNTP::Constants qw( :ALL );
# Our constructor
sub new {
# Required entry point for plugins
sub plugin_register {
my( $self, $nntpd ) = @_;
# Register events we are interested in
$nntpd->plugin_register( $self, 'NNTPD', qw(all) );
# Return success
return 1;
# Required exit point for pluggable
sub plugin_unregister {
my( $self, $nntpd ) = @_;
# Pluggable will automatically unregister events for the plugin
# Do some cleanup...
# Return success
return 1;
sub _default {
my( $self, $nntpd, $event ) = splice @_, 0, 3;
print "Default called for $event\n";
# Return an exit code
Chris BinGOs
Williams <>
RFC 977